Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Good Book - First Aid For Emotional Hurts

Some might think that this book is a book for counselors, however, according to the author, Edward E. Moody, Jr., Ph.D. of First Aid For Emotional Hurts, it is for one and all.  I recommend reading it.

Moody starts out delineating the well-known story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).  We all know about the poor chap who was attacked, beaten up, robbed and left for dead at the side of the road.  A priest and a Levite each traveled by but went on and passed by on the other side not lifting a single finger to help.  

A Samaritan man also came by but interrupted his journey to do more than just have a closer look.  He came to where the victim was, tended to his immediate hurts, lifted him onto his four-legged 'ambulance' and brought the man to the Inn.   Any further treatment was at this good Samaritan's expense.

The Samaritan did what he could and what was beyond his ability, he took to "the Inn".

The inn is not necessarily the could be, but it could be elsewhere as well.   It may be Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.  Or for someone with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), he or she may need psychiatric help...

The author suggests that someone who wishes to be of actual help to another, find out what options are available and lead the person to them as best they can.  

This Samaritan, could be you or me, or any church member who sees, and feels someone needs help even if the person doesn't realize it their self.  One does not need to be a specialist to observe.  If you have empathy for others, observe and see where one needs help.  Moody believes that we are all responsible to observe and help and to be a "Good Samaritan".

The difference between empathy and sympathy is that sympathy just says, "Oh, that is so sad...the poor thing," where empathy says, "Poor thing" and then is pro-active in giving what help they can or  finding help for the person.

There are different sections in the book, one about "tools" to help.  Prayer is one...when do you approach the person to give help?  How to give the help?  God's Word is another and the Internet, yet another.  That can be used to search for appropriate help needed.  Of course, your care group or church group; these not to be gossipy but with those who truly care.  The author does list some information that could help the would-be good Samaritan.  For example, the how's and why's people become addicted; that is getting at root  causes for various vices such as smoking, gambling, alcohol, drug addictions, etc.

Study Psalm 51...David's confession after Nathan confronted him.  In the end, David was grateful for the help.

It is a great book and I've barely skimmed the surface in this brief review.  I'm not an advertiser for the book but I do recommend reading it especially if you are an empathetic person and wish to help others.

                                                              ~ERC   March 2019~

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