Friday, July 6, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Preparing a Room

The other day during school devotion's time, the teacher read from John 14:1-4.  He read about God, Jesus's Father having many rooms and how He, Jesus, was going to go prepare a place for the disciples.  Jesus told His disciples not to worry; not to be "troubled" in their hearts.  He would come back for them.

The teacher explained that Jewish custom was for the bridegroom to prepare a room for the newlyweds-to-be and then some day when all was in readiness, that he would go to the bride's home and bring her to his house to live in marital, hopefully, harmony and togetherness.  The bride would not know which day the groom would come, so she would have to be ready. 

Jesus has indeed prepared us a place through His death and resurrection.  He has earned our salvation for the "whosoever who believe in Him" (John 3:16).  We await our Bridegroom.  We await in confidence with hearts at rest and peace that He will do as He has promised.

"Surely I come quickly" (Revelation 22:20).

As we pass the emblems of the bread and wine one to another on Lord's Day morning, remember this analogy Jesus wanted His disciples to understand:  He is coming back for us; be ready.  Furthermore, let us be glad and rejoice and live in expectancy of our Bridegroom's return for us; all made possible by His sacrifice for us.

                                                        ~ERC  July 2018~

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