Sunday, August 25, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - The Lord's Prayer

I love the fact that Jesus was most willing to teach His disciples to pray, don't you? Even though the disciples wanted to be "in vogue" with other Rabbi's followers especially those of John the Baptisers'.  

"Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples" (Luke 11:1 NIV).

It was "a thing" the various Rabbis of the day did with their respective disciples and so Jesus was accommodating with His own little band of followers.  He set the example but did not force the practice of talking with His Father upon them.  

Sometimes, as parents, we may be a bit pushy and oblige our children to learn to pray because we know it is a good thing to do (pray and teach others to do so).  Then the child may well not really feel like it and be turned off or be rebellious about it.  However, if the parent is regularly in prayerful dependence upon their Heavenly Father and the children observe it, the "little arrows" may well naturally follow suit.

Jesus was often found in this pursuit of conferring with His Father, showing His dependence upon Him and His submission to His Father's will for His life.

This too is a good thing for each and every one of us followers of Jesus Christ to to do.  After all, He has done so much for us.  Jesus has brought us salvation, forgiveness of sins, eternal life through His death and resurrection.  If you have been reading this series of Lord's Day Devotions you will see multitudinous blessings attached to the salvation "package" God has bestowed on us who have faith in His Son Jesus Christ, which was brought about by His sacrifice for us; for all He has done for us.

This is the Heavenly Father on Whom we can depend.  Whose ear is always open to our cry.   Talk to Him; it's called prayer and communing with Him.  We can do so on a regular basis;  day in and day out.

Give thanks with a grateful heart for all He has done for you as you pass those emblems, those symbols of Jesus giving His body and blood for us, the bread and the cup of wine, and as we partake of them.  Do this in remembrance of Him.

Be like your Savior, pray in dependence upon your Heavenly Father and by example, teach others to pray.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2019~

I'm sorry, I just can't help myself...I need to share this wonderful song presented by Andrea Bocelli:  The Lord's Prayer.  Close your eyes and soak in the strains and meditations of the lyrics.

Here's another: Teach Me to Pray

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