Monday, August 12, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - PLIGHT

What plight are you experiencing at the moment?  Do you wonder if you should hang on and fight, or gear up for flight?

Suggestion:  scrutinize plight's spelling.  What do you see?  Can you see 'light' in 'plight'?  In the darkness that seems to surround your plight, fight to see some light.

Not just any light; look for the light of God.  This will not mean the darkness will be suddenly and magically and totally dispelled.  Oh, no!  Some folks endure plights for years on end.  For some, it's plight after plight.

The light of God will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105) guiding you through the darkness.  Think of your darkness as a tunnel, that has strategically placed lights, keeping you in your lane and seeing you safely through.

God's light has infinite illumination ability. He sent His Son Jesus to be the Light of the world.  Our world was filled with darkness.  God's Light, Jesus, shone on His creation bringing hope to His fallen creatures. 

In John 8:12 NIV Jesus said,

"I am the Light of the world.  Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Due to Jesus' death and resurrection, we followers of Jesus Christ have the Light of life with us to lead, guide and comfort us.

Maybe you can't feel it right now.  Or you question yourself, "Is God's light really with me?  He seems to be sleeping and to have turned off the Light."

Remember, Jesus was in the boat, yes, sleeping, albeit He was ready at a moment's notice to come to the rescue.  The disciples, many of whom were seasoned fishermen and used to the sea's moods in any variety of weather, were terrified!  They thought the light had been switched off (Matthew 8).

They did, however, turn to the one, who could deliver them in their "last moments".  They were all in the same boat, quite literally, and if it were possible to fight this plight (flight wasn't an option), they wanted Jesus in it with them.

They were not disappointed.  Jesus calmed the sea; the wind and waves.  He did so with His words.

We too can turn to the Word of God which will help to give: His light along the way; comfort through our dark hours of seeming aloneness and isolation.  Reach out to Him; He is our Living Hope and Light. This is a great privilege we have because He is our Father  and we His children.

He won't give us snakes and scorpions but the Bread and Light of life to govern our days and Light up our life to steer us through the darkness of any multitude of trials and tribulations.

Thank God as we remember Jesus, the Light of the World, in His death and resurrection on Lord's Day.  As we pass the bread and wine one to another, realize His reaches out to us, shines His Light for us, and walks with us through our valleys of darkness and shadows of death.

Praise God for His mercies.  Matthew 4:16 NIV gives more hope,

"...the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

Wait upon the Lord, our Light.  Let His brightness fill you and lead you and lift you up, despite your darkness, into His glorious light.  You don't have to fight or be in flight from your plight.

                                                           ~ERC  August 2019~

Sing along, Shine, Jesus Shine

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