Sunday, February 21, 2016

Morning Musings-True or False?

Morning musings with the boys at breakfast....

They just care about themselves; that's false prophets for ya.  Always looking for a profit.  They care about their own agenda:  power, influence, $$, a following, all topped with pride and depravity (see Galatians 4:17-18).

The apostle Paul was a true apostle (see Galatians 4:19-20).  He cared very deeply about his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  He admonished them of the true way to walk with Christ and this for their own good and benefit.

When we follow the true way we are free in Christ.  Let us follow the way of truth.


 Follow God's way through Jesus Christ and you'll be free of the penalty of your sins and move towards greater spiritual freedom in everyday life.  As we work at our sanctification we will have greater freedom from those things which entangle us and,  among other things, free from falseness.

                                                             ~ERC   2016~

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