Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Young Men

While reading 1 John 2, verse 14 jumped out at me.  The part that says,

"...I write to you young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you..." (1 John 2:14 ESV)

especially impressed me.

Normally, we stereotype and think the "young men's" focus is on sports or career building or thoughts full of the opposite gender; that that's what they use their strength up on.  Surprisingly, these young men John refers to have "the word of God abiding" in them.  Stemming from this devotion to His Word, the young men are able to,

"...overcome the evil one" (1 John 2:14 ESV).

Last weekend, I met just such a group of young men and women.  It was so refreshing to see their earnestness and eagerness to also share the love of God and the message of Jesus with others.

This group were university age but there was also one in Form 2 (Grade 8); quite a young man of about 14 or 15 years.  They all had the common thread of zeal and commitment from allowing God's Word to abide in them.

They had been resistant and/or complacent with their Heavenly Father.  However, when they put away the 101 excuses they formerly had and instead, submitted themselves to Him, they also became in tune with God's purposes for them and that love for Him that helps lubricate and sustain the abiding in God and His Word.
I pray they will ever remain faithful to their Heavenly Father and His cause; abiding in His Word enabling them to overcome the evil one.

"Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth..." (Ecclesiastes 12:1 ESV)

Young men and women, use your young strength now and give it to your Heavenly Father to use according to His will and ways for your life.  If you continue to read Ecclesiastes 12, to verse 7, you'll see the difficulties of the older age and as you can well imagine, more difficult to get out and about.  Having said that though, on that weekend there was an 80 year old brother-in-Christ who, although totter-y, used what strength he had and was still abiding in God's word and sharing it with others; ever faithful from his youth, up.

So, to all the young men (and women) out there, I pray that prayer for you too!  There is so much to distract and derail even a most fervent intention and commitment.  May you all be ever faithful.

Store up treasure in Heaven.  Don't just stay in a "holy huddle"; go and share the message of Jesus.  That' what the young people I met were doing.

Do you know why?  It was because other such young people had shared with them.  They are carrying the baton now but are pro-actively passing it on.  They are touching the lives of others with Gods' Word accompanied with prayers that the recipients will also abide in God's Word.

Young men and women--be encouraged to:  use your strength to abide, overcome, and pass on God's abiding Word.

                                                        ~ERC  August 2019~

Here I am Lord, as sung by Eric Hall; a song of dedication and commitment.

You can also check out my Bible ABCs series about what the Bible does for us as we read and obey it.  The first in the series is Bible ABCs - Acquaints.  Have a look.

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