Friday, June 26, 2015

A Story-Whatever Happened to Potiphar's Wife? Chapter Three

By the time Mr. Potiphar and Doc made their rounds, Mrs. Potiphar was sitting serenely at her patio table having bathed in both soap and water, and in her new-found delight.  She sipped at her morning Egyptian coffee.  Both men were stunned at her remarkable transformation.

From my secluded vantage nook I watched Mr. Potiphar's expression change and develop from one of worried concern to surprise and wonder to savoring her every feature with relief and upsurging hormones.  But he controlled himself giving her but a peck on the cheek and a few whispered words nuzzled into her ear.  He seated himself opposite her gazing in sustained adoration.

Mr. All-Business Doc, of course, quizzed her medically and finding her magically of "sound mind" and body, made himself scarce.

Now was a grand time for me to exit too.  I decided, that for once, it was not a good time to eavesdrop.  I left, shooing the other handmaids along ahead of me as if they were a bunch of cackling hens.  They had hovered about the entrance making inquisitive gestures at each other feeling something monumental had occurred and wanting "to know".

Whatever then transpired in that married tete-a-tete it certainly did miracles to strengthen Mr. and Mrs. Potiphar's marriage.  And then Mrs. P became so good and kind to us all and did many good deeds for those much less fortunate than herself as an outpouring of her love and gratitude for God.

She became a real woman of worth.  Truly noble, worshiping and praising that God of Joseph whom she had ever after made, "The God of Mrs. Potiphar".

And now YOU know...

                                                               The End.


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