Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lord's Day Devotions - With Christ

Verses of Scripture can really trigger off meditations in the mind that are of moment to the meditator.  Sometimes the "oddest" verses spark the thoughts. Here's Psalm 16:9-11 ESV,

It really does make my heart glad to think that we do not just end up "six feet under" or dust in an urn situated on a shelf upon our physical death from this world.  Nor do we get left in Sheol (Hades), at least not those of us who know Jesus Christ as Savior.  

This particular verse hales back to David, whether he was still a shepherd boy or a king at the time, his thoughts dwelt on his after earth life and he rejoiced in the knowledge that he would have "pleasures forevermore" in God's presence.

We followers of Jesus Christ have this assurance too.  When we leave this earth we will be with Christ.  The apostle Paul made the statement, 

"...I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better..." (Philippians 1:21-23 NIV).

Paul was not having suicidal thoughts, he, like David, was pondering on life with Christ unencumbered by our earthly nature.  I will welcome my time too.  Paul knew that there was still plenty for him to do on earth at that time and was willing to submit to God's will on the matter.  His preference, however, was to be "with Christ".

This was made possible through Jesus's atoning death upon the cross for "whosoever".  Let us praise Him as we partake of the bread and wine on Lord's Day.  He went through so much to be able to give us so much.  Look forward to being with Him forever.

                                                          ~ERC  March 2019~

Just want to share this song.

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me from City Alight

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