Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Morning Musings-Are You Your Race?

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast....

We're all in this together.  One family.  One as being in the same family having gotten there by "faith in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:26-29)  We came to Jesus by faith which is a gift of God.  

God made a covenant with Abraham of old.  Abraham believed God's promise.  God commended him for his faith and says all of us who have such faith are Abraham's children.  We are all of the same faith.  (Galatians 3:15-29)

Through faith NOT through our own merit.  Faith was, and still is, a gift. (Romans 6:23)

Do you see yourself then as your race first and foremost?  Or your religion?  Or of your country first?  Or as a child of God first?  That which is your priority is that  which you will serve.

As Christians, let us see ourselves as children of God and characterize ourselves in line with God's Word and become more like Christ.  Let's not say, "Oh, I'm such and such a race, we do it like this or we do it like that."  This is divisive in a Christian circle.  Rather, let's hear and encourage one another to say, "A child of God behaves like this or like that," and then do so.

How can one find out what characterizes a child of God?  Read God's Word of course.  Obey it.  Remember we became a child of God by faith.  So that is a start.  Be full of faith in God, not just for our salvation which is paramount to this process of becoming more like Christ, but also build up our faith, hope and trust in Him.  Walk by faith not by sight.  The books of James and 1st and 2nd Peter are good for starters.  Have a go.

Take joy and hold on to joy too.  When someone asks what race you are, say joyfully, the human race.   And I hope you can see Christ in me.


                                                                 ~ERC 2016~

1 comment:

  1. Footnote: It was brought to my attention that there is actually only one race, and that is the "HUMAN RACE". However, it is obvious that there are 'many colors' and we can all these 'ethnic backgrounds', I suppose. However, again, the idea here is that we do not promote one ethnic origin above another, as those of us "in Christ" should see ourselves as all being in one big family and that is God's family.
