Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Good Book - The Gospel According To Rome

Here is another good book.  It compares the Roman Catholic Church's tradition with God's Word.  It's author grew up in this tradition and knew it's doctrines very well.  As an adult he came to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of his soul through the grace of God.  It was an instantaneous conversion.  Remarkable to him after having believed he had to work (all his life long) to earn salvation.  He found that Jesus already had done that work and that he could be absolutely, positively, 100 % sure of salvation through Jesus Christ alone:  sins totally forgiven and eternal life 100 % assured.

James G. McCarthy, the Gospel According to Rome's author, talks about the 7 sacraments (a lifetime of milestones to fulfill and to earn, hopefully, salvation); the Mass and it's importance in Roman Catholic worship;  Mary whom they call the Mother of God but according to God's word, was the mother of Jesus and was not treated as divine and was therefore not to be worshiped; and the authority by which the Roman Catholic church operates (pope, bishops, magisterium, the Scriptures & tradition) as opposed to Jesus Christ being the head of the church.

This would be an excellent book for former Roman Catholics; for Roman Catholics who wonder about the differences between their tradition and the Word of God; for anyone who is a friend of a Roman Catholic or is just interested in what they teach compared with God's Word.

Some of the material covered may be a bit deep but for the most part I believe one can really learn from what McCarthy has to say.  He does not bash anyone on the head with what he has to say although some may find it difficult to accept if they have grown up in this Roman Catholic tradition.  

My hope is that many will discover the truth from God's Word, accept Jesus Christ as Savior and have that surety of salvation here and now upon the Earth before they die.  Come to Jesus before it is too late.

Happy Reading!

                                                      ~ERC  September 2019~

P. S.  I am not a marketer for this author nor for the publishing company.  I am just sharing a book I myself have found helpful.  (erc)

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