Sunday, July 31, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Father's Table

 Two round tables that could seat about ten family members each were bridged by an old door, minus it's doorknob.  This arrangement could accommodate even more family and so adding to the merry crew who would partake of the festive meal.

The tables were overlaid with red and white-checked tablecloths upon which all manner of food stretched from end to end.  One-by-one, younger and older ones sat, smiles and good cheer lighting their faces, forgetting, or at least, putting aside their trouble for the day.  Food, fun, family and laughter were also imperative items on the menu for the occasion.

Father was the central figure.  His thinning white hair, still resplendant, a becoming beacon for  "his people".  His jolly laughter and expressions of joy at having so many gathered around could not be disputed.  He loved his family even to the fourth generation in attendance.  Father was extra benevolent, encouraging one and all to eat up and make merry.  It's a new year, after all, so let's all enjoy the celebration!

Are you catching the vibes here?  There is another table believers in Jesus Christ gather round - the Lord's Table.  This table instituted by Jesus during the passover meal and last supper He had with His disciples.  This table only came into being because of our Heavenly Father, God, sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins - the sins of the "whosoever believe in Him" (John 3:16).

Many a Lord's Day, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior, come together at this table of the King, the table of our Savior, to remember this selfless, sacrifice poured out for those of us who have become God's children through Jesus.  To us, it is somewhat of a solemn occasion because we are remembering Jesus' death and all His suffering He had to go through to earn our salvation for us.

However, like a woman who's just gone through the painful throes of labor and delivery of her baby, the moment that baby is laid in her arms, joy explodes and warms each crevice and cranny of her heart and being.  The husband gets to join in, not just a spectator now, but with "active duty," embracing his fatherhood and all it entails.  Yes, responsibility, but yes, also joy!

Similarly, I believe that Heavenly Father looks upon us, as we gather together around His table on any given Lord's Day, to remember Jesus in His death, but also in His resurrection victory, as Jesus burst forth from the grave - alive and well, having accomplished all He was sent to do!

And...Father God looks down at His children in Japan, in Malaysia, in Africa, in Europe, in North and South America, and even "down under" in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands - well - the world, looking with glad joy at all His people.

Generation after generation as the baton is passed from earthly fathers to earthly children and so on since the gospel exploded throughout the world as we read of in the book of Acts - the Acts of the Holy Spirit.

Are you able to imagine this out?  How our Heavenly Father feels?  How you feel?  Are you feeling His love and joy in His presence as you gather together with His people on Lord's Day?

Just writing this gives me gladness of heart to think of how our Heavenly Father must feel.  His benevolent love and joy christening us again and again.

Partake then, of the broken bread.  Pass this emblem on to the next brother or sister-in-Christ, knowing Your Father's joy in so doing - that you are at His table.  Pray.  Give thanks.

Drink of the cup of wine with gladness of heart because Your Father is joyful and glad you are in His family - that you are present at His table along with the others.  Pass the cup along, enjoy "the meal" with your spiritual siblings.

Sing then, Christians!  Sing songs of joy to your Heavenly Father with thankful hearts because He first loved us and gave - gave with all His heart.

Shout to the Lord, all His people for,

"The LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations" (Psalm 100:5 NIV)!

Praise His holy name.  Thank-You, Jesus, too, for all You have done for us!  I, for one, am so glad for the priviledge to sit at Your table - the table of the King and my Heavenly Father.  I look forward to doing so all the more, in perfection, with You in the Heavenly realms when You call us all up to be with You in Glory.  I await that day.

                                                       ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Psalm 100:5 NIV, and a devotional called The Heart of Man - Overcoming Shame from YouVersion Plans, answering the question "When you imagine sitting at the Father's table, how does it make you feel?  Why?  Perhaps you'd like to try answering these questions for yoruself.  Go for it!

P.S.  There are those of us who may not have had a great earthly father and therefore have difficulty imagining a loving, caring, kind, Heavenly Father, who loves us each appropriately and equally.  Search the Scriptures and see how God cared for the Israelites in the Old Testament.  See how Jesus cared in the New Testament.  To know Jesus is to know God, the Father.  I pray that anyone reading this will know this loving Heavenly Father.  He really does care about you.  Call out to Him - He is near; His heart is for you.

Sing, The Table of the King by Dennis Jernigan and Behold the Lamb (Communion Song), along with Keith & Kristyn Getty. [I prefer the Communion Song here but the other one has some good lyrics - mostly - in my opinion].

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