Sunday, April 15, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 16

"Purpose of life" means different things to different people.   Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, author of What Buddhists Believe, believes that to understand the main purpose of life,

"...its advisable to have a system that discourages bad...and enables purification of the mind" (Pages 175-177).

This he calls, "religion".

"It is an expression of the striving of human beings; it is their greatest source of power" (Page 175-177).

Most religions have such a 'system'.  God started it in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.  They were given just one simple rule.  At that time of "innocence" when they were still categorized as "able to sin, able not to sin" (Augustine of Hippo), they chose to sin.  This is the "bad deed" that led to suffering and death.  This failing of Adam and Eve has been termed "The Fall".

Then God got a chosen people called the Israelites.  He gave them the Ten Commandments.  Alas!  They were "not able not to sin" (the state of mankind after The Fall of Adam and Eve as enumerated by Augustine of Hippo)*. 

God proved to mankind that they cannot help themselves.  It's not that God's "system didn't discourage bad" nor did it not enable a bettering of a person.  Many certainly strove to honor God by following His commands as closely as possible yet each and every individual down through the millennia have been infected and affected by The Fall and I repeat, cannot fully help themselves.  They will always fall short.

Romans 3:23 (ESV) spells that out...

"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."

Nowadays there is a broad spectrum of beliefs under the umbrella termed "Christianity".  However true Christianity is not a religion or ritual BUT, a RELATIONSHIP.  A relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  God wants and invites us to commune with Him.  That is actually "the system", so to speak, that is the "greatest source of power" to the striving human being.

God did  reach out to Adam and Eve and would walk in the Garden "in the cool of the day" (Genesis 3:18) to commune with them.  Various notable others did connect with God despite their failures.  To name a few there were:  Abraham, Moses, Hannah, King David of Old Testament times; Matthew, Anna, John, Peter, James, Prisca and Paul of the New Testament times: and subsequently from the 1600's Susanna Wesley; from the 1800's George Mueller and Harriet Tubman; and from the 1900-2000's, Billy Graham, Beth Moore, Anne Graham Lotz,  Dr. Katharine Hayhoe and many more.

These men and women of God have developed that faith based upon relationship with God.  For those from the New Testament time up until today, the relationship has been through faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus's death and resurrection purified them all, not just their minds but their hearts; in fact, He gave them new hearts (Ezekiel 36:26) and made them new creations ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV).

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

The new heart status gave them the gift to the state of man known as "able not to sin" (Augustine of Hippo).  Yes they could still sin and do unwholesome acts but now because of their faith and salvation in Jesus Christ and a repaired relationship with God, that enabled, and still enables, them to commune directly with Him, they are able to chose not to sin.

Joyce Meyer* in her book Battlefield of the Mind, stated on Page 74...

"Our minds are not born again with the new birth experience--they have to be renewed."

She based that statement on Romans 12:2 (NIV), which reads...

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will."

She went on to say on page 80 (emphasis mine)...

"Since the Holy Spirit dwells in us and since He knows the mind of God, one of His purposes is to reveal to us God's wisdom and revelation.  That wisdom and revelation is imparted to our spirit, and our spirit then enlightens the eyes of our heart, which is our mind.  The Holy Spirit does this so we can understand on a practical level what is being ministered to us spiritually."

Gautama Buddha knew that the mind needed purification.  His way was to constantly review and meditate upon the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path to Enlightenment and hope it sticks.  These would "discourage bad" and give power to the striving human being to have right thoughts and actions.

What happens to the follower of Jesus Christ who does read, and obey God's Word and meditates upon it and communes with God and who is "able not to sin" but still does?

God who desires that relationship with us has, once again, graciously provided a remedy.

Take a look at 1 John 1:9 (NIV)...

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

There's that key word, "purify".  This is dependent upon confession.  Note the "IF".  God is ready, willing and waiting and holding out the offer of forgiveness and goes the second mile and "purifies", if we confess.  He cleanses so well there's not a stain left.

This is a great purpose of life to strive for as God guarantees success rate should we so desire.  This is also progressive sanctification in progress.

For the Buddhist all the striving for such purification of mind can accomplish something as they cultivate and train themselves in the Middle Way.  Yet it takes endless 'rebirths' in hopes to at last reach their rest in Nirvana.  When will such striving cease?  If for Gautama Buddha it took eons and eons, what hope is there for others?

By contrast look at what Jesus Christ has attained through His death and resurrection for all people, for all time, for all sin..."whosoever believes in Him" (John 3:16) "will have everlasting life".  Jesus Christ only lived on earth for about 33 years.  His death on the cross, shedding His blood for the atonement of mankinds' souls was a monumental moment in time that immutably changed the course of inevitability for all mankind from then until now and for ever after.   

Our own human striving for salvation ceases the moment we quit trying and just accept Jesus's offer of work done on the cross on human kind's behalf.

Romans 4:5 (ESV) points this out well..

"And to the one who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness..."

Note "the one who does not work but believes".  Jesus worked for our atonement of sin, bad and unwholesome acts and banishment of suffering, for all eternally.  We will have that eternal peace, bliss and freedom from suffering.  We did not have to do a thing except believe.

Once Jesus takes us to be with Him in Heaven, that is the glorious time when according to Augustine of Hippo's description, we will be "unable to sin".

When unable to sin, there is no longer any misery, suffering, tears or death. What a holistic gift the Giver of all good and perfect gifts gives.  There are so many bonus's and blessings incorporated in the salvation gift!  Ain't it a wonder!!?

His offer is open to one and all.

Gautama Buddha's way of life to achieve purpose of life is open to one and all too, relates Sri Dhammananda.  Contemplate as to how many have been able to achieve the goal of Nirvana.

I fully believe that salvation is found in none other than Jesus Christ.  Let striving cease.  Jesus graciously offers... 

"Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."  (Matthew 11:28 KJV).

Give your burden to Jesus.  He suffered so you do not have to.  There is no shame in this; no falling short in accepting His achievement on your behalf.  

Have 'rebirth', but let that be the rebirth of  being born again into God's family through Jesus Christ; in Him there is perfection.

In Jesus is lasting rest, contentment, happiness and eventually freedom from all earthly suffering.  Earth's suffering ceases when taken from earth to the realms of glory in the Presence of God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  All glory be to God.

Life with Christ is a huge, or maybe it should be said, THE purpose of life.  It is a life of relationship with God.  Purpose to live a Christ-like life.  Read God's Word especially the four gospels:  Matthew, Mark Luke and John.  Observe how Jesus lived and how He interacted with the masses as well as individuals from various stratums of society; eg. religious leaders vs the ordinary citizen.

Imitate Him and become "holy as He is holy" (1 Peter 1:16).

This is of paramount importance as we grow in our relationships with God.  It is that sanctification process that we keep mentioning.  It takes time, effort and discipline.  Over time we will become ever more "Christ-like".

Living a life of service to God, helping His human creatures is not to gain a better...

"...rebirth in the heavens or other sublime states: (Page 179)

as opposed to avoiding...

"...unwholesome deeds that lead to rebirth in suffering states: (page 179).

Rather we do service for God out of gratitude and love in our hearts to God for all He has done for us.  Striving ceases.

Purpose of life is to please God and that out of love and devotedness to Him.  Our desires have been "redeemed", our minds "renewed'; we are a new creation and our bodies have become the temple of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God who enables and empowers us to live acceptably for His glory and honor.

As mentioned earlier, we are still under the curse of The Fall but have been made "able not to sin" by salvation through Jesus Christ.  We do still do wrong but with the Holy Spirit's help we can be on constant guard and disciplined till Jesus takes us to be "with Christ" (Philippians 1:23).

Buddhists do believe in such transformation; however, they achieve it under their own steam.  Their minds are the governing force to propel their self through matter of desire.  Their only desires should be to overcome desires such as greed and lust, and to desire Enlightenment and Nirvana which is the most desired result of their suppression and coveted victory over the negative desires to conquer suffering.

Here's what Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda states on page 181 of his book...

"In the process of self-transformation, people will no longer aspire for a divine birth as their ultimate goal in life.  They will then set their goal much higher, and model themselves after the Buddha who has reached the summit of human perfections and attained the ineffable state we call Enlightenment or Nirvana.  It is here that we develop a deep confidence in the Triple Gem and adopt the Buddha as our spiritual ideal.  We will strive to eradicate greed, develop wisdom and compassion and to be completely liberated from the bonds of Samsara..."

Gautama Buddha had to work at becoming 'divine' or to "reach the summit of human perfections" and advocates one and all do the same.

Jesus Christ did not have to work for divine-ness as He was and always will be divine.  Jesus Christ, although truly 100% human being was also 100% God.  He always was and is and will continue to be divine.  He did not have to attain perfection.  He is perfection;  perfect from eternity past, throughout time and into eternity future.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  The God of all gods; Holy and True, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Sea and all that in them are.  He is the Holy One of God.  Unto Him I lift up my eyes.

He is my purpose of life.

                                                      ~ERC   April 2018~

*I do not always agree with with these authors.

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