Sunday, February 7, 2016

Morning Musings-Are We Forgotten?

Morning Musings With The Boys At Breakfast....

Sometimes we feel like we have been forgotten and left to ourselves; what do you think?  Did Jesus leave us to fend for ourselves?  As we age our "earthly tent" is being "destroyed" with the ravages of life and sin, sickness or just age.  In this we look  more and more to our "heavenly body"; longing to be "away from the body and at home with the Lord"  It seems like a long time.  

Maybe not for young guys like you but you will see as you get older and the wear and tear of life comes over you.  Will you wish to be "...home with the Lord?"  Do you?  Do I?  What do we do in the meantime despite our weaknesses?  Bemoan them or live life in the confidence and knowledge that we have a purpose and that even when we feel heaven is silent we still have the faith to continue on? What promises are there that we are remembered?

The purposes and the promise...we will meet our Maker some day although no one knows the day or hour.  However, we must live life to please the Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the deposit or the "guarantee"  we will be with Jesus some day.  Check out 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.  God is faithful and these are no idle promises.  We will be with Him someday and be clothed with new bodies that don't wear out; "imperishable" and that don't "fade away".  We will meet Him and be with Him to meet to part no more.

God's kindness and goodness gives us His loving guarantee we have not been abandoned here on earth and there are better things to come.  Out of love we can give back to Him, make it our goal to please Him and show Him our gratitude.  If you look at 2 Cor 5:21 you'll see God did this for us; in Jesus, we have the righteousness of God.  

It is here and now on earth that we can please Him because of that.  Can we please God if we are "away from the body" (vs 9).  Don't let our spirits roam around and do evil.  Don't receive God's grace in vain.  Don't receive it and then don't bother living the Christian life.  No.  We must live our life as new creatures in Christ. 

We need to live this way, no matter what; even if it feels like we've been forgotten.  Remember we have God's Holy Spirit indwelling us, leading and guiding us.   God's not ever going to forget. 

                                                                  ~ERC   2016~

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