Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Refreshing Wells

Looking for verses about a connection between salvation and happiness I happened upon Isaiah 12:3, which really 'spoke' to me.  Here's what it says...

"With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."

It struck my fancy and got me cogitating about wells, water, springs, geysers and fountains.  

Once upon a time while growing up we got water from a well at our house in Sambro, Nova Scotia, Canada.  There's good and not so good about that.  The good is it had refreshing water with none of the additives a city run water supply would dump into the water.  The not so good was that in the summer we had to really ration the water because the well could run dry.  In the winter we had to stick a big light down the well to keep the water from freezing solid.  

The waters from the well were there to give us life and 'save' us yet it could and would and did fail us at times.  It didn't always 'save' us, we had to 'save' it.

And that is just like salvation.  We cannot earn it in any way, shape or form.  Works or keeping a set of laws, even when they are good morals and lead us to have right and better thinking so that our actions will be good, the 'well' itself cannot save us.  We need the Living Water, Jesus Christ (John 4:1-14).  His well is never empty and never puts a freeze on anyone trying to 'drink'.  Drink freely and find great joy in salvation through Jesus Christ; He is the one who earned this privilege for one and all who avail themselves thereof.

Then there was the little spring that was behind our Sambro house.  It was unobtrusive yet had a wee-sized might of its own.  It ran from the back of the house and wound around to the side and then down to the drainage ditch out the front.  It minded its own business and pressed on with its springing, watering the area as it meandered along.  

In the winter my Dad and brother would harness the water with a wee dam and create a mini ice-skating rink for us kids which was also a magnet for some of the other neighborhood children.  We had grand times imagining ourselves as great figure skating divas or ice-hockey stars.  There was a lot of joy from that wee spring.

When we come to salvation through Jesus Christ, the joy of the Lord can be our strength and there is no limit to that.  We can draw from this 'well', again and again.  

From wells and springs my mind then jumped to Old Faithful, the geyser.  It was named a way back in 1870, according to Wikipedia, and since the year 2000 'geysers' every 44-125 minutes.  When it spouts up its boiling hot water, it can often sustain as long as 1 1/2 to 5 minutes doing so.  Amazing.  Awesome.  I have never seen this with my own eyes unfortunately,  but just thinking of it stands me in awe.  How magnificent it must be close up.  Well, not too close.

May I direct your attention to a key word here; faithful.  Old Faithful was named in 1870, but it must have been gushing forth for ages prior.  It is still ongoing.  Our God is the ever faithful one.  

``The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you.``  Deuteronomy 31:8.

These words are repeated in Hebrews 13:5.  Granted for a different reason, yet despite our situation in life, God`s promise to be with us and to never forsake us, still stands.  That sounds a lot like faithfulness to me and encourages me to press on with life.  Once we have salvation through God`s Son Jesus Christ, we are secure.  Does this thought and promise give you does for me.  That springs from the well of salvation.

And then fountains were mentioned...

Picture in your mind a fountain in the middle of a town square.  Cobble stones surround.  It`s summer and hot.  The fountain cascades water in circumference and children splash and squeal with gleeful abandon playing under and in the water falling gently upon them.   There are several adults dodging in and out; parents attending to their offspring.  It`s cooling and joyful.  Relaxing, and relief from the heat.

Other adults won`t be caught dead frolicking publicly there like a child.  They hurry on their way.

That`s like salvation.  Those who choose to accept Jesus as Savior can have their burdens lifted.  He gives rest (Matthew 11:28).  Perhaps the troubles they may have do not go away, but they can find relief; Someone to confide in who really cares.  May His love and care cascade upon you as that fountain.  This too, comes from the well of salvation.  

Draw again and again from the refreshing wells of salvation and may you have the joy that accompanies.

                                                ERC  October 2017

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