Thursday, June 22, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives-Reaching Out to Commune

Read Exodus 30:1-10

God met with the Israelites.  Bless His holy name.  He is ever reaching out to commune with us too; to have that close relationship with us even now as He did with His chosen people of old.

Aaron, twice daily, lit lamps,  every morning and again at twilight and  burnt "fragrant incense" (vs 7) before God on the altar of incense inside the Holy Place of the Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting).  Aaron and subsequent high priests were to do this regularly "for the generations to come" (vs 8).

What was God's promise?  There He "would meet with you" (vs 6).  Isn't He gracious!?  When He promises us something, He keeps His promise.  When the Israelites obeyed all these commands they met God.  His presence was there waiting for them.  

God gave us 'day of grace people' a promise too:  "where two or three come together, in My Name, there am I, with them"  (Matthew 18:20).  This promise was in regards to prayer and agreeing with another believer and asking God for "anything" (Matthew 18:19).

In Exodus, the altar of incense symbolized the prayers, and worship that would be raised up to their Heavenly Father and were pleasing to God.  The Revelation 8:3-4 verses explain it well, too.

So it can be seen that God covets a relationship with Him on a daily basis.  He wants us to spend time with Him.  He doesn't force it.  Let it come from a willing heart full of love and gratitude for Him.  Don't disappoint Him.  Dive in.

                                                            ~ERC  2017~

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