Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Surrendering to God

Ever hear the song All To Jesus I Surrender?  In Joel chapter 2 we read of those who humble
themselves and call on the LORD with fasting and repentance; those returning to Him will find compassion and graciousness.

Blessings are forth coming.  He does not take away without replacing once our hearts have been rent, painful though it may be; exposing our inward being  to God and His healing.  

Psalm 51:7 says,

"...A broken and contrite heart God will not despise."

Let Him work in your life as He wishes.  He does great things and you do not need to fear (vs 20-22).

In Joel 2 and 3, we learn that all those things He does are so we know He is God.  He is really the One in control and waits for us to realize and give our all (whole being) to Him.

There is one of our friends who will not sing the "I Surrender All" and says that so many Christians sing this but do not live it; they are hypocrites.  But if our hearts are indeed broken and contrite, we could sing this as a prayer of our desire of how we want to live in God's presence.  

This side of Heaven it will be a daily struggle, sure enough, but that is why the verse in Romans 12:1 talks about a "living sacrifice".  Living sacrifices can jump off the altar.  We need to be daily conscious of indeed living humbly for our Heaven Father, God, in a pleasing manner for Him, not just to get His blessings in our lives but to give Him the glory, honor and praise due His Name.  Let Him do that "great work" in us as He will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

Another meaningful song, this one by Bob Benson, Sr:

"Give your all to Jesus
He will turn our sorrow into joy".

                                                              ~ERC  2017~ 
                                                   Originally written February 1995

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