Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 30

Historians and scientists the world over, seek knowledge and facts; they seek evidence and do a lot of digging, often quite literally, ha, ha, to get at it.  "Seeing is believing," they say.  They establish a hypothesis, do their experimentation, compare, and make conclusions from their data.  When they see their conclusions matching up to their surmises, ah-h-h, then they can have the confidence to believe.

None of this 'faith' stuff for them!  Blind faith, bah, humbug!

I have faith in faith.  The book of Hebrews tells us,

"..Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen..."

That is found in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews (KJV) which many followers of Jesus Christ call "The Faith Chapter," or a "Hall of Fame" of  Faith.  When you read it you will see it is an enumeration of those of old who have received a promise of some sort or who had believed in God trusting Him against all odds, many times not even having had their faith validated in their lifetime.  They clung onto that faith with great confidence in God.  Often times what had been promised came to fruition much, much later in history.  That kind of faith has substance.

Jesus at one point told Thomas,

"Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are  those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:24-29 ESV)

Yet God does not want us to have blind faith.  He doesn't want subservient puppets at his beck and call.  He wants us to be engaged in a relationship with Him.  He took pity on us human beings who feel we MUST have that documentation for everything.  In that same chapter of John, John writes,

"Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name."  (John 20:30-31 ESV).

Jesus lived as a fully human, human being while maintaining His being fully God on this earth, and that  for about thirty-three years.  He actively walked about doing miracles of healing and even restoring people back to life.  What other evidence does a person need to believe that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of the living God, and, for that matter in the first place, Who is God? 

Did you notice that?  Who IS God, NOT who believed Himself to be a god. 

John had been one of the disciples who was an eyewitness of Jesus's life, death, and who saw Him after His resurrection.  He saw all the wondrous things Jesus had done.  John writes and tells about many of Jesus's teachings in the gospel according to John and also in his epistle called 1 John.  John really wanted all his readers to know the truth and to have confidence to believe; to have the faith to believe even though we in subsequent generations and millennia  haven't seen as he saw.  This is not blind faith; his was a first hand account and he tells us about it.

John reiterates what he said in the gospel, again in 1 John 5:13,

"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know [emphasis mine] that you have eternal life..."

This leads us to have confidence to believe, to have faith in the other words of God as well.  Faith is the essence of evidence and has substance.  This is evidenced by the following example.

The Bereans.  The apostle Paul commended them for not taking him at his word. They searched the Scriptures daily to see if Paul's words matched up to God's.

"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.  As a result, many of them believed..."  (Acts 17:11-12).

Evidence is a scientist's treasure.  Faith is evidence, and faith is the follower of Jesus Christ's treasure. Faith is a gift of God and we can pray and ask Him for it.  He will give us the 'seed' of faith and then give us the experiences and opportunities for us to trust in Him which will help that faith grow and establish a strong relationship with Him as did the Biblical men and women of the Old and New Testament times.

What does all this discourse have to do with the comparison of Buddhism to God's Word?   The author, Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, of the book What Buddhists Believe writes that,

"Theistic faith is a sedative for the emotional mind and demands belief in things which cannot be explained." (Page 258).

He goes on to say that,

"Knowledge destroys faith and faith destroys itself...under a spotlight of reason." (Page 258)

Due to this, Sri Dhammananda says that therefore faith cannot give us any confidence.  He believes much the same way as do many historians and scientists; you gotta have the hard facts and reason.  Seeing is believing.  Faith has no part in the equation.

Further to that, he feels prayer is rather a useless endeavor.  Of course we are reminded that the Buddhist does not believe in a god, but relies only on oneself to help oneself.   What, they may ask you, is the point of prayer?

If you are in a burning house, you do not sit in your lazy boy chair and pray and ask God for intervention!  No, you call the fire department on your way out the door!   True enough, but we followers of Jesus Christ would likely pray anyway  making that phone call and our escape as quickly as possible.  We ask for the intervention.  We leave the results up to God.  We trust, we have faith that what this is all about will be revealed to us and that we show our faith and trust by still trusting even though a bad thing has happened.

There is such a thing as God's sovereignty and man's responsibility.  It is not my goal to pursue this topic here, but you may wish to read one of my other blog entries, Testing God, that deals with this parallel equilibrium.  However, I'll just share the following adage that addresses both sides of the equation in this regard, "Trust God and tie your camel."  The two work in tandem.

If you want to talk about prayer with a Buddhist, they may well tell you that Buddhist "prayer" is actually meditation (Page 261).  Meditation is something that is considered a beneficial practice to the Buddhist.  Sri Dhammananda highlights,

"Meditation is the psychological approach to mental culture, training and purification of the mind" (Page 262).

On what does a Buddhist meditate?  The Three Gems:  Buddha, The Dharma and the Sangha.  As they concentrate on those or on an object, perhaps a picture or statue of Buddha, controlling their breathing (in/exhaling), and with great patience, they hope to work towards purification of their mind.  If their thoughts can be good thoughts, then their words and deeds will follow suit.

Sri Dhammananda comments on Page 261 that,

"The Buddha himself has clearly expressed that neither the recital of holy Scriptures, nor self-torture, nor sleeping on the ground, nor the repetition of prayers, penances, hymns, charms, mantras, incantations and invocations can bring the real happiness or nirvana, only purification of the mind through self effort can do this."

As said earlier, the author of What Buddhists Believe does not put much stock in prayer; he says on page 262 that,

"Prayer alone will never take him (a person) to the final goal."

Meditation is the big key for this author.  He actually quotes a poet's prayer but says it is to be used more as a meditation in lieu of asking/petitioning a "higher power" for help.  Things must be done for oneself, and by oneself.

Another analogy by that book author is,  if someone wants to go across a river, he doesn't sit and pray on the river bank and wait, and wait for a way across to materialize out of the blue.  No, he goes and looks for a boat to use or begins to make a raft to ferry himself across.

Like the chap sitting in his lazy boy chair, praying and waiting for God to send a deluge of rain to put out the fire, likely is not going to happen.  He's got to get himself up and out of the house.  He can still pray and trust God, that He is allowing this devastation for a good purpose.  In Romans 8:28-29 (ESV) we learn that all such things happen for our good and to,

"...conform us to the image of His Son." 

God always knows just what we need to accomplish that.

This is part of the equation between God and our individual selves.  God's sovereignty and man's responsibility as alluded to above.  God sent His Son Jesus to atone for our sin (unwholesome thoughts, deeds, wrong doings [whether done in ignorance or otherwise]), and its consequences of pain and suffering ultimately ending in death onwards to Hell.  God offers salvation, new life and an end to suffering.

Human kind's responsibility is to accept this offer.  We do well to chose His gift.

Prayer and meditation are two disciplines of a follower of Jesus Christ.  Prayer, that is, talking to God Whom we believe exists, builds and establishes that relationship we can have with God through Jesus Christ.  It's not for flattering God but for connecting with Him.  Certainly we can meditate on God's Word and then we can confess and praise and thank Him for all He's done for us.

We can pray and talk all we wish but it is  the genuine desire of a person's heart, guided by the mind, that willingly seeks God and submits to Him and maintains relationship with Him.  This enables the Christian to conform to God's image in character and conduct in ever increasing measures.

Casting prayer aside, the Buddhist focuses on mediation.  This will train but in essence, does not change, the mind and heart.  There is necessity of a new heart.  (You may recall this from an earlier Burning Quest - Part 16 blog entry.)

It is believed, however, that the Buddhist meditation will bring peace, as well as purification, to the mind.  A person's fears and worries diminish and are replaced by peaceful thoughts, bringing peace to the individual.

You may recall the recent incident of the twelve Thai boys, soccer team members, and their coach who got trapped in a cave in Thailand.  They were in there, in pitch blackness for about nine days before anyone found them.  It was a few more days until they were all evacuated.  An almost tragedy, that thankfully, had a happy ending.

What was it that helped to keep them calm and not bicker among themselves?  At least, as far as we were told.   The story has it that the soccer coach was once a Buddhist monk.  I believe that, because almost each Buddhist Thai male will become a monk sometime in his lifetime, if even just for a short period of time.  

It was explained that he instructed the boys to practice Buddhist meditation.  This also slows down the metabolism rate so they would not need as much food; not that they had much, if anything, to eat anyways.  This helped to give that peace and endurance so we were told.  A Buddhist monk explained that the combined strength of their meditations was like a 'magnet' (my word), guiding the rescuers to the boys' location.

On the other hand, we heard from a believer in Jesus Christ, and I know from first hand, that followers in Jesus Christ were praying, not just in Thailand but in Malaysia and likely all around the world, for the whole rescue operation to succeed.  

It just so happened that the length of the guiding rope that one of the divers had, ran out.  He went up to the surface of the murky waters and viola! The team was right there in front of him!    Many Christians were praying.  Many good people went to the rescue.  God used the experience and knowledge of the rescuers and guided and gave wisdom, whether or not the rescuers were aware of it.

I leave these two verses with you upon which to cogitate,

"In the LORD's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that He channels toward all who please him.  A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart" (Proverbs 21:1-2)

I believe the Lord guided the rescuers to where they needed to go and gave them good success on their mission as His people prayed. 

Sri Dhammananda  goes on to name another big benefit of Buddhist meditation practice.  He tells the reader that more often than not, people's fears, anxieties, and anger bring about many diseases.  For example, fears and worries bring high blood pressure and many auto immune diseases; anger precipitates heart related diseases.

True enough.  These are very major spiritual roots of diseases.  Dr. Henry W. Wright collaborates with that in his book, Be In Health.  For instance on page 5...

"But the consequences of unforgiveness may bind you to a disease resulting from this sin of bitterness and unforgiveness.  Christians, for the most part, believe we are saved by grace and by faith.  But just because you are born again and your spirit has become alive in Christ, it does not mean you have resolved the ongoing struggle with the sin issue in your life.  Otherwise, we would not need sanctification, would we?"

For the meditations Buddhists practice they hope to eradicate those "impurities" in their minds.

Followers of Jesus Christ do well to meditate, but ensure the meditations are on God's Holy Word.  God's Word is pure, and a "double-edged sword that divides bone and marrow" (Hebrews 4:12) convicting us, comforting us,  giving us true and lasting peace from Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace. 

One must give heed to those convictions and, with the Holy Spirit's help, address the problem issues. Maybe things will not magically come right overnight, but in time.  This is a process of patience and perseverance.

Dr. Henry W. Wright proclaims Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).  Meditate on Him.  Wright goes on to say, that the Bible says that perfect peace belongs to those whose minds are fixed and stayed on the LORD.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee:  because he trusteth in Thee" (Isaiah 26:3).

Here is another example of training your mind with the power of God's Word and His Holy Spirit's help.  Wright explains...

"The antidote to fear is fellowship with the Godhead.  Second Timothy 1:7 tells us that  "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind..." 
"Power represents the Holy Spirit, love represents the Father and a sound mind represents the Word of God, Jesus.  If you are filled with the fellowship of the love of God the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, fear does not have a shot at you.  If you are listening to fear you are not listening to God"  (Page 195).

And that is when diseases can pop out of the woodwork and wreck havoc in your body and life.  To get somewhat scientifically technical here, allow another quotation from Wright.

"...the hypothalamus gland is the facilitator and the originator of the following life circumstances:  all expressions of fear, anxiety, stress, tension, panic, panic attacks, phobia, rage, anger and aggression.  These are all released and facilitated by this one gland.  It only responds to you emotionally and spiritually.  The hypothalamus is called the "brain of the endocrine system," but it is not a brain.  It is a gland.  It is a responder to thought. It is a responder to the environment of your life.  It will only produce what is happening deep within the recesses of your soul and your spirit" (Pages 193-194).

When Jesus says, "Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28); "Cast all your anxieties on me" (1 Peter 5:7); "Get rid of all roots of bitterness" (Ephesians 4:31); and "Forgive as I have forgiven you" (Matthew 6:14-16); He's not kidding.  He wants you to be well:  spirit, soul and body.

Bring all your worries and strife to Him.  Lay it at His feet.  May peace flood your whole being.

As one reads, meditates on God's Word and obeys it, one will have that peace of God that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).   In addition there will be peace of mind; the righting of our character and conduct; a continual process of sanctifying until we are called home to be "with Christ".

How blessed we can be when we humbly accept His help.

The difference between Buddhist and Christian meditation is the motivation behind it; what one wishes to achieve.  For the Buddhist it is to attain peace, yes, and purifying thoughts and behavior; but more than that, merits are gleaned towards self-salvation and Nirvana Enlightenment (Page 264 of What Buddhists Believe).

The Christian already has salvation through Jesus Christ, therefore does not need to earn anything towards salvation.   He or she is already justified.  However as he/she meditates on God's Word and sees where he/she is not living accordingly, they will know who to rectify the situation.  If they are obedient, and out of gratitude to Jesus and God the Father, he/she will align his/herself to God's will and way.

This is the process of progressive sanctification.  The motivation is to develop relationship with God through obeying His Word and life with Jesus.  God's love and peace envelops us enabling us to continue on.

Meditation takes time and even practice.  Patience is needed.  The busyness of our lives doesn't allow for much of this but everyone has choices.  Choose to delete some of the busyness in favor of quiet time and embed it into your schedule.  Don't deviate therefrom.

More choices...Choose a portion of God's Word relevant to your current life situation, or if no specific situation is afoot, find  Bible verses regarding Bible characters who did meditate.  David said, 

"Oh, how I love your law!  I meditate on it all day long.  Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies.  I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.  I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts..." (Psalm 119:97-100 NIV).

Memorize the verses as much as possible so that even when driving in a car, or lying sleeplessly in bed at night, God's Word will come naturally to you.

In fact, a friend of mine has done a seminary essay on memorization of Scripture.* 1 She says even the last five minutes or so prior to light's out at night will create greater memory retention of the Scripture.  The next morning repeat the verse (s).  This is a "power bank" from which to meditate on God's Word.

Even if you have a specific time to read and meditate on God's Word; you will have "spill over" as you go through your daily routine.  That is, enough to be able to think about during the day.

You know about cows, right?  They chew the cud.  Ruminate.  Have you ever seen them "ruminate"?  It appears that they are "chewing over something of great import" out there in the meadow as they nibble the grass; chew and swallow; regurgitate; chew and swallow again...  Be like a God's Word and thoughtfully "ruminate".  Routinely go over and over God's Word absorbing truth and dwelling on its implications for your lives.  It can be a rather moo-ving experience.

And then there is the power of song.  You can even make up your own tunes as you go.  I've another friend who routinely does this and "produces" for Sunday School children to sing and learn and recall God's Word.  Songs of praise to God uplift our souls and keep us in tune with Him.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard...put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you"  (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

What a wonderful promise from God.

However one chooses, do choose to meditate and put God's Word into practice.  In this we will find peace and healing, and of ever greater moment, we will draw nearer and nearer to God.  He is ever waiting with outstretched arms for us.

Buddhists meditate on the various "writings of Buddha in the Pali language" (Page 269 of What Buddhists Believe).  They also use chanting.  Different 'sutras' (verses) will use a different tone or rhythm of chant.  According to Dr. k. Sri Dhammananda, in this way the chanter will ward off "evil spirits," "sickness," and "other misfortunes" (Pages 269-270).  This chanting aids and abets the chanter's "spiritual development to produce significant psychological states of peacefulness and serenity in the minds of ardent listeners" (Page 270).

This chanting...

"...invokes three great and powerful forces...the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha" (Page 270).

These purportedly bring peace and blessing to devotees (Page 273).  Together, the chanting plus the devotion of the devotees brings about "supernatural effects of people being healed of sicknesses and many other mental disturbances" (Pages 273-274).

In like manner, God's Word, in James 5:13-16 (ESV), asks the sick person to call the elders of the church to come, anoint and pray over them and to confess any sins they all may have, so... 

"...that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

"God's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, or His ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear." (Isaiah 59:1-2 ESV).

Are we followers of Jesus Christ willing to meditate upon God's Word?  Are we willing to keep short accounts with God about our sins and wrong doings, confessing them, seeking His forgiveness and being healed from the effects of our fears and anxieties, etc?

To conclude, the Buddhists meditate by fixing their minds on Buddha and his teachings.  By contrast, Christians "fix and stay their minds" on the Lord Jesus Christ and things related to God (Colossians 3:2), and His words in the Holy Bible.  The Buddhist mediates to purify the thoughts and actions to earn their own salvation, towards "enlightenment and Nirvana," while Christians meditate, NOT to gain salvation, they already have it through Jesus Christ, but to gain peace of mind, comfort and guidance for daily living, and to realize where they need to correct their behavior towards being ever more sanctified and having a closer relationship with Jesus Christ their Savior.

May anyone who does not belong to Jesus Christ as yet, weigh these two scenarios carefully.  Know that Jesus cares about you and your final end.  He knows it's a tough struggle to go it on your own  He has earned salvation for you.  Strive no longer.  Come to Jesus, just as you are.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Titus 3:5 tells us a similar fact,

"..He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.  He saved us through the washing of rebirth (i.e. being born again into God's family as explained in previous Burning Quest blog entries) and renewal by the Holy Spirit."
We can put our faith and trust in God with confidence.

                                                               ~ERC  July 2018~

* 1. Scripture Memorization and It's Influences on the Psychological Well-being of the Rungus, An Indigenous People Group of Sabah-Borneo by Hong Mi Sook.

2. An article by David Mathis on Christian meditation that is very good is Warm Yourself at the Fires of Meditation in conjunction with Desiring God. Org.

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