Thursday, July 27, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - When Jesus Speaks

Jesus often connected with the people of His time and spoke, sometimes rather pointedly with them.  He wanted them to know Him and who He was and to have a relationship with Him. 

Take, for instance, speaking to the crowds...

"O unbelieving and perverse long shall I stay with you and put up with you?  Bring your son here..."  (Luke 9:41).

Helping the boy would have been an astonishing event for the crowds.  Did they connect it to Jesus being the Son of God? 

To an expert in the law He said,

"What is written in the Law?...How do you read it?" (Luke 20:26)

"Which of those three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" (Luke 10:36).

It strikes me that the way Jesus spoke to the general crowds was almost the same way as He spoke to His disciples; in an instructing, teacher-pupil vein.  This in contrast to the more forceful style He often used with the Pharisees and experts in the law.  These two groups of people were more well-versed in Scripture and should have known better.  

These two groups should have recognized their Messiah; when He should come and what He would be like and what He would be doing.  They couldn't, didn't or wouldn't acknowledge who Jesus was/is.

The disciples had a slight advantage over the crowd, though, as they lived and walked with Jesus constantly and could therefore gain knowledge of Jesus and His purpose and work among the people firsthand.

Jesus did reach out to the people at their various levels to help them, or give them the opportunity to grow in their knowledge of Him.  He often woke them up and started them in the right direction of thought.   He pointed out to them what was right before their eyes, yet many just could not see or understand that Jesus was who He said He was; the Son of God, their Messiah.

How about us?  Jesus still speaks to us through the words in the Bible.  His Holy Spirit is still active.  Are we listening, connecting and growing our relationship with Him?

                                                     ~ERC  2017~
                                      Originally written March 1996; adapted for blog July 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - How to Enjoy Long Life

In the early years with very young children, we taught them to memorize Bible verses.  At one point in time, the eldest memorized Ephesian 6:1-4...

"Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise, that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth..."

Since my own growing up days, I'd thought that "the promise" was "long life" but if you refocus, you'll see emphasis on enjoyment of it, "so that you may enjoy long life on the earth".  It struck me that if a child, or even an adult is not obeying and not honoring then they're likely to get themselves into difficulties and in turn, they won't be happy; thus no enjoyment of life.

Seventy, eighty, ninety, or even one hundred years is a long time to not to go well and not to be happy.

Here's a song that is a lovely old piece that has timeless thoughts and was written by John H. Sammis...Trust and Obey...

                                                           ~ERC  2017~
                                        Originally written December 1995; adapted for blog 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Death's Shadow Valley

More about Ezekiel again...If you remember (see previous blog entry), God had him tied up, lying on his side, cooking his daily bread and proclaiming God's judgement upon the people of Israel for their rebelliousness against God.  Ezekiel was symbolizing all that by his predicament.  

If you read Ezekiel 24:15-24, you'll see a deepening of the symbolizing dilemma.  Ezekiel learns that his wife was going to die.  God told Ezekiel not to mourn for her!  It was to be a sign to the people not to mourn because of the judgment that  befalls them.  They deserved it.

Of course, Ezekiel did not deserve to have his beloved wife pass away.  How ever did the dear prophet manage?  The Lord was compassionate to him and allowed him to "groan quietly".  

Our situations in life may go from bad to worse but our loving Heavenly Father is the same one that Ezekiel worshiped and to Whom he was obedient.  We may feel, "I can't take much more of this" but God will be compassionate to us too and indeed goes with us through our "valleys of the shadows of death" (Psalm 23:4).  Reach out to Him.

                                                               ~ERC  2017~
                                                 Originally written July 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Ezekiel's Predicament

I used to think the book of Ezekiel in the Bible was rather what's all this about wheels within wheels and stuff like that!?  (Ezekiel 1:16)  Actually he saw some rather spectacular things besides the wheels:  various living creatures and such.

So what got me "into" it?  When I was a captive mother, so to speak...putting the children down for a nap for instance...that is when I chose to do some Bible reading; sometimes to them till they fell asleep (perhaps they thought it was boring).  My norm had been to only read a few verses or at the most, one chapter at a time.  However, when the children did not fall asleep straight away, it gave opportunity for further reading.  I discovered that was good.  It allowed for a bigger overall picture without having to wait 24 hours for the next "episode".

When you get to chapter 2 of Ezekiel, you see that God gave a message of judgment to come, judgment due to the rebelliousness of people who do not listen (2:5).

Then Ezekiel is told in verses 7 and 8 that the people won't listen to the message but whether or not they do he must give the warning anyway.  He must not be rebellious either.   "Oh, boy, why me!" he may have said.  Yet as we read on we see he was obedient to God.  

We too have no excuse for not telling out the message of Jesus, whether or not people listen.  We must do our responsibility.  

You should read about all that Ezekiel endured when being obedient to God!  Hard stuff, I'll tell you!  Serving God won't always be a piece of cake as you'll see.  Yet what propelled Ezekiel?  In Ezekiel 3:15 you will see that Ezekiel was overwhelmed by the predicament Israel had gotten itself into, especially after realizing how it affected God.  Maybe he even realized, except for God's grace and mercy, he himself could have been one of the rebellious ones.

When you read chapter 4 you really start to feel sorry for the guy and maybe he was getting kinda sorry for himself.  Like I said, obedience to God can cost you a lot but again, God is gracious and merciful.

I was rather captivated to learn that Ezekiel had to lie on his side for a long time.  How could he manage that?!   Ezekiel likely wondered too.  God helped by tying him up with ropes.  Ezekiel was also supposed to cook for himself while tied up and lying on his side.  Ezekiel requested a mercy though from God which God granted.  Ezekiel didn't want to have to cook using his own excrement for the fuel.  God granted him the use of animal manure.  God also gave him a special diet of high fiber bread.  Isn't this a caution!  It's difficult enough to make bread whilst standing on one's own two feet but look at the bread making feat Ezekiel juggled.

Ezekiel certainly wasn't going to get bored.

So what was the point of all this?

Ezekiel was bearing Israel and Judah's sins!  Doesn't quiet seem fair does it?  He had to draw up God's battle plans or judgment plans.  No doubt for the people's benefit but it would also help him to visualize, understand and feel how deeply the rebelliousness affected God's heart.  I certainly believe Ezekiel must have gotten a pretty good grip on that and was able then, to express it with genuineness (Ezekiel 3:14, 15).

Can you get a feel for that too?  Just think of what Jesus did for us?!  Even more than Ezekiel endured!  Jesus went all the way to the cross for our rebelliousness.  Think on that.

I myself, having grown up in a Christian family where really bad sins were described as murder and stealing but I hadn't really gotten an idea of how much of a sinner I actually was.  I didn't murder anyone nor had I stolen anything.  Yes, ok, but what about lying and unforgiveness?  What about sibling rivalry?  These didn't sink in as being sins.  I was a goodie-goodie.  

I had only gotten saved out of terror of going to Hell if I died if Jesus suddenly came to take all the followers of Jesus up to Heaven with Him.  I didn't want to be left behind.  I certainly didn't feel the terribleness of my sins; I didn't even feel like I was a sinner despite being told repeatedly that all people are sinners, including me.  

Well I grew up and then I asked God one day, to show me just how terrible my sins were.  He did when a certain traumatic happening happened to one who was close to me.  A sin that seem so devastating that that person should have known better about.  But God admonished me, "That, my dear daughter, could have been you!"  That realization totally devastated me and I broke down and cried for the better part of three days.   I now knew a small bit of how God views our/my sins.

Those things which that person had done brought shame and disgrace upon the family; it even jeopardized his father's job!   Yet, God was good through it all and comforted that family and me.

I'm grateful to the Lord for showing me those things.  My prayer is that that person will be convicted of his sin and see how God feels about where he is and will confess to God and gain His forgiveness and purification (1 John 1:9).  May we, each one of us, realize the brevity of our own sins in God's sight, be convicted and brought to full restoration in body, soul and spirit in the Lord.  

There will be an accounting in time to come.  May the world's sin bind us in similar manner as Ezekiel's predicament and may we each realize our own sin's abhorrence to God as well as the sins of the world.  May we sincerely care and mourn for our family members, neighbors and colleagues who do not yet know Jesus as Savoir and live our lives in such a way as to bring many sons to glory for God.  Ezekiel's story and our own story are not quite so boring after-all.

                                                     ~ERC  2017~
                                  Originally written July 1995; adapted for blog July 1017

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Don't Put Words into God's Mouth

True or False?
From very early on, God tells His people to beware of false prophets and then again in the New Testament under the reference of 'false teachers'.  There is nothing new about it nowadays, either.  

1 John 4:1 warns...

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world"

God promised the Israelites in Deuteronomy 18:17-22 that He would send them prophets who would speak on His behalf and they were to listen to them.  However, He warned, there will be those who...

"...presume to speak in His name....or even in another 'god's' name...these (false prophets) must be put to death..."

They spread lies and had the gall to say it was from God.

God did show them how they could detect the true from the false prophets.  Continuing on in those Deuteronomy verses, He told them...

"If what a prophet proclaims in the Name of the LORD, does not take place or come true, that this is a message the LORD has not spoken.  That prophet has spoken presumptuously..."

The prophet Jeremiah cautions the people of his time in Jeremiah 23:16...

"Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes.  They speak from their own minds not from the mouth of the Lord."

I've written about this topic before so will not overly belabor the point; just a reminder to ourselves to be wary.   You can scroll through some of the Morning Musings entries.   Almost all the New Testament letters to the various churches as well as to the individuals, caution, again and again about false teachers and how they will creep into the congregations of God's people.  Beware of them so you do not get off on the wrong track.

The worst thing is that many proclaim that the words they speak come from God.  God never said those things.  Thus the test to test "the spirits".

Even our own thoughts need to be guided by God's Word, the Bible.  Sift through the thoughts that enter your mind to see if its' Satan's or one of his minions' ideas or not; do they tally with the Word of God?  Check and double check to be sure you are not putting words into God's mouth.

                                                      ~ERC  2017~
                                      Originally written June 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Compassionate Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father, God, is compassionate and full of merciful love for His children.  Time and time again he showed it and His ever ready forgiveness.  Parents can learn from His example and humbly follow Him.

Neil T. Anderson, in his book Victory Over the Darkness, expostulates on page 132,

"You wouldn't give your child a task he couldn't complete, and God doesn't assign to you goals you can"t achieve.   His goals for you are possible, certain and achievable.  The only requirement for success is your response.  You must say with Mary (Jesus' mother):  "Behold, the bond-slave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38)

Parents, this means we will be able to parent our children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6).  It won't be impossible and we can ask for wisdom from God (James 1:5-7) in so doing.  We can put our anxiety on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and when you feel defeated in this, God will lead us in triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14).  Child rearing is challenging but God goes with us.

Guess it's not a matter of feelings but a choice to choose the positive side especially each time our children choose to attempt to thwart the training.

As our Heavenly compassionate Father treats us, let us treat our children.  Take heart...its achievable.

                                                         ~ERC  2017~
                         Originally written in April 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - The Bible and History

Sometimes when we read the Bible, the thought will suddenly come to you, "Hey, that sounds like what happened in more recent history and/or to a certain group of people"....such is the case when I read Isaiah 1-3.

Some of the judgments God pronounced on the Israelites due to their utter disregard for His laws, especially in going after worthless idols made of silver and gold, can be seen as to what happened to various cultures.  This not so much because of their going after idols but seeing those in authority creating havoc.

 Those in the position of authority unwisely given an 'authority wand' to the unqualified.  

Take, for instance Isaiah 3:4-5

"Boys became officials...children would govern their elders...the young will rise up against the old.."

This same phenomena can be seen in some of the history of China during Mao Zedong's cultural revolution.  Teenagers given license to vent rage against mostly innocent people.  This was certainly counter-cultural to millennia of Confucius (Kung Fu Tzu) and Mencius (Meng Zi) teachings of respect of elders.  As found in the Works of Mencius, as quoted by Samuel Wang and Ethel R. Nelson in their book God and the Ancient Chinese,

"He who loves not his parents,
Yet loves others, is against virtue;
He who respects not his parents,i
Yet respects others, is against courtesy."

Also from the same book where the authors quoted from the Book of Filial Piety, they wrote..

"Parents were to teach their children the importance of implicit obedience.  Correct home training was a means of avoiding misery and crimes in society.  Children trained to fear Heaven and honor their parents at home, were prepared to practice these principles of truth in society and the world."  

American children are taught their "rights" and have been known to sue their parents; taking them to court.   A world upside-down!  

Granted, truly abused children need recourse.  They need to be able to tell responsible adults of what is happening to them that is unjust.  But are people becoming more intolerant of others despite how much they talk about tolerance?

Recently I saw a video clip of a young boy, perhaps 7 or 8 years of age who had been spanked by his Mom because he had been playing hooky from school.  He called the cops on her.  One of the cops put it right, perhaps even putting his own job on the line, when he told the child that if he ever called the cops again for having had correct punishment from his Mom for failure to go to school, that he would come and administer another dose and that his belt was even bigger than the one the Mom had used.

At least the cop had good sense.

Yet we do see that even though authority needs to be respected since God puts these people in position over us.  Let it be known that those in authority need to govern compassionately, wisely and justly.

To temper this about how we approach those in authority,  read this blog entry about Dare We Question Authority.

Pinpoint Isaiah 3:14-15 and have a read.  Are those in authority "standing for the truth"?  I'm bringing this to the church setting.   Are they rigid legalistic, domineering persons?  Just what is "the truth" they are purportedly "standing for"?  Where is the love, compassion, gentleness, forgiveness in their stance?  Why do the elders and leaders of certain groups of believers in Jesus Christ, want to slander others and take choking  control?  They make arbitrary decisions and say it is the "congregation's" decision.   If any of you are leaders or contemplating a leadership position do examine yourself in the presence of God Himself and let Him shed light on your heart and mind.  Is your leadership one He would sanction?  Ask your "sheep" you shepherd or hope to shepherd.  

No doubt there are the grumblers but find the discerning, godly brother or sister and see what they have to say.  

One must examine oneself.  Do I insist on controlling others?  Making decisions for others that the Holy Spirit should be allowed to do in convicting them?  Stand for the truth, yes, but also let the Holy Spirit do His work.

Isaiah 3:18-24 is another prototype of what happened to God's Jewish people during WWII in Hitler's time.  Those downtrodden people lost all their worldly goods; often tricked into it or just plain robbed.  Was this punishment for them?  Not particularly.  It was more authority going haywire. 

Praise God there were many who helped to preserve many of the Jews even to their own detriment.  Think of Corrie Ten Boom and her sister and father.  They did this out of love for Jesus and God and His people.

Some years back I also watched a movie called Schindler's List.  Herr Schindler 'rescued' many by having Jews come and work in his factories.  He often put himself on the line to do so.  He did not do all this particularly out of Christian motives, more out of selfish ones so he could continue to earn mega bucks (in the end he did not have many cents to rub together) and to keep himself out of the army.  He upheld that he was helping the war effort by producing weaponry in his factories.  Yet he is considered a righteous Gentle by the Jewish grateful.

Our Heavenly Father is also talking to us; we who are in positions of authority, and are able to practice "true religion" (Isaiah 58:6-14 and James 1:27).  To help those who are oppressed, the fatherless and the widow, etc is what God requires. 

Let's not let history repeat itself.  May we be careful to NOT debase others under our care.  Let's also care for the poor and those unable to speak for themselves as much as we have opportunity.

                                                          ~ERC  2017~
                               Originally written April 1995; adapted for blog July 2017   

Monday, July 17, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Praise and Practical Help

This devotional dive is attuned to 2nd and 3rd John and Jude.  Read them through in one go.

"Oh Lord, You are truth.  You endure forever and Your truth endures forever.  We do not look to saving ourselves because that is impossible and You proved it to human kind all down the ages.  Engrave Your truth upon our "new" hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).  It will keep us from falling.  Bring us safely Home to You.  I know that You will.  Praise Your Holy Name.

Lord, I look forward to being with You in God's presence, when You will present me to Him.  It will be only because of what You have done for me.  Thank-You, Lord Jesus for such wonderful love and sacrifice on my behalf and on the behalf of my brothers and sisters-in-Christ."

3 John 8 shows that each of us (believers) have a responsibility towards furthering the truth.  If we are not one of those persons preaching and telling and showing the truth, then we need to be one of those persons supporting, obviously in this context, financially.  I would also guess support in prayers and in other practical ways would be in order.

For example, a dear, dear sister-in-Christ gave me a bottle of Chinese oil; this particular oil is usually used for babies with colic.  It is for rubbing on the stomach to soothe.  For me it was to ward off mosquitoes and other such undesirables while on a medical mission into a jungle area.  (I cannot use regular mosquito repellents.)  This sister went out of her way (and was something like the widow with her last two mites) to get this to me about one minute to spare before the group took off for our destination.  

That vial of oil became a "national treasure" for me.  It was indeed helpful and the thoughtfulness behind the gift was even a greater treasure.  

I tell you all this to let you know that even seemingly 'small' ways one can contribute are seen by our Heavenly Father and will not go amiss.  If you are one of the 'goers' on a short-term mission or even as full time, you will be blessed.  If you are a 'sender', you are also blessed.  That is truly "storing up treasure in Heaven" by "furthering the truth" in ways that open up for you. Don't miss out.

                                                           ~ERC  2017~
                                Originally written April 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Friday, July 14, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Showing Proper Respect

Showing respect can be a very tall order in some cultures.  Try this...each family member is denoted by a specific title which corresponds with the specific relationship you are to each particular member of the family.  On top of that, depending on which family member one is speaking with, and you wish to refer to another family member, you must recall their particular relationship to that person and use that title for them despite what you, yourself must call that third party.

For instance when there are four generations or so of family with parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, grand nieces and nephews, grand-aunts and uncles, grand-cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins of varying ages, brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters' wives/husbands, aunts/uncles husbands/wives; and are they the first (oldest or second in line, etc) brother, sister, uncle, aunt, etc, or is it their mother's brother or their mother's sister, or their father's brother or their father's sister, are their cousins older or younger than they are?  Each of them with their own specific corresponding term and you must get it correct!!    Phew!

And then 1 Peter 2:17 says...

"Show proper respect to everyone..."

Now this could get stressful...

                                                               ~ERC  2017~

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Judging and God's Grace

It's a relief to know that God will do the judging...just look at Hebrews 13:4...

"..for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral".

There are many verses on this subject but I don't want to pursue them at this time.  Verse 4 just highlighted itself to me as I see emphasis on "God" who will do the judging of such people.  We others do not have to be the Judge.  This judging however in the sense that we do not stand back and point fingers at a person and arrogantly say, 

"How could he/she do such things!!??"

As if you yourself would never be lured into such a vice.

As 1 Corinthians 5:11 points out...

"You must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral...with such a man do not even eat."

We do have some responsibility towards those "caught in a sin" (Read Galatians 6:1).

Those who feel themselves spiritual are to undertake and help those overcome with fault, etc. May God grant you the wisdom and grace to fulfill such a kindness for Him. 

In Hebrews 13:9, 25, it appears like Paul has some favorite key word(s).  In this passage he notes "grace".

Although Paul was a soldier of the truth he also wielded GRACE and stressed it (and gentleness which so happens to be a fruit of the Spirit) to the saints all over.  Perhaps the human nature tends away from grace and so a Christian needs to develop and strengthen his or herself in this area;  I know I need to be.

There is a perfect example of Jesus when the religious leaders brought the woman taken in adultery to Him (how did the man go scot free?).   Jesus made them realize that they were no better:  "he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone" (John 8:7).  The crowd dispersed, no doubt with heads bowed in shame, from the eldest to the least. 

By God's grace, with His gentleness, with His Word, being careful that you yourself do not get caught up in similar unwholesomeness, go and help your brother or sister in Christ.  Maybe they are desperate for your help.  Maybe they are not.  Pray for God's timing and help.  Go.

In verse 13 of Hebrews 13, it struck me that it is not so much of isolating oneself from other Christians with conflicting views or opinions as to how to worship the Lord, but this "going to Him (our Lord Jesus Christ) outside the camp" is to join Him in His suffering and disgrace.  

Here is a quote to note from one J. Webster...

"If people back then turned away from Judaism they were ostracized from the general assembly of Israel and put outside the camp.  For us today we must turn away from a "works" religion and other things that compromise our faith and take away from what Jesus has done for us."

Let the focus of all believers' attention be on Him and realize we all will experience such things too and it could be a uniting factor, a common focus so that we can then offer that sacrifice to God:  PRAISE, and thus confess His NAME.  By God's grace we can stand and sing His praise.

A prayer...

Blessed be His Name.  Lord Jesus You died for me, You suffered for me, people insulted You to Your face and slandered You behind Your back.  You endured this for me.  Your flesh was torn ripped open, You were bruised and beaten, You submitted Your will and life to Your Father for my sake.  Thank-You.  That seems so feeble and ungrateful a thanks.  Your love exceeded/s known human limits and is given in unlimited supply.  Thank-You for first loving me.  You are my Lord.  Bless Your Holy Name.  I love You Lord.  I'm waiting for that city that You built.  We will then no longer strive and struggle with our sinful nature.  Your love and grace conquer all.  Come Lord Jesus and take Your rightful place.

                                                           ~ERC  2017~
                           Originally written March 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Harvest of Righteousness

Recently I've planted a garden of sorts and do hope and pray there will be a harvest despite not having much of a green thumb.  In the garden there is the encourage-mint (pun intended) that is flourishing.  Not much of my own doing though.  I planted and watered it a bit but then God has been helping me out profusely with daily deluges of rain.  That works so well and why the mint doth flourish.  

In the spiritual realm of things, God presents us with various happenings of life that may not seem like showers of blessing at all.  Yet according to the author of Hebrews 12, when we persevere and endure through hardship, it is discipline for our good and produces a harvest of righteousness and peace.  

Since God loves us, he disciplines us, His sons and daughters.  Don't lose heart through it all.  Through the rebukes, learn to submit to your Heavenly Father.  All these things help to strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees and will bring about healing. 

We need to be 'tough' Christians that don't keel over and faint when the going gets rough.  Perseverance and endurance need to characterize us and we are to be running, fixing our eyes on The Goal; our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is our example.

We know all this in theory, and when the going gets tough, let us pick up the baton and continue on, with Christ.  In the end, we will flourish.

On facebook, just this day, a friend posted a video clip of a pastor that had had two bouts of cancer.  At least one bout was of tongue cancer and he had lost part of his tongue.  He had been told the first time that he wouldn't be able to walk again.  The second time, that he wouldn't be able to talk or sing again.  Yet there he was up there on stage a testimony to God's goodness, walking and talking and singing.  He even said he could jump.  To me this is also an encouragement and inspiration to press on despite difficulties of life.  

The pastor's name is Jason David and he wrote and sang this song:

These Walls

Hebrews 12:15 exhorts to keep a positive outlook so that no root of bitterness comes in to cause trouble.  In contrast, have a look at verse 28, where there is thankfulness, and worship of God with reverence and awe that will be produced when we persevere.  Thankfulness and worship can be contagious. 

I think a waaaaay back to a friend of my mother's who was like a happy little busy bee.  She'd 'buzz' around the kitchen doing dishes and stuff all the while humming and singing as she toiled.  That created a happy and pleasant atmosphere in which those within hearing range would relax and feel at peace and in turn feel like humming along too.  Uplifting.

This is a way to build up a home too, (Proverbs 14:1).  Perseverance despite the annoyances and frustrations very young children &/or teenagers present.  Being thankful and worshiping our Abba, Father, can see us through.  May you and your families all flourish and produce harvests of righteousness for our ever faithful Father, God.

                                                     ~ERC  2017~
                                 Originally written March 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Busy With What?

A Wise Woman Builds
Older women, younger women; note Titus doesn't say "old" nor "young" (Titus 2:3-5).  There will always be someone older or younger than you.  Check up on your station in life; look around you.  Who is older?  Who is younger than you?  Could you get "busy" relating?

The older women are supposed to train the younger ones.  Train them to do "what is good": to love their husbands and children; to be pure; to be busy at home (hmmm, that's a stickler); to be kind; to be subject to their husbands (another hurdle for some).  Why must the older train the younger sisters?  "So that no one will malign the Word of God".

To be able to train the younger women, the older ones have to be engaged in those noble tasks already.  They have to live it out.  To do so and then to encourage the younger ones in these ways too would be a God-send, and wonderful gift to the younger woman I think.

To be self-controlled instead of screaming at ones' children.  Do you have trouble with this anyone?  My mother always used to say "speak softly and carry a big stick".  Good advice from an "older woman".  There would be many other areas that could come under the "self-control" heading too, not just the angry outbursts.  No doubt you know your 'thing'.

"To be busy at home strikes me."  Do you laze about?  Or are you industrious?  Are you even at home?  If all the older and younger women are busy outside the home, how are they to be busy at home?  How are they to teach the younger women, and how will the younger women learn?

Granted many have to work to make ends meet but get home and be busy as much as one can.

If you are a stay-at-home Mom, you may be asked, "Do you work?"  Oh boy!  What a loaded question!  Of course these Moms work!!  Make a list of all you do in a day, print it out and laminate it, whip it out so all these questioners can see.  Ask back, would you like to come for a day and do my schedule?  

Ha, ha.  

Well, a better answer may be, "Of course I work;  I'm busy at home".  Busy trying to love my husband and children; busy trying to be self-controlled, kind and subject to my husband.  Show them Proverbs chapter 31 as to how you are busy doing all that loving.  A wholesome busyness indeed.  Carefully groomed but not overdone.  Caring for the poor.  Caring for the servant girls should you be so fortunate to have them (or part-time help, in these days).  Sewing the clothes for family.  Cooking.  Turning what skills she has into a way to earn for the family while still keeping to the home hearth.  Busy doing good works, buying and selling property to put in a garden to feed the family troops and those poor.  Wow, what a woman!  

Yup, she works.  Yes, she's busy.

Older women please take your 'job' of teaching the younger ones seriously.  When I was a 'younger' woman, I would have loved to have someone take me under their wing.  Where were they?  But God was merciful to me and brought me many books to read on the subject since I couldn't get the hands-on personal touch.  Sisters-in-Christ, I plead with you to look around and see who could learn from your experience and gently teach.

Younger women, do look around and see who could teach you and don't be shy to ask.  Maybe you do have your mother's nearby who help you.  But do let some of  God's other older women help too.  This not in a busy body way, but in that relationship in which God provides even in such practical ways.

I really liked the movie War Room.  A closet turned into a room for prayer.  That is good and the woman who was the mighty prayer warrior in the story, didn't keep it all to herself.  Try to watch that movie if you haven't already, and see how superbly the older woman taught the younger one.  See the far reaching results.

Now, get busy...

                                                        ~ERC  2017~
                                Originally written March 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Don't Be Anxious

Do you use a prayer list?  In some of my younger years, I used to think it wasn't "right" to have one, that it was a bit like having a shopping list which didn't seem very "holy" or some such thing.  But when one reads this verse from 

Philippians 4:6  which entreats...

"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, presenting your requests to God."...

It seemed perfectly ok and then there was freedom to breath and write out as long a list as one needed.

Just look at what the New Collins International Dictionary of English Language says about the word "petition".


1. "a written document signed by a large number of people demanding some form of action from a government or other authority."

2.  "Any formal request to a higher authority; entreaty"

3.  "to address or present a petition to a person in authority, government, etc.

4.  "to seek by petition for a change in the law."

Petitions usually have several points of interests enumerated, thus the idea of "a list".  Petitions are usually a rather public thing since so many (hopefully) are signing.  This would be like going to a prayer meeting with others and making our requests know to God collectively.

However, I believe that a drawn up list can equally be used in the prayer closet.  So do lay out those petitions to our Heavenly Father, God as He is the ultimate authority in our life. Lay them out and 'de-stress'.  Jesus did say 

"Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Give your cares and anxieties to Him.  He cares about you and your situation in life.

Recall King Hezekiah, who spread out a very troubling letter before the Lord. He had felt so helpless and perhaps, fearful, but he was wise enough to know to Whom to go for help. (2 Kings 19:14).  God answered him in his distress and He will also answer you in yours.

Prayer lists or decision-making lists of pros and cons would be acceptable and help us to focus on what we really want from the Lord in specifics, instead of beating around the bush in general terms.

In this way we unburden ourselves and put everything into God's hands and then as 

Philippians 4:7 denotes...

"The peace of God...will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus".

This "peace of God" is beyond anything we could understand  (see vs 7).

This comes full circle back to vs 6 of chapter 4 again...we, in turn, don't have to be anxious about anything.  Neat, eh!?

  All this causes us to praise and give thanksgiving to God especially when we can jot down beside each 'item' on our lists the way in which God answered.  Then we can often go back and review from times past and again give thanks and praise with gratitude in our hearts over how He helped us.  There will be times when we may feel He isn't helping; that He is far away and doesn't care but these notations will show us that He does and is very much involved in our lives. This is turn will encourage us to pray and petition more and more and to have confidence in God, to experience His love and His giving-ness.

                                                       ~ERC   2017~
                                  Originally written March 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Galatians Gleanings

Get saved through Jesus Christ and then add to that:  blah, blah, blah to really be saved.  Huh!?  Oh, NO!  That's not right!

Galatians 2:10-"remember the poor"

Galatians 3:5-"Does God give you His Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?"

Galatians 3:25-"Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law."

Galatians 4:6-"Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out "Abba, Father."

Galatians 5:1-"Stand firm, not let yourselves be burdened..."

Galatians 5:4  Some false brothers trying to teach others that they could only be "justified by the law".

We don't have to keep the law or "be burdened" by it in order to be justified in God's sight.  Many religions add a whole bundle of burdens on folks.  They expect folks to earn their own salvation.  It's scandalous.  It's insulting to God to think He can't handle it to get us 'saved', well and truly.  Jesus death and resurrection was satisfactory to God.  So much so that Jesus could "sit down" at the right hand of God when He ascended back to glory when His work was perfectly completed on earth.

Living by His Spirit teaches us and enables us to be 'free' from the law.  Free to...

"Live by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16)'

Galatians 5:18-"But if you live by the Spirit you are not under law".

Living by His Spirit automatically puts a person on the right track.

Galatians 5:22-"Fruit of the Spirit..."

Galatians 5:14-"The entire law is summed up in a single command:  "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Galatians 6:1-"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently"

The way you would wish to be treated, treat others; gently and governed by the fruit of the Spirit we have hopefully cultivated to some degree of maturity in Christ.  A prayer to pray...

Oh, Father God, help me to be gentle with _______________.  Help me to love him/her as I do myself-to treat him/her the way I myself would want to be treated-firmly, lovingly consistent despite slip-ups he/she might make in the process.  

Help me to treat one and all, thus!

Thank-You for Your Spirit that enables us to do this and many more things:  to do good to all people as You give the opportunities.

I love You Lord, thank-You for first loving me and making me one of Your children.


Galatians 6:6-"Anyone who receives instruction in the Word must share [my emphasis] all good things with his instructor."

Who is "his instructor" referring to?

"All good things" -What is meant?

The things learned could be "good things" and good to share.  Likely financial support (see Philippians 4:14-19) and hospitality would be "good things" to share with the instructor.

"His instructor" likely is whomever is doing the sharing and teaching of God's Word and discipling others.

I like the Shunammite woman who made a "prophet's chamber" for Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-37).  He was free to come and stay in that little nook as long and as often as he passed that way.  She did this out of the kindness of her heart without thought of remuneration of any sort.  It touched Elisha's heart and he was also "in touch" with the heart of God and asked for a child for the Shunammite and her husband.  God granted it.  So we never know how far reaching our "sharing of good things" will go but be assured we do that sharing out of a selfless desire and only in the other's best interests.  That will truly be doing good things.

Galatians 5:19-"acts of sinful nature" that I may have trouble with at present or have as an unwholesome habit.  Is it "fits of rage or malice" towards any specific person? Your child or spouse; co-worker or neighbor?  Do you mask them, or, even if they are full blown, they need to be repented of and confessed to God.  Ask Him to help you and to help you to pull them up and out and away from the roots.  He will forgive and purify (1 John 1:9).

Galatians 5:22-23-"fruit of the Spirit" that we need to choose to counteract those "sinful acts" with.  How about "gentleness and self-control"? That is, for example:

"acts of sinful nature" vs "fruit of the Spirit"


"fits of rage"  vs  "gentleness and self-control"

You get the picture.  So examine yourselves and determine what your "sinful acts" may be and then peruse the fruit of the spirit to see which one is needed and then exercise that mode of conduct while also seeking God's help.  Together, you and God working in tandem,  there is hope for the better way, and for "good things" to be done and shared.  This is Christian living.

Another prayer...

Oh Lord, You are the Lord and Master of compassion, mercy and kindness.  Thank-You for being my Lord and Master and putting Your seal of Your Spirit to indwell me.  Bless Your Holy Name.  

I need to break down those fits of rage (etc) and their source.  You know me and my past and my present and my future.  Father, help me to gouge it all out.  I crave your peace and patience so that I will deal that way with others especially those You have put close to me (family, friends, neighbors, colleagues) and under my care:  my dear little son/daughter (family member, etc).  I want to show gentleness and self-control (or mention another fruit of the Spirit) towards him/her and deal kindly and mercifully with him/her.  Yes, they are responsible for their actions, reactions and responses as I am.  Deal kindly with us all.  Thank-You that Jesus showed us the way.  In Jesus Name I pray,  Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  2017~
                                         Originally March 1995, adapted for blog 2017

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Gentle and Caring

 Here's this Proverbs verse again.  "Pleasant words"  or "gracious words" or "kind words" are very agreeable to our ears and spirits.  And then Zechariah says in chapter 1 verse 18...

"So the Lord spoke kind and comforting words to the angel who talked with me."

This was rather neat to connect the verses and the prayer from Pleasant Words.  The gentle, caring nature of God is seen in a touching way when the angel asked how much longer God was going to be angry with Jerusalem and Judah.  It had already been about seventy years.  

The contrast of angry vs kind/comforting words was startling.  The Lord speaking and answering with a soft answer (Proverbs 15:1).  

"Soft answers turn away wrath."

I wonder if the angel was upset to see the Lord angry so long at Jerusalem and Judah.  I think that I get upset with the Lord sometimes and also over petty things as compared to what motivated the angel's anger.  No doubt many of us get angry too at the Lord for things that we expected from Him but were disappointed.  We feel, "Doesn't He care?!"

Yet the Lord's gentle nature comes out in these verses and we can know that He will have compassion on all of us too. 

"He makes all things beautiful in His time" (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Patiently await His timing.  In the meantime may we be encouraged to speak pleasant, soft, gentle and caring, comforting words to our family members, friends, to God Himself and even to His angels if you get a chance. 

In Zechariah 4:6 The LORD Almighty has might and power but chooses to use His Spirit to give out His word and message to the people.  If we are to give out the message of Jesus, let our natures also be soaked in the Word of God and His Holy Spirit so our nature will become more like His and the message spoken will be as His:  gentle and caring yet with power and might to bring to conviction, repentance and confession of faith.  May our compassionate God of all comfort, comfort you and others through you, His gentle and caring mouthpiece. 

                                                          ~ERC  2017~
                                  Originally journaled March 1995; adapted for blog in 2017  

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Pleasant Words

"Good Morning, Lord!"

"You speak wisdom and truth.  Your words are pure and everlasting; praise be to Your Name.  I love You and need Your strength daily.  Thank-You for Your abundant supply which You deal out according to specific measure-new each day.  Lord, help me to realize that.  I need Your strength to speak pleasant words to my family members.  Even to have pleasant thoughts so that in turn, my words and actions will be pleasant.  Thank-You for Your ever present help.  Amen."

~ERC  2017~

Monday, July 3, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Into Micah

Micah addresses the LORD as "sovereign";  "Sovereign LORD", he tells the people of Israel, will "witness against them" (Micah 1:2).  

According to The New Collins International Dictionary, the meaning of 'sovereign' is:  "supreme in rank or authority; or a person exercising supreme authority especially a monarch".  How awesome is our God and how we must fear Him.  If He will witness against someone, what chance do they have?

Oh Father, God, You are all knowing and You do not abuse Your knowledge or power like we humans beings often do.  You are so kind but You are also holy and where You are, is holy (1:2-"holy temple").  Because You are holy you exercise Your supreme authority over us as you did Your people of Israel long ago.  But You do so justly and for our own good.

You know that we have much rebelliousness against authority; especially against many of our earthly fathers and of how they have brought us up or how they may have violated us or  even have been so distant and not even involved in our lives; or maybe we have these rebellious feelings against our husbands; against church leaders or even the governing powers of the land where we live.  It may be festering like an angry boil, full of pus.

Yet when we give our burdens to You, oh Father God, when we lay them down at Your feet in humble contrition, You will forgive and redeem the situations and relationships as You did for Your people of Israel.  You brought them together again (2:12) and You will redeem them (4:10).  Praise be to Your holy Name, Father God.  This gives us confidence in You that we can rupture that rebellious "boil" in our lives and bring ourselves Your "peace" (5:4, 5) and bring glory to Yourself.

We want this peace so we can bring greater peace to our families.  Let not Proverbs 14:1b happen, we do not want to tear down our houses, nor Your house (the congregations of the people of God) with our own hands.  Keep us from this fate.

O Sovereign LORD, we want Your peace and glory to SHINE from our hearts and home and among the assemblies of the saints worldwide.  Blessed be Your Name Sovereign Lord.  We acknowledge You in our life, rend our hearts because we know You are compassionate and just and fair, You love mercy and are full of righteous acts.  You are our Savior through Jesus Christ.  You hear us and our repentance, You have forgiven our sins (Micah 7:19; 6:5; 7:7; 7:18) and (1 John 1:9).  Thank-You, in Jesus' Name.

God and Father, Your prophets of old, those mighty men of God, knew Your merciful nature, it can strike us too when seeing Micah say it, almost matter-of-factly in 7:20, that You will be "true to Jacob and show mercy to Abraham" that when we must confront our own Dad's or others in authority over us, that we too must be true and show mercy despite our anger towards them.

You remind us too of the Psalmist who said in Psalm 4:4...

"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent."

And as Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:1...

"Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father..."

So if it is our father (or others in authority over us) we may wish to confront, but Father God, guide not only our words but our attitude and behavior.  Help us to show Your tenderness, to see him (and others) through Your eyes, help us to think of them Your way and to not be guided by a sea of negative feelings that may linger, but to CHOOSE to do what is right in Your eyes to bring about healing in our relationships not only with You but with our earthly fathers, and others in those places of authority.  Roll back that murky sea of negativity and legitimate hurts as you rolled back the Red Sea and the Jordan Rivers for the children of Israel ever so long ago so we may pass over on 'dry' ground to the promise of miraculous healing in our relationships bringing greater unity all around.  May your peace settle over all.  May the witness you have be for us.

May your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

In Jesus' Name we pray...

                                                           ~ERC  2017~

                                  Originally written 2 March 1995 but adapted for blog 2017

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Petty and Angry

The book of Jonah is a favorite of many people and how things worked out much to Jonah's disapproval.  All that effort, and for what?

There are times when our attitudes may well mirror Jonah's.  And God calls us on them. 

"Petty things, Lord?"  

"Yes, you get angry at petty things."

"Selfish things, Lord?"

"Yes, you get angry when things don't suit you; when things go for the benefit of others more so than for yourself."

"I'm sorry, Lord."

Like Jonah's angry-ness  over God's compassion on Nineveh and its inhabitants, and the vine that withered leaving Jonah no shade or protection from the scorching sun; we too, despite our mostly good situations in life, may often exhibit that ungratefulness and be miffed at God.  Sometimes, we may even feel we'd rather not be in this world.

But God rebuked Jonah and showed him good sense and His merciful, loving ways.  Let us take the hint from God.  Thank Him for pointing out to us the areas in our lives that need tending to and the ability to see things from God's perspective.  Get your help and strength from Him.  Let Him be your refuge (Psalm 46:1).  Thank Him for His daily supply.  Tell Him you love Him even when things don't go as we desire.  Thank Him for His love, which came first (1 John 4:19).

                                                             ~ERC  2017~

                                    Originally written 1 March 1995 but adapted for this blog.