Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Out of the Blue - A Story - Part 25-27

Blue Topaz
Part 25

The friends and folks in Borneo were all a-flutter; their Ruth E was getting married and she had invited any who could come!!  

Likely none of them could but if they pooled their resources one or two of them might brave the "great-unknown-world-across-the seas" where Ruth E comes from.

Jacey and Jacinth had both gotten personal emails inviting them to be her bridesmaids.  Would they come if Shem and she sponsored their tickets?

Would they??  Of course they would!  "Oh but Ruth E we are scared to death to go to your world!!"

Ruth E had to calm them with many an email and map out just what they'd need to do:  valid passports; some warmer clothes; they'd send them the e-tickets; explanation step-by-step through immigration and visa obtaining, etc.

"Over here," she'd told them, "we eat, sleep and go to the toilet as much as you do over there; just maybe a little bit differently.  But, don't worry, we will eat some rice when you come.  Fret not.  My Mother will take the best of care of you.  She knows what to do as she learned from me," Ruth E assured them.

In the end the villagers decreed that the headman and his wife would accompany Jacey and Jacinth as they were the ones who could speak some English (Ruth E wondered what happened to all the ones she'd taught English to but figured they were apprehensive of coming).  The headman and his wife were only tolerable at English but she was so pleased at least these four would come.

The others sent so many congratulatory emails; some wanting to know all about this Dr. Shem guy.  He better treat her well or they would all come and teach him some tribal discipline.  Was he a Christian they wanted to know; and many other things.

Finally Ruth E sent out a general email to them all describing Dr. Shem and his girls and telling them, "Yes, he's a Christian and loves God very much.  He even does some mission work too."

That quelled their misgivings as to whether or not this Dr. Shem was a good man.  After all, he kind of came out of the blue and snatched their Ruth E away.  Ruth E had to laugh but all this endeared them to her even more.  She was still very much one of their family and they were looking out for her.  Shem was somewhat chagrined by all the censureship but understood their love and protectiveness of their 'family' member.  Ruth E was a precious person and he'd do his best not to take her for granted.

Ruth E was a bit saddened that none of her Borneo branch members would be able to attend but she knew the logistics of all that would be tricky.  She thanked them for their advance wedding gift and for their love, prayers and moral support.

Hannah and Heather were besides themselves to be asked to be flower girls but turned their noses up when Ruth E told them there would be ring bearers.  However when she explained that they'd be their cousins, that was ok then, they'd suffer it out.  Ha, ha.

Sapphire was well pleased to be asked to be maid-of-honor but felt Ruth E should postpone the wedding for another few months so she would have a chance to lose some weight.  Ruth E laughed, "You look fine enough Sapphy.  You lose too much you'll dry up and blow away.  We can't have that."

"I suppose you are correct as usual," Sapphire conceded, "but you know, you never know if I can catch the eye of the best man."

"The best man is your cousin Navy," Ruth E giggled gleefully. "He'll be eyeing others."

"Phewy!  Why must we have so many cousins!"  Sapphire mourned.

"Well, there will be one of Josie's brothers as a groomsman; perhaps he'll do?" offered Ruth E.

"Nothin' doin'!" Sapphire fired back, "He's not my type."

"Seems there's many who aren't your type Sapphy; there's no one perfect ya know, not even though made especially for you."

"I know," sighed Sapphire.  "That's why its a shame we have so many cousins who are such fine up and out-standing men.  By comparison, all others pale."

"Oh Sapphire!  I found one."

"Yeah, just my luck-you won him!  He doesn't have any long lost brothers that you know of does he?"  Sapphire lamented hopefully.

"If such a brother is to be found, you'll be the first one I'll tell.  But Sapphire...in God's good timing.  Wait for Him and His will," chided Ruth E.

"I know, I know.  But if only someone "out of the Blue family" could be in attendance;  how nice."

"We can pledge to pray together for such a guy Sapphire.  God knows the desire of your heart and I know you actually want what God wants for you.  Why not get Great-granny praying too.  She's good at that.  It's a big part of why Shem and I are together now-due to her prayers and relationship with her Heavenly Father."

"Yes, you are correct Ruth E, cousin."

"I'll need your assistance with Jacey and Jacinth when I'm otherwise occupied, Sapphy.  Take them for a jolly holiday afterwards.  My folks will tend to Mr. and Mrs. Kiamson.  They'll need a slower pace.  I'll be back from the honeymoon in time to say a day of good-byes.  Oh Sapphy my heart is bursting."

"Sure, I can handle it.  Just give me some hints on some of the hurdles of culture shock they'll face.  I know some from you but you were originally from here so have the advantage."

"Ok, let me think of them and write them out for you.  Let you know later.  And Sapphy, thanks for all the help.  Thanks for being such a wonderful cousin-sister down through all the years."

"Oh Ruth E, you're the best-est."

The cousins hugged and shed a few tears on each others' shoulders.

And so on as The Day approached.

Part 26

The Borneo contingent were dazzled and rather overwhelmed with Ruth E's world but true to form, adapted fairly well.  They loved her parents straight off, were somewhat in awe of 'Dr. Shem', as they insisted on calling him, and ever the child-loving people, made quick friends with Hannah and Heather.  

There was mutual admiration there.  Hannah and Heather were rather enthralled with "the folks from afar" as they explained to their Grandmother H later.  "Miss Ruth E can talk to them in their language; it sounds so cool.  But they can speak a bit of English with us too, but have a funny accent like Miss Ruth E used to have but they're good people, no mistaking."

Ruth E was so touched by the Borneo love.  All the village women had banded together and made her a traditional bead dress.  Normally such a dress would take about three years to make, little bit by little bit.  The women had kept at it almost night and day for two months straight to complete it.  What a gift!  What an heirloom!  She'd treasure it forever.

This is what a mother would do for a daughter and present to her upon her wedding day.  Ruth E decided she would change out of her wedding dress and into the traditional bead dress for the wedding reception.  What an awesome gift; beaded with love and affection and village family togetherness.  She was still, one of them.

Part 27

The Day arrived.  All was in readiness.  The strains of "Here Comes the Bride" floated up the aisle to meet the Bride and her Roy L Dad coming down.  Shem was having trouble breathing in his tux he was so jubilant. He couldn't keep his eyes off Ruth E even if he tried.  Good that the flower girls came first so he could wave to them.  They'd be after him otherwise.

"Why did brides have to torture their intended to the last minute though," he wondered impatiently?  "Flower girls & Ring bearers.  Bridesmaids.  Maid-of-honor.  Only then, The Bride."

At last the Father gave the Bride away, placing her hand in Shem's.  "You look stunning, Blue Belle", Shem mouthed to her.

The minister cleared his throat to get Shem and Ruth E's attention.  He waited.  He cleared it again, a little louder, a second time.  He might have to shoot a gun into the air with this couple, he mused.  Finally they turned to him as if, "Ah you said something?"

He got on with it before he lost their attention again...and now, I pronounce you "Husband and wife...You may kiss the bride but don't forget where you are."  The minister chortled.

Shem and Ruth E kissed.  Hannah and Heather squealed in delight and everyone else broke out in uproarious laughter.  "Let them laugh with joy," Shem thought, "I've secured my Blue Belle, at last."

And so the marriage of Dr. Shemuel Paul Hutchinson and Miss Ruth Elizabeth Blue began...

                                                 ~ERC   2017~

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