Saturday, March 2, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Holy Ground

Last night in our Bible study group we began to read the book of Psalms.  The very first place to start, of course, is Psalm 1.  Coincidentally, or was it by God's design, I had very recently decided to read through the Psalms, five at a time.  (Incidentally, if you read five a day you can read through the whole book of Psalms in a month.)  Today's portion was Psalms 10-15.  The similarities between Psalm 1 and Psalm 15 struck me.  

Psalm 1 defines the difference between a righteous and a wicked person. Psalm 15 delineates what type of individual can go into God's "sacred tent" (NIV) and live on His "holy mountain" (NIV)...the righteous.

In Psalm 1 we discover that a "blessed" or righteous person does not associate with the wicked, sinners and mockers.  Rather, they choose to delight in and meditate upon God's Law day and night (vs 1-2).

Furthermore, he/she stays close to the Source of living water, such as a tree "planted by streams of water" (vs 3).  They are continually nourished and so grow, bloom and flourish, producing good fruit.

On the other hand, the wicked are useless, like chaff, and their ways lead to destruction and perishing (vs 4 & 6).

The focus here though is the righteous and blameless person; that is, made righteous in God's sight through the blood of Jesus Christ.  These are the ones entitled to dwell in God's sacred tent and live on His holy mountain.  Study Psalm 15 (NIV) for that amazing list of character traits of such a person.  There are some absolute attribute qualities.

Look at that list:  

"...does what is righteous; ...speaks the truth from the heart; ...tongue utters no slander; does no wrong to a neighbor; casts no slur on others; despises a vile person; honors those who fear the LORD; keeps an oath even when it hurts; ...does not change their mind; ...lends money to the poor without interest; ...does not accept a bribe against the innocent" (vs 2-5).

Seems almost impossible for us human beings to reach such status.  However, with the help of the Holy Spirit indwelling those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ we can aim for such perfection (2 Corinthians 13:11 NIV).  This is sanctification at work within us.  Such a child of God will...  

"...never be shaken" (Psalm 15:5 NIV)

These are also the ones eligible to enter our heavenly Father, God's, "sacred tent" and live on His "holy mountain".  Zoom back to the Old Testament-type worship during the ancient Israelites forty year traipse through the wilderness.  Where was God's presence?  In the Tabernacle God had instructed Moses to have made by precise measurements and materials and craftsmanship.  This was the place God's presence would dwell and go along with them.  He wanted to commune with them, be with them, lead and guide them all along the way.  He hadn't left them to their own devices but they would need to meet with Him on His terms which they had agreed to accept in covenant.

Holy is his Name and His presence was in the Holy of Holies in that tent made sacred by His presence.

Moses and some of the elders and leaders of the people met God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24).  They had to be 'holy' (ceremonially clean) to go up there to meet with Him.  Similarly, living on God's "holy mountain" may or may not refer to Mount Sinai, but the significance points to holy living;  holiness before God.

We know that when Jesus came and walked among men, He was the perfect, spotless, blameless One.  He was the One and Only actual worthy One to enter the "sacred tent" and "live on the holy mountain".  Praise God, Jesus' death and resurrection accorded mankind the righteousness required by God.  Acceptance of God's salvation through Jesus' sacrifice making atonement for all our unholiness and sin makes us acceptable in God's sight (Romans 4:5; 5:17 and 1 Corinthians 1:30).  God imputed His righteousness upon all who became (and become) His children; just as if we'd never sinned...justification...God's sovereignty.

"However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness" (Romans 4:5 NIV).

When we live that holy life, aiming towards perfection in our every day living, we enter God's presence; His sacred tent and holy mountain.  We won't be shaken.

Bow before Him then in holy reverence and fear, honor Him each Lord's Day as we remember what Jesus has done for us.  May gratitude bubble up to overflowing from our innermost being, and with 'holy hands' partake of the bread and wine as they pass from one child of God to the next.

"For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20 KJV).

God's presence is with us.  We stand on holy ground.

Live daily, blameless in His sight.

                                                          ~ERC  March 2019~

I want to share the song Holy Ground sung by the Bill and Gloria Gaither folks.

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