Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - God's Marvelous Grace

How do we begin to understand God's grace at all?  It's difficult for me to even get a grasp of it as it often seems abstract.   Yet, when we ask Him to show us...He will.  I have personally experienced it.

The situations we face daily may well require an abundance of grace to operate in His strength.  When the going gets tough, look to Him.  Beg for His grace to sustain you.  Cuz when you try to do stuff on your own, it won't go so well.  Then you may well feel like giving up, even in a situation to which you believe God has directed you.  

God graciously tells us,

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me" (2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV)

His grace is sufficient.  Sufficient to cover all those difficulties.  Sufficient to help us through.  We are in process to know and learn more of God's marvelous grace.  We can have as much or as little as we wish.

Take the analogy, limited though it is, of yogurt, you can keep some and make another batch from a small amount.  And on and on and before you realize it, you've had a lot of yogurt all from a small original quantity.

Before you know it God's grace will be more and more evident in your life.  The tough times help you to exercise God's grace.  Remind yourself of that and that His grace is sufficient.  Say it almost like a mantra if it helps.  Then let Him work in your life again and again stretching you and helping you to become more and more gracious just like Him.

"It was by grace we are saved..." (Ephesian 2:8).

It is by grace we can move through life with His promise of sufficient grace to overcome our weaknesses and aid us in the daily ground level trials.

Ponder on this as you remember Jesus in His death and resurrection on Lord's Day as the bread and wine are passed from one believer to another.  This grace is part and parcel of His 'gift package' to us through salvation. 

 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people.  Amen" (Revelation 22:21 NIV)

God's marvelous grace.  Thank-you Father.  Thank-you Jesus.

                                                            ~ERC  July 2018~

Here's a link to the song Grace, Grace, God's Grace sung by Don Moen

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