Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - HOMOSEXUALITY


In the beginning God made male and female for each of His myriad of creatures' species,  among whom were the human beings:  first Adam, and then his "Riblet," Eve.    They became one flesh, were fruitful and multiplied to have Cain, Abel, Seth and other children.  In the course of time, and due to The Fall, many sinful acts spread over the face of the earth, among which were murder, adultery, rape, incest, and yes, this 'hot button' issue of homosexuality.

Before I write any further,  I want to state clearly that what I want to share in this article is NOT because I have a phobia, per se (we all fear to some extent what we don't fully understand), nor am I a "bigot".  I myself am searching this issue to gain further understanding and hopefully shed some light on the issue of homosexuality for others as well.  I am a believer in, and a follower of, Jesus Christ, so I do believe in the infallible Word of God - it is His standard for living  as He intended beforehand and upon the time of Creation and beyond, in which He declared all was "very good" (Genesis 1:31 NIV). 

Thus, I'll be using God's Word to guide me in what I say herein and also based on a study guide written by one Rob Harbinson on Moral Issues Facing the Church.  There will also be other references which I'll allude to along the way.

I do not say what I say because I hate anyone struggling with or battling against homosexuality, nor anyone already entrenched in the lifestyle and even happily so.  No.  I want to share God's view, hopefully not tarnished nor marred with any prejudice whatsoever on my part.  God Almighty, the Sovereign Lord of all the earth, wants you to know He loves and cares for you and wants only the best for you, as He has planned and purposed with His unfailing, unconditional love.  Please bear with me as I unfold what I've learned.  Thank-you.

Wikipedia describes homosexuality as an

 "enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attraction to people of the same sex or gender".  

Know that this is not a new practice that is suddenly popping up and coming out of the closet.  It has been around for millenia.  In the book of Genesis and chapter 19, verses 1-29, you'll discover that the males of the city of Sodom congregated around Lot's home, insisting Lot send out his male angel guests so they could have their way with them.  It wasn't just the young men either.  The Word records, 

"the men of the city, both old and young" (v. 4)!

In Judges (19:1-28 especially vs 22-23) we read,

"the men of the city...beset the house round about and beat at the door".

These men of Gibeah were lustfully desparate to get at the old man's male guest.  That ended gruesomely.  First Kings 14:24 states,

"sodomites in the land..."

These few Scriptures among others, expose that homosexuality is not a new practice.  However, I do not believe that all homosexuals are rabid as those written about in the above Scriptures.  In 1 Kings 15:12, 22:46 and 2 Kings 23:7, we see how God views this practice - to Him - it is abomination.  God fearing men and women, know that God terms this 'un-natural behavior'.  Further, the writer of Ecclesiastes (1:9-10) says, 

"there is nothing new under the sun".

Ancient Greece was known for its prevalent and open homosexuality.  So why are we hearing so much about this moral issue in our time as if it is a new thing evolving under the sun?  I leave you to think about an answer for yourself.

Is it really that people are born this way and therefore "cannot help it"?  Or because, "I was molested as a child by a man/woman" or "just out of curiosity I tried it" and now you believe that, "Yes, this is me?

It is really difficult to determine why some people are tempted with homosexual feelings while others are not.  Violation of a young person could indeed confuse as to one's natural gender identity.  There has been much said about triggers but Rosaria Butterfield who had been very proud and happily lesbian but has now left that lifestyle with painful personal sacrifice, has an excellent answer.

She believes that The Fall (Adam & Eve's disobedience to God's command - Genesis 3), has distorted each and every human being ever after - distorted from God's intentions and therefore there are any number of individual people being tempted from various motivations.  Satan knows his prey.  If we do not submit to God, we will not be able to resist the devil.

James 1:12-15 tells us that we may have feelings and temptations of preference toward some type of sinful behavior or another.  The sin though is, the giving in to it.  There is our own evil desire or lust that is conceived and can give birth to sin en route to death.

The good news is that we believers in Jesus Christ will not be pushed beyond what we can bear.  God is faithful to His children and He will make a way of escape.  Run to that escape route and take advantage of His provision.  Feelings and temptations can be unwholesome but the greater sin is in the action, the playing out of those thoughts.  It helps to know that our Heavenly Father has this provision (1 Corinthians 10:13).  Use the escape route away that God provides.

Homosexuality is neither a physical nor a genetic disease.  As mentioned earlier, it  is a distortion of what God intended when He made human beings (and other creatures) male and female.  It is therefore the result of The Fall that was stoked along by Satan - the byproduct of our sinful nature every bit as much as other modes of sexual immorality, such as:  bestiality, incest, rape and others mentioned earlier.  There is 'slander' listed equally in a list of such sins.  We can therefore say that homosexuality is not  "the sickest of sins" there is but whatever, it is NOT pleasing to God; not His intention for us  human beings and is equally abomination to God right there along with idolatry.

So saying, it is not a natural, inborn trait, rather, as Romans 1:26-27 indicates, it is at the express insistance of a willful human being, upon a particular mode of behavior.  Consequently, God allows that person to continue in their 'vile affections' - in fact, He gives them up to them.  You want that, then, ok, go for it.  He does not force us to one or the other way of living.

If you will take note, homosexuality is not the only abomination on that list.  You will see that when you continue to read on through to verse 30.  Go check  it out.

Be assured, however, that while there is life, there is hope and when one admits to one's wrongs to God, He is ever listening and waiting for your repentance and cry for help. Do call out to Him.  He hears.  He cares.  He loves you unconditionally and unfailingly.

There is no "alternative lifestyle".  God's Word reveals that,

"man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife (Genesis 2:24) 

and that the

 "marriage bed is honorable and undefiled" (Hebrews13:4).  

Although God makes every person unique, He does NOT make anyone gay or lesbian OR, I remark respectfully, another letter of the "same sex attraction alphabet".  We have been fearfully and wonderfully made and knit together in our mothers' wombs and His intentions for each of us is to be that man or woman which was born respectively as that baby boy or baby girl who had been formed in the womb.  This by God's design and wisdom.

Let those of us who have dedicated ourselves to Jesus and following God's Word understand that any one of us could fall "into a fault", that temptation can and does seize people.  However, if you are one who thinks he or she is spiritually strong - then help in a spirit of meekness and compassion to make a difference when and where possible (See also:  Galations 6:1-2; Jude 22-23; Psalm 139:13-16; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; and James 1:13). It's up to us, all of God's people, to do as we should according to God's Word, will and desires.

Harbison states that,

"Homosexuality generally has little to do with sex.  The sex involvement with another person of the same sex, is a compromise for the need to be loved and accepted."

I have actually heard of this and know of someone who called himself, "gay;" say this very thing.  So I can believe it.  When a father's appropriate love is distant and/or missing, the child will search for it elsewhere.

On top of this, Harbison goes on to say,

"Factors which can lead to each person's stuggle with same sex attraction are different, but certain stages are common to many - low self-esteem, gender emptiness, gender attraction, sexual attraction, homosexual reinforcement, homosexual identity."

Some of these you may not understand or relate to but I presume and suggest that any number of the readers here may have felt some of these factors in their experience.  Recall though, that thoughts conceived can give birth to sin if a person does not deal with wrong thinking.   Know God's standards and live by them.  Yes, due to The Fall, our human natures will have continual struggles with any plethora of sin but God's grace is sufficient to help us to submit to Him and be empowered to resist the devil and his minions.  May the Lord help each and every one of us!

Recall that God says through Moses in Leviticus 18:22 that 

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with  womankind; it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22, see also Leviticus 20:13).

Obviously, these verses tell us point blank what God feels about homosexuality.  God-fearing believers in Jesus Christ, remember that whatever a person allows in his/her life, and comes out of that person, is what defiles them.  As followers of Jesus Christ we have the Holy Spirit to help us overcome.

On the other side of a person battling against a personal struggle with same sex attraction are what some call the "homophobes" or "gaybashers".  If we are "in Christ," we should NOT be such even if we are called such due to our element of being salt and light in the world.

In meekness and kindness and in the way of God's unconditional love as seen in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, we need to relate to those who wrestle with homosexuality or even with any other sin that threatens to overtake a person.  Deal in humility and with the armor of God firmly in place (James 5:19-20).

If a person comes to Christ and has been living the homosexual lifestyle, we need to gently teach that one cannot continue in this way.  There should not even be a hint of it among believers,  do get help from reliable and able people in the struggle to overcome.  For that matter, no hint of any other such sin, either.  They and we must avoid all appearance of evil.  We should never joke about it or pretend to be gay or lesbian or trangender, and so on.  This should NOT be kept in or out of the closet (Ephesians 5:1-14).

Rather, let there be thanksgiving of all the Lord  has done for us through Christ's redemption in our souls and in the giving of His Holy Spirit on the day we accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives.  Let the LORD BE OUR LORD AND MASTER and not anything else, not even a former lifestyle that pleased us but definitely did not and does not please God.

Let us not hide any wrong deeds, that is, those which go against God's Word, goodness, righteousness and truth.  Find out what pleases God and do it.  Expose the shameful in yourself; repent; confess; ask for help, prayer, and accountability to overcome whatever sin besets you.

God does know all about our struggles and yes, He does care.  Thank Him, trust Him, that He won't give you more than you can bear and that He will provide the way of escape.  Be aware, and take it, even if it is only to RUN - run very quickly away.  Submit to God and the devil will flee.

Jesus overcame temptation by quoting Scriptures.  We can too.  Read and read God's word.  memorize it so  the Holy Spirit can bring it to your attention when you need it.  Know also that the Holy Spirit within you is greater than the one in the world and greater than any temptation  that brow beats you.

Rejoice in the Lord always and pray without ceasing.  Let your requests and petitions go up to Him.  CRY OUT! for he said His peace will come and guard your hearts and minds.  Take Him at His Word (Matthew 4:1-11; Philippians 4:13; 1 John 4:4; James 4:7; Philippians 4:6-7).

We can also fill our minds with what is pure, noble, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.  Demolish arguments and every evil pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge we have from God.  There's one Beckett Cook who has a show where he talks humbly about these things.  His gentle manner helps people to listen even if they do not agree.  He knows the gay agenda inside out as he was once such as these.  Now he knows God's way and lives and walks in it (Philippians 4:18; 2 Corinthians 10:5).

The words 'struggle', 'battle against', and 'wrestle' show us that a former lifestyle could come back and even in a worse form, even after we believe we have 'rid ourselves' therefrom.  Any sin, even homosexuality, adultery, fornication, drunkennesss, slander and any addictions of other kinds we will be bullied and pressurized by.  We still have our sinful nature until Jesus calls us home to be with Him.  There may be a lessening of the struggles and temptations as we do fill our hearts and minds with God's Word and obey them as time goes by.  It would be good to have a trusted friend to help keep us accountable but must not put our guard aside.  We are to take 

"every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

May the Lord help us have victory time and again in the name and by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

For those of us on the outside looking in and even for those in the struggle themself, none of us should celebrate sin nor give approval to it.  We can pray that all our eyes will be opened to God's standard.  One and all need Jesus.  Let us be Jesus to those who don't even want to bother with Him.

As with any person caught in a sin, whether it be slander, adultery, or homosexuality we need to help the willing person to overcome; to have victory in Jesus over the temptations to sin and of their sin.  May our compassion be the motivational force to compel us to show love and kindness to our "neighbor" as we do for ourselves.  After all, we each have temptations we wrestle with.

When a fellow brother or sister-in-Christ wants to be free, then we must help them in humbleness and in guarding against being drawn into a similar seduction.

There is hope.  When a believer follows God's Word and gets their ultimate help from Him, they will be able to overcome and even discover their craving lessens, as they continue obeying God's Word, seeking Him, submitting to Him thereby resisting the devil, his minions and every temptation that would seek to invade and overrun us.  May our desires be for the Lord alone, seeking to please Him with our lives, bodies, souls, spirits, minds, hearts and wills.  All glory and praise to be God.

As Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan have said,

"There's no such thing as a gay Christian."

One or two last thoughts ... did you know that the opposite of homosexual is not heterosexual?  The opposite is holiness.  God said for us to be holy as He is holy (Leviticus 11:44, 45; and 1 Peter 1:15).  

Let's be holy Christians.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on a Bible study lesson by Rob Harbison, Moral Issues Facing the Church; God's Word;

See also:  We'll Convert your Children (The Beckett Cook Show Ep 33; Rosaria Butterfield's testimony; Christopher Yuan's testimony; Talk Show with Becket Cook, No Such Thing as a Gay Christian; and my blog article Good Book - Pamplet - Can You Change if You are Gay.

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