Saturday, March 9, 2019

The enLightened Tourist

Whatever possessed the foreigners to christen that unique sailing vessel that gracefully plies the waters off Hong Kong, "Junk"!?  To me, the sight is enthralling, especially at night.  

The "Junk" comes to its full potential of magnificence at that bewitching hour.  For as twilight ebbs into darkness the Chinese Junk operators light up their vessels' sails.  What the landlubber observer could not see during the day becomes a glorious kaleidoscope at night.  Depending on the color of light used, and the design on the sails, the tourist is treated to overwhelming awesomeness crafted from "Junk".

It could be that some folks think of themselves as "junk".  Who cares about them, they may think, "I'm just worthless and maybe even evil!  I must be no good, cuz my mother, father, uncle, neighbor, treated me so abusively.  I'm nothing but a piece of junk!"

Ever feel like that?  Many people do, or have in the past.  It's a struggle of life.  Maybe even some think, "It's my karma.  In a past life I must have been committing bad acts/deeds; I deserve this treatment".  Whatever your thinking is, know that there is hope for better things.

Hope that is sure!  Perhaps 'sure hope' sounds like an oxymoron?  Hebrews 6:19 (NIV) assures,

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure..."

When we bring Jesus into the picture, we allow Him to illuminate our "sails".  His hope is sure and steadfast and won't make you ashamed.

Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world"  (John 8:12).  Look at the whole verse.

"Again Jesus spoke to them saying, "I am the Light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (ESV).

Learn this

"truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32 ESV).

Jesus cares about each and every single person even those who think they are of no value to anyone especially not even to themselves.  Jesus loves you to the very core of your innermost being!

He died for you.  He died, taking the punishment for the consequences of any sin you have done.  Why?  So you do not have to and because He loves you.  He doesn't want you to suffer.

Jesus is the Light.  He is Light and He wants you to have His light within you.  He wants to make the 'canvas' of your soul and spirit shine with all His glory for you are of great worth to Him.

He cares for you and all the rotten stuff that has happened and maybe is happening still, to you.  Bring all those hurts, violations and "junk" to Him.

He DOES NOT see you as junk.  He sees you as His marvelous creation, made in His image.  He longs to "light" you up with His Light.

Accept His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  The grace of our loving Lord Jesus Christ extends to "whoever".  Will you accept Him?

The light of life will then be in your "vessel" (spirit) as the Holy Spirit of God will indwell you and teach you how worthwhile you are; how precious you are in His sight.  As your mind grasps this truth, enlivening you, you will begin to sparkle and shine ablaze with His Light, love and life because you KNOW He loves you!  He loves you just the way you are.  He reaches down to draw you up.

His light will make an astonishing, awesome masterpiece of your life.

Read that line again and again and again.  

Believe it.

I pray for you that you will accept God's gift to you.  Also that He will help you to heal mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually from the devastation of violence and transgression perpetuated upon you that causes you to think negatively about yourself; and those of you who currently endure such treatment, that you will be able to find ways of literal escape.

May each of you reading this have the Light of Jesus indwelling you.  Permit Him to light up the "wind-catching apparatus" (sails) of your life, to reflect His light.  It will be a glorious irradiation piercing the darkness of your own life as well as some other 'tourist's' life who's observing from the sidelines on the shores of your life. 

                                                           ~ERC  March 2019~

I want to share two songs with you.  The first is Light of the World as sung by Tim Hughes, and the other is Let There Be Light, a Hillsong.  Quieten your hearts down.  Put your head down, close your eyes, listen in quietness to the messages.  May you be enlightened with God's love and light in your lives.  Reach out to Jesus.

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