Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Story-Whatever Happened to Potiphar's Wife? Chapter One


Have you ever wondered what happened to that conniving, low-down Potiphar's wife?  Young Joseph the slave got on her wrong side. (See Genesis 39 for details).  In their book Women of the Bible, Ann Spangler and Jean E. Syswerda wonder too, and suggest readers put in their own two cents worth...I've chosen a perspective from Mrs. Potiphar's slave girl...Here goes...

Chapter  One

I can't help but to feel sorry for her, cowering each time she sees Joseph, or should I say, Zaphenath-Paneah, whirl by in his chariot; dust swirling in his wake.  She's a nervous wreck but the whispering gossipers don't know why.

Being her humble servant girl, I do know!  I've overheard her side of the story.  She said Joseph supposedly tried to rape her.  I overheard Joseph's side too, what he told Potiphar.  I believe Joseph's is the true story.  But, hey, I can't say anything to anyone if I want to keep my life.  I will make an exception today though but don't tell anyone I told you.

Mrs. Potiphar is forever slyly, or not so slyly, trying to get male attention and because of her unique beauty its not so difficult.  She works and works her charms.  No kidding--I've seen her do it often.

She was so accustomed to getting what she wanted--so I've heard--when she was growing up and Mr. Potiphar indulges her atrociously, keeping up with the tradition.  He does guard her jealously from other men but she manages to be so coy behind his back.

As you can imagine, when Joseph refused her seductive advances and beat a hasty retreat, she was absolutely livid.  To save her own skin she falsely accused poor Joseph.  After all, who will put much credit in what a slave says?  Mr. Potiphar--even though he usually has a level and shrewd head--chose to protect his wife and thus himself from ridicule.

Now that Joseph is such a powerful man, not to mention, more handsome and fearsome than ever, I think my mistress is petrified he'll expose the truth.  Personally, I don't think such a man of importance, and of, what shall I say, integrity and righteousness, will bother with her much.

She nearly swooned on me the other day when HE passed by and I asked her what was wrong.  She just looked more frantic and covered her mouth to stifle the sobs.

So what is to become of Mrs. Potiphar?  How can I put her mind at rest?  She doesn't know I know her secret.  She's on the brink of a mental breakdown.  In a way it serves her right.  But how does one overcome the guilt of one's wrong acts and lies?

Joseph seems to be such a good man that I think he'd forgive her if asked but that's nigh impossible to arrange.  Hmmmm.  Maybe I should just point blank tell her that whatever it is with her and "that man"  (oh, yes, my mistress I do notice your violent reactions to him whenever he passes), that she should try to forget him and forgive herself whatever the connection is with him. (I daresn't tell her I "know"!)

Maybe, I'll just write her a letter--that's my secret, she doesn't know I can read and write--so many secrets in this intrigue.  A secret letter.  Yes.  Tell her to repent and then forgive herself.

The doctor also says that it would help her get better...hmmm.  That doc is good, he can read between the lines.  He realizes her trouble has to do with, well, something wrong in the past that's come back to haunt.  (Yes, I was eavesdropping, again.)

Write, write, write; scribble, scribble, leave the missive's hoping the antidote will work...


Click links below for continuing story...

Part 2

Part 3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Al Aziz wife is devil Saba Iblis or Miriam Aaron sister she target Sara also i knew the betrayal one sitting at feet.

  2. Miriam sister of Aaron only bring death for woman real deceiver

  3. Sara Sohaib, I thank you for reading this story and giving comment. However I'm not sure of your meaning. Can you explain further please?

  4. Interesting twist. I enjoyed reading it.
