Monday, October 17, 2016

Morning Musings-Beware, False Teachings

 Morning Musings for the boys at breakfast...

Deceivers and false teachers are on the agenda yet again.  2 John verses 7-13 doth warn against them.  They would like to put doubts into our minds regarding Jesus but let us always keep in mind that Jesus Christ is God's Son.  That Jesus, who was in Heaven since before the foundation of the world, "has come in the flesh" into the world. He came, not as we human beings who start life at birth into this world, but in a human capacity, to be 'one of us', yet still divine, sinless and eternal.

We must hang on to what we "have worked for" in believing this truth.  Jesus is God's Son and He existed in eternity past, existed at the time of his "coming in the flesh" in Bethlehem about 2000 years ago, and still exists even now and will continue to exist for all eternity to come.  When we "continue in this teaching" we have both "the Father and the Son".

Again, this is how we detect the deceivers.  If they do not accept the above truth, don't even have them in your home!  Watch out!  Always examine what you hear through the microscope of God's Word. 

You may say, "but I thought we Christians are supposed to be hospitable!"  Well, yes we are, but not at the expense of spending more intimate time of fellowship with those who could have the chance of infecting you or a member of your household with doubts about God's truth from listening to their false teachings, subtly or not so subtly, taught.  If we welcome such a person into our homes we "share in his wicked work" making ourselves an accomplice.  They may be nice enough people but BEWARE.  God's Word tells us this.  Listen to Him.

Let us "run the race" for Jesus unimpeded; stand firm in what you've worked for.  "Walk in the truth with obedience to God and in His love" as we learned in Chosen Lady Epistle, and so remain in Him all the days of your life.

"Be self-controlled and alert, as Satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour."  (1 Peter 5:8).  "Submit to God and resist the devil." (James 4:7).  At other times Satan masquerades as "an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14); so be on your toes!

                                                            ~ERC  2016~

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