Sunday, August 4, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Eternity (.....) Eternity

What is the difference between eternity past and eternity future?

First, let me say, God made Time and took a "time out" not because He was naughty but because He is so good and full of compassion. He also wanted more company.  I read that once in an article somewhere (can't remember the author or article's names).

That article said the Trinity was having such a wonderful time, that they wanted others to share eternity with Them.  So, the Trinity got busy creating:  besides the heavens and earth and all that in them are, the Trinity (God) created mankind to be the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10 NIV).  

All this creating created that parenthesis in eternity called, "Time".  "Time," like a blip or a dip on a heart monitor:  a long straight line, and then the blip or dip of Time continued thereafter by a long straight line.   There you have it:  Eternity (.....) Eternity.  In this case, of course, the straight line is a very good, never ending representation.  Thus Time became sandwiched between past and future (to our way of thinking) eternity.

We, meaning human kind, who are followers of Jesus Christ, look forward to being part of the vast throng who will be sharing eternity future with the Trinity.  

That's it in a nutshell.  All was wondrous and pronounced by God as being, "very good" (Genesis 1:31 ESV),

"And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good...."

God would come and commune with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day, in that idyllic Garden of Eden.  What peaceful , joyful interludes they must have had!

Sit back and cogitate on that a while.

It was what God had masterminded and "ordered".

Then BAM!

Satan had to stick his jealous oar into the proceedings.

The Fall happened.

No more communing.  Relationship cut off.

God had His rescue plan though.  He sent Jesus to atone for and redeem mankind's sorry state.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Thank-You, Jesus for Your sacrifice and making the way of salvation to reconnect with Father God.  Father, God, thank-You for Your Holy Spirit Who indwells us, your children.  You redeemed us by Your mighty outstretched hands.  Those same Trinity hands that fashioned us in Your image.

We remember all this Father God, as we partake of those emblems, the broken bread and cup of wine.  We do this in remembrance of Your death and resurrection in deep gratefulness and thanksgiving.

We are so grateful that You, Father, have taken the time to make Time for us, Your children.  We are eternally indebted to You.  We excitedly look forward to eternity future spent with You, in Your blissful Presence communing with You, minus the shackles of sin, suffering and death; the evil consequences of The Fall's fallout.

And that is the difference between eternity past and eternity future.

                                                       ~ERC  August 2019~

I'm not much of a fan of so-called worship songs which use a lot of "I will do this or that for you Lord" type of lyrics where the focus is on the individual rather than on our Savior.  However this Touch of Heaven - Hillsong  has some good thoughts in it in line with communing with our Heavenly Father in the here and now.  What will it be to be with Him in all eternity!  Beyond our imaginations!

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