Sunday, July 31, 2022

Book Review - Apple Creek Announcement - By Wanda E. Brunstetter - 1 August 2022


Andrea's life was running along just fine until she made a shocking discovery that threw her for a loop.  She didn't rest until she learned the full truth about her situation.  Other secretive announcements from others connected to this discovery, in turn, put stress on friends, relatives, spouses and a spouse-to-be; a real 'family connection' story.

Besides secrets and the Amish ways, this is also a faith-based book which leans heavily on praying and waiting upon God's will and direction.  There are also good points about forgiveness and overcoming hurt and anger.  

Readers who like pets such as cats and dogs will find Andrea's Lady and Brandan's Duke of interest.  Will these beasts ever get along with one another?

This book has been an easy-going read and reveals more of Amish ways I had not known about, such as how they make their dolls.  There was a nice enough ending, although this story didn't have a huge punch in it for me.  The author rounds out her book with a couple of recipes and some discussion questions regarding some of the issues the characters encountered in the narrative.

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and Barbour Publishing House.

Read review on Goodreads.

Lord's Day Devotion - Father's Table

 Two round tables that could seat about ten family members each were bridged by an old door, minus it's doorknob.  This arrangement could accommodate even more family and so adding to the merry crew who would partake of the festive meal.

The tables were overlaid with red and white-checked tablecloths upon which all manner of food stretched from end to end.  One-by-one, younger and older ones sat, smiles and good cheer lighting their faces, forgetting, or at least, putting aside their trouble for the day.  Food, fun, family and laughter were also imperative items on the menu for the occasion.

Father was the central figure.  His thinning white hair, still resplendant, a becoming beacon for  "his people".  His jolly laughter and expressions of joy at having so many gathered around could not be disputed.  He loved his family even to the fourth generation in attendance.  Father was extra benevolent, encouraging one and all to eat up and make merry.  It's a new year, after all, so let's all enjoy the celebration!

Are you catching the vibes here?  There is another table believers in Jesus Christ gather round - the Lord's Table.  This table instituted by Jesus during the passover meal and last supper He had with His disciples.  This table only came into being because of our Heavenly Father, God, sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins - the sins of the "whosoever believe in Him" (John 3:16).

Many a Lord's Day, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior, come together at this table of the King, the table of our Savior, to remember this selfless, sacrifice poured out for those of us who have become God's children through Jesus.  To us, it is somewhat of a solemn occasion because we are remembering Jesus' death and all His suffering He had to go through to earn our salvation for us.

However, like a woman who's just gone through the painful throes of labor and delivery of her baby, the moment that baby is laid in her arms, joy explodes and warms each crevice and cranny of her heart and being.  The husband gets to join in, not just a spectator now, but with "active duty," embracing his fatherhood and all it entails.  Yes, responsibility, but yes, also joy!

Similarly, I believe that Heavenly Father looks upon us, as we gather together around His table on any given Lord's Day, to remember Jesus in His death, but also in His resurrection victory, as Jesus burst forth from the grave - alive and well, having accomplished all He was sent to do!

And...Father God looks down at His children in Japan, in Malaysia, in Africa, in Europe, in North and South America, and even "down under" in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands - well - the world, looking with glad joy at all His people.

Generation after generation as the baton is passed from earthly fathers to earthly children and so on since the gospel exploded throughout the world as we read of in the book of Acts - the Acts of the Holy Spirit.

Are you able to imagine this out?  How our Heavenly Father feels?  How you feel?  Are you feeling His love and joy in His presence as you gather together with His people on Lord's Day?

Just writing this gives me gladness of heart to think of how our Heavenly Father must feel.  His benevolent love and joy christening us again and again.

Partake then, of the broken bread.  Pass this emblem on to the next brother or sister-in-Christ, knowing Your Father's joy in so doing - that you are at His table.  Pray.  Give thanks.

Drink of the cup of wine with gladness of heart because Your Father is joyful and glad you are in His family - that you are present at His table along with the others.  Pass the cup along, enjoy "the meal" with your spiritual siblings.

Sing then, Christians!  Sing songs of joy to your Heavenly Father with thankful hearts because He first loved us and gave - gave with all His heart.

Shout to the Lord, all His people for,

"The LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations" (Psalm 100:5 NIV)!

Praise His holy name.  Thank-You, Jesus, too, for all You have done for us!  I, for one, am so glad for the priviledge to sit at Your table - the table of the King and my Heavenly Father.  I look forward to doing so all the more, in perfection, with You in the Heavenly realms when You call us all up to be with You in Glory.  I await that day.

                                                       ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Psalm 100:5 NIV, and a devotional called The Heart of Man - Overcoming Shame from YouVersion Plans, answering the question "When you imagine sitting at the Father's table, how does it make you feel?  Why?  Perhaps you'd like to try answering these questions for yoruself.  Go for it!

P.S.  There are those of us who may not have had a great earthly father and therefore have difficulty imagining a loving, caring, kind, Heavenly Father, who loves us each appropriately and equally.  Search the Scriptures and see how God cared for the Israelites in the Old Testament.  See how Jesus cared in the New Testament.  To know Jesus is to know God, the Father.  I pray that anyone reading this will know this loving Heavenly Father.  He really does care about you.  Call out to Him - He is near; His heart is for you.

Sing, The Table of the King by Dennis Jernigan and Behold the Lamb (Communion Song), along with Keith & Kristyn Getty. [I prefer the Communion Song here but the other one has some good lyrics - mostly - in my opinion].

Friday, July 29, 2022

Doubt is Honesty


"Doubt is not a sin"

Did you realize that?

Eugene H. Peterson said that and added,

"Doubt is honesty."

The name 'Doubting Thomas' is a misnomer, or at least, a mis - condemnation.  If we are being honest, we'd see that Thomas was also being honest.

Think about it.

He'd been on the wildest rollercoaster ride of his life for the past three or so years and these very last couple of weeks had been the wildest of the wildest.  No wonder he couldn't come to terms with the newest event, at first.  

At the beginning of "Passion Week," Jesus had triumphantly ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey.  By the end of that same week, there appeared to be absolutely NO triumph, only total devastation with Jesus having been crucified, then shut-up, buried in a tomb, which was sealed, rock solidly.  Now they're telling Thomas, "Jesus is alive!"

"Yeah, right!  I'll believe that when I see it!" we can image Thomas blurting.

Can't you just imagine saying similarly yourself?   That's honesty.

Peterson went on to say doubts seep in because, 

"...things are not as they appear.  We see contradictions between what we believe versus what we experience...why aren't things turning out the way we were taught to expect?"

We're taught to behave and be well mannered, to do what's right and things will go well.  Well, that's just not happening!  Then we hear complaints like,

"I do what's right and the boss still scolds!"  


"I read my Bible, prayed, went to church faithfully all university semester time long but I didn't pass my course!"  (Ahem, did you study well and do the assignments?)

Again, we may hear, 

"I've lived a godly life but now my wife is terminally ill; I had an accident and totalled my car, and my teenager is in juvie.  This is definnitely what I did not expect!"

So doubts creep in.  Is God really good and faithful?  Is He really here, with us?

"No mature faith avoids or denies doubt.  Doubt forces faith back to its bedrock" (Eugene H. Peterson).

Will we still trust our Heavenly Father who cares for us?

Our faith will get challenged and stretched to breaking point doubt.  This is how our faith can mature, especially when we are compelled to turn to our Sovereign God, through Jesus.  Pray honestly and turn your dependancy towards Him, come what may.

I doubt you'll disagree.

Thomas did eventually believe even though he did see hands-on first.  He went on, so history tells us, to bring the message of Jesus all the way to what we know today, as India.

May each and every one of us place our faith and reliance on the One who died for us, who rose again, and is alive and championing us before the throne of grace, with our Heavenly Father, God.

Abba Father, there are times we doubt Your goodness and care.  We are sorry about that but remember that You remember we are but dust and so Your grace and mercy extend their sceptre towards us in our times of doubt.  We want to be totally honest about our doubts and so we name them one by one (reader do so as you pray here) to You. Thank-You gracious Father for hearing us out and bringing us peace of mind in the end so that our relationship with You can flourish as it must have done with Thomas of old.  In Jesus' name we give You thanks and praise.

                                                       ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on Lesson 10 - Praying Our Doubt - Psalm 73, By Eugene H. Peterson.

Sing, Planted By The Water, along with, Myles Mitchell.  Also, Be Like A Tree, Florence Chun.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - HOMOSEXUALITY


In the beginning God made male and female for each of His myriad of creatures' species,  among whom were the human beings:  first Adam, and then his "Riblet," Eve.    They became one flesh, were fruitful and multiplied to have Cain, Abel, Seth and other children.  In the course of time, and due to The Fall, many sinful acts spread over the face of the earth, among which were murder, adultery, rape, incest, and yes, this 'hot button' issue of homosexuality.

Before I write any further,  I want to state clearly that what I want to share in this article is NOT because I have a phobia, per se (we all fear to some extent what we don't fully understand), nor am I a "bigot".  I myself am searching this issue to gain further understanding and hopefully shed some light on the issue of homosexuality for others as well.  I am a believer in, and a follower of, Jesus Christ, so I do believe in the infallible Word of God - it is His standard for living  as He intended beforehand and upon the time of Creation and beyond, in which He declared all was "very good" (Genesis 1:31 NIV). 

Thus, I'll be using God's Word to guide me in what I say herein and also based on a study guide written by one Rob Harbinson on Moral Issues Facing the Church.  There will also be other references which I'll allude to along the way.

I do not say what I say because I hate anyone struggling with or battling against homosexuality, nor anyone already entrenched in the lifestyle and even happily so.  No.  I want to share God's view, hopefully not tarnished nor marred with any prejudice whatsoever on my part.  God Almighty, the Sovereign Lord of all the earth, wants you to know He loves and cares for you and wants only the best for you, as He has planned and purposed with His unfailing, unconditional love.  Please bear with me as I unfold what I've learned.  Thank-you.

Wikipedia describes homosexuality as an

 "enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attraction to people of the same sex or gender".  

Know that this is not a new practice that is suddenly popping up and coming out of the closet.  It has been around for millenia.  In the book of Genesis and chapter 19, verses 1-29, you'll discover that the males of the city of Sodom congregated around Lot's home, insisting Lot send out his male angel guests so they could have their way with them.  It wasn't just the young men either.  The Word records, 

"the men of the city, both old and young" (v. 4)!

In Judges (19:1-28 especially vs 22-23) we read,

"the men of the city...beset the house round about and beat at the door".

These men of Gibeah were lustfully desparate to get at the old man's male guest.  That ended gruesomely.  First Kings 14:24 states,

"sodomites in the land..."

These few Scriptures among others, expose that homosexuality is not a new practice.  However, I do not believe that all homosexuals are rabid as those written about in the above Scriptures.  In 1 Kings 15:12, 22:46 and 2 Kings 23:7, we see how God views this practice - to Him - it is abomination.  God fearing men and women, know that God terms this 'un-natural behavior'.  Further, the writer of Ecclesiastes (1:9-10) says, 

"there is nothing new under the sun".

Ancient Greece was known for its prevalent and open homosexuality.  So why are we hearing so much about this moral issue in our time as if it is a new thing evolving under the sun?  I leave you to think about an answer for yourself.

Is it really that people are born this way and therefore "cannot help it"?  Or because, "I was molested as a child by a man/woman" or "just out of curiosity I tried it" and now you believe that, "Yes, this is me?

It is really difficult to determine why some people are tempted with homosexual feelings while others are not.  Violation of a young person could indeed confuse as to one's natural gender identity.  There has been much said about triggers but Rosaria Butterfield who had been very proud and happily lesbian but has now left that lifestyle with painful personal sacrifice, has an excellent answer.

She believes that The Fall (Adam & Eve's disobedience to God's command - Genesis 3), has distorted each and every human being ever after - distorted from God's intentions and therefore there are any number of individual people being tempted from various motivations.  Satan knows his prey.  If we do not submit to God, we will not be able to resist the devil.

James 1:12-15 tells us that we may have feelings and temptations of preference toward some type of sinful behavior or another.  The sin though is, the giving in to it.  There is our own evil desire or lust that is conceived and can give birth to sin en route to death.

The good news is that we believers in Jesus Christ will not be pushed beyond what we can bear.  God is faithful to His children and He will make a way of escape.  Run to that escape route and take advantage of His provision.  Feelings and temptations can be unwholesome but the greater sin is in the action, the playing out of those thoughts.  It helps to know that our Heavenly Father has this provision (1 Corinthians 10:13).  Use the escape route away that God provides.

Homosexuality is neither a physical nor a genetic disease.  As mentioned earlier, it  is a distortion of what God intended when He made human beings (and other creatures) male and female.  It is therefore the result of The Fall that was stoked along by Satan - the byproduct of our sinful nature every bit as much as other modes of sexual immorality, such as:  bestiality, incest, rape and others mentioned earlier.  There is 'slander' listed equally in a list of such sins.  We can therefore say that homosexuality is not  "the sickest of sins" there is but whatever, it is NOT pleasing to God; not His intention for us  human beings and is equally abomination to God right there along with idolatry.

So saying, it is not a natural, inborn trait, rather, as Romans 1:26-27 indicates, it is at the express insistance of a willful human being, upon a particular mode of behavior.  Consequently, God allows that person to continue in their 'vile affections' - in fact, He gives them up to them.  You want that, then, ok, go for it.  He does not force us to one or the other way of living.

If you will take note, homosexuality is not the only abomination on that list.  You will see that when you continue to read on through to verse 30.  Go check  it out.

Be assured, however, that while there is life, there is hope and when one admits to one's wrongs to God, He is ever listening and waiting for your repentance and cry for help. Do call out to Him.  He hears.  He cares.  He loves you unconditionally and unfailingly.

There is no "alternative lifestyle".  God's Word reveals that,

"man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife (Genesis 2:24) 

and that the

 "marriage bed is honorable and undefiled" (Hebrews13:4).  

Although God makes every person unique, He does NOT make anyone gay or lesbian OR, I remark respectfully, another letter of the "same sex attraction alphabet".  We have been fearfully and wonderfully made and knit together in our mothers' wombs and His intentions for each of us is to be that man or woman which was born respectively as that baby boy or baby girl who had been formed in the womb.  This by God's design and wisdom.

Let those of us who have dedicated ourselves to Jesus and following God's Word understand that any one of us could fall "into a fault", that temptation can and does seize people.  However, if you are one who thinks he or she is spiritually strong - then help in a spirit of meekness and compassion to make a difference when and where possible (See also:  Galations 6:1-2; Jude 22-23; Psalm 139:13-16; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; and James 1:13). It's up to us, all of God's people, to do as we should according to God's Word, will and desires.

Harbison states that,

"Homosexuality generally has little to do with sex.  The sex involvement with another person of the same sex, is a compromise for the need to be loved and accepted."

I have actually heard of this and know of someone who called himself, "gay;" say this very thing.  So I can believe it.  When a father's appropriate love is distant and/or missing, the child will search for it elsewhere.

On top of this, Harbison goes on to say,

"Factors which can lead to each person's stuggle with same sex attraction are different, but certain stages are common to many - low self-esteem, gender emptiness, gender attraction, sexual attraction, homosexual reinforcement, homosexual identity."

Some of these you may not understand or relate to but I presume and suggest that any number of the readers here may have felt some of these factors in their experience.  Recall though, that thoughts conceived can give birth to sin if a person does not deal with wrong thinking.   Know God's standards and live by them.  Yes, due to The Fall, our human natures will have continual struggles with any plethora of sin but God's grace is sufficient to help us to submit to Him and be empowered to resist the devil and his minions.  May the Lord help each and every one of us!

Recall that God says through Moses in Leviticus 18:22 that 

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with  womankind; it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22, see also Leviticus 20:13).

Obviously, these verses tell us point blank what God feels about homosexuality.  God-fearing believers in Jesus Christ, remember that whatever a person allows in his/her life, and comes out of that person, is what defiles them.  As followers of Jesus Christ we have the Holy Spirit to help us overcome.

On the other side of a person battling against a personal struggle with same sex attraction are what some call the "homophobes" or "gaybashers".  If we are "in Christ," we should NOT be such even if we are called such due to our element of being salt and light in the world.

In meekness and kindness and in the way of God's unconditional love as seen in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, we need to relate to those who wrestle with homosexuality or even with any other sin that threatens to overtake a person.  Deal in humility and with the armor of God firmly in place (James 5:19-20).

If a person comes to Christ and has been living the homosexual lifestyle, we need to gently teach that one cannot continue in this way.  There should not even be a hint of it among believers,  do get help from reliable and able people in the struggle to overcome.  For that matter, no hint of any other such sin, either.  They and we must avoid all appearance of evil.  We should never joke about it or pretend to be gay or lesbian or trangender, and so on.  This should NOT be kept in or out of the closet (Ephesians 5:1-14).

Rather, let there be thanksgiving of all the Lord  has done for us through Christ's redemption in our souls and in the giving of His Holy Spirit on the day we accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives.  Let the LORD BE OUR LORD AND MASTER and not anything else, not even a former lifestyle that pleased us but definitely did not and does not please God.

Let us not hide any wrong deeds, that is, those which go against God's Word, goodness, righteousness and truth.  Find out what pleases God and do it.  Expose the shameful in yourself; repent; confess; ask for help, prayer, and accountability to overcome whatever sin besets you.

God does know all about our struggles and yes, He does care.  Thank Him, trust Him, that He won't give you more than you can bear and that He will provide the way of escape.  Be aware, and take it, even if it is only to RUN - run very quickly away.  Submit to God and the devil will flee.

Jesus overcame temptation by quoting Scriptures.  We can too.  Read and read God's word.  memorize it so  the Holy Spirit can bring it to your attention when you need it.  Know also that the Holy Spirit within you is greater than the one in the world and greater than any temptation  that brow beats you.

Rejoice in the Lord always and pray without ceasing.  Let your requests and petitions go up to Him.  CRY OUT! for he said His peace will come and guard your hearts and minds.  Take Him at His Word (Matthew 4:1-11; Philippians 4:13; 1 John 4:4; James 4:7; Philippians 4:6-7).

We can also fill our minds with what is pure, noble, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.  Demolish arguments and every evil pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge we have from God.  There's one Beckett Cook who has a show where he talks humbly about these things.  His gentle manner helps people to listen even if they do not agree.  He knows the gay agenda inside out as he was once such as these.  Now he knows God's way and lives and walks in it (Philippians 4:18; 2 Corinthians 10:5).

The words 'struggle', 'battle against', and 'wrestle' show us that a former lifestyle could come back and even in a worse form, even after we believe we have 'rid ourselves' therefrom.  Any sin, even homosexuality, adultery, fornication, drunkennesss, slander and any addictions of other kinds we will be bullied and pressurized by.  We still have our sinful nature until Jesus calls us home to be with Him.  There may be a lessening of the struggles and temptations as we do fill our hearts and minds with God's Word and obey them as time goes by.  It would be good to have a trusted friend to help keep us accountable but must not put our guard aside.  We are to take 

"every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

May the Lord help us have victory time and again in the name and by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

For those of us on the outside looking in and even for those in the struggle themself, none of us should celebrate sin nor give approval to it.  We can pray that all our eyes will be opened to God's standard.  One and all need Jesus.  Let us be Jesus to those who don't even want to bother with Him.

As with any person caught in a sin, whether it be slander, adultery, or homosexuality we need to help the willing person to overcome; to have victory in Jesus over the temptations to sin and of their sin.  May our compassion be the motivational force to compel us to show love and kindness to our "neighbor" as we do for ourselves.  After all, we each have temptations we wrestle with.

When a fellow brother or sister-in-Christ wants to be free, then we must help them in humbleness and in guarding against being drawn into a similar seduction.

There is hope.  When a believer follows God's Word and gets their ultimate help from Him, they will be able to overcome and even discover their craving lessens, as they continue obeying God's Word, seeking Him, submitting to Him thereby resisting the devil, his minions and every temptation that would seek to invade and overrun us.  May our desires be for the Lord alone, seeking to please Him with our lives, bodies, souls, spirits, minds, hearts and wills.  All glory and praise to be God.

As Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan have said,

"There's no such thing as a gay Christian."

One or two last thoughts ... did you know that the opposite of homosexual is not heterosexual?  The opposite is holiness.  God said for us to be holy as He is holy (Leviticus 11:44, 45; and 1 Peter 1:15).  

Let's be holy Christians.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2022~

Based on a Bible study lesson by Rob Harbison, Moral Issues Facing the Church; God's Word;

See also:  We'll Convert your Children (The Beckett Cook Show Ep 33; Rosaria Butterfield's testimony; Christopher Yuan's testimony; Talk Show with Becket Cook, No Such Thing as a Gay Christian; and my blog article Good Book - Pamplet - Can You Change if You are Gay.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Book Review - Plagued By Bad Beliefs - By Jerry Dean Pate - Publication Date: 19 July 2022

The story sparks off with Betsy, the journalist, being flabbergasted by a group of ladies who do not want to hear the truth.  She goes back to the news room and commiserates with Vernon, a fellow journalist who loves the truth like she does.  He ends up telling Betsy a long story about how he was evicted  from his own newpaper in a small town where there is a cotton mill, also with a long story fraught with untruths about mill workers  who were marginalized and unfairly treated over their protests about "stretch-out" shifts during the Depression years.  The mistreatment had become increasingly worse when Webster's, the mill owner's wife, Amelia died.  The mill workers try to become unionized to protect themselves.

The twists and warps of truth,  of murder and strikes become fossilized lies as did the beliefs of Southerners about the American Civil War catalyst.  The author, Jerry Dean Pate exposes how these "Bad Beliefs" (and others) come to be and people's attitudes towards them; who starts them, who perpetutates them and  why.

I can say I'm not very shocked by the answers, but do find it alarming and agitating how those of lower economic income can be, and are, treated.  Although this narrative is written in Historical Fiction fashion, it still addresses these ills of 'those days' that still 'plague' today's "little guy" populace in unfortunate 'alive and well' status.  I hope we can all become more aware and concerned for such predicaments and not be among the perpetrators' class.  Bravo to author Pate for bringing this to pro-active listening-ear readers!

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                           April 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review in Goodreads.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - GAMBLING

You've heard of bee stings and dog bites but what about the "innocent-looking" scorpion?  It can be crawling along minding its own business, doing its own thing, no sweat until someone gets in its way.  Watch out then, that tail will rear up and give that someone a nasty, potentially life threatening sting -  a sting operation, if you will.  Lightning strike before you can even say "scorpion".  That's what indulging in gambling, "for fun," could do.

Did you know that social gambling seems pretty innocuous  and any winning or losing is no big deal?  Hey, it's fun, so they say, and the cost of such entertainment is equivalent of the price of a movie ticket and popcorn.  Plus, a very happy time spent with friends - so yeah, don't sweat it, ok?  

Hmmmm...we shall see.

Two other forms of playing games for the chance of a  desired "great gain" of earnings is professional gambling (pro) and the other, problem gambling.  The sauve pro has mastered the art of gambling so much so, that he or she wins a whole lot more times than he or she loses.  The pro plays in a 'controlled' manner whereas the problem gambler believes he/she is either a pro or just a social gambler.

Yet, this gambler plays to excess, uncontrolled and becomes disruptive and damaging to his or her family, and the game interfers with daily life - the person is addicted, and that's a problem!  This person will need interventional help to quit, similar to the alcoholic needing the Alcoholics Anonymous for the encouragement and steadfastness, coupled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit's empowerment and understanding brothers and sisters-in-Christ, in fellowship, to over come.

Different countries and perhaps even different states or districts within a country will have different types of gambling which they allow.  In Malaysia, lotteries, casino games and horse racing are legal but all other sports betting and online gambling are illegal.  Among California state law regarding legal gambling firms, there are card clubs, the state lottery and one curious one that caught my attention, "charitable gambling"! (So does this make it legit to a believer in Christ?  Interesting question to ponder upon.)  All these are an inconclusive list but we get the idea here.

To justify gambling, some people will counter with statements such as, "Life is a gamble." or "Farming is a gamble" or even, "Buying insurance is a gamble".  Do these confuse the issue?

"Time and chance happen to everyone" 

we learn in Ecclesiastes 9:11-12.  The race, the battle, finding food to eat, a job, wealth and favor, these all take time and effort to bring to fruition.  However, I believe our lives are in God's hands and He has said,

"Having food and raiment let us be therewith content.  But they that will be rich fall  into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition" (1 Timothy 6:8-9 KJV).

As for the farming aspect  God promised,

 "seed time and harvest would not cease" (Genesis 8:22). 
 He's the one to make grass grow for the cattle to eat, and crops for food for people to cultivate.  To me, farming is NOT a gamble, rather teamwork between God and  human beings.  The farmer ploughs, plants, fertilizes and weeds his fields.  The Lord supplies the sun and rain, causing those seeds to grow in good soil conditions.   In fact, God has organically engineered those seeds in the first place to do their thing when this teamwork is set in motion, to give the best possible results.  Overall, the Lord is in control, therefore, in my mind, this is not a matter that confuses the issue.

"If anyone does not provide for his own he has denied the faith" (1 Timothy 5:8).

Buying insurance may be somewhat of a pros and cons question that may confuse the issue though.  Is it a gamble?  On one hand it seems like insurance is relying on mankind instead of Jehovah Jireh, our Provider God.  Yet, it is, in many cases,  getting something  in return for what you paid for IF the insurance company doesn't find loopholes to wriggle out of issuing rightful payment.  Gambling only gives a small percentage of people any return, big or small amounts.

Looking out for the interests of others whether for health or life insurance when it is within a person's financial budget is a prudent practical way to show we don't pressure God in putting Him to the test.  Provide but not in pride (James 4:13-16; 1 Timothy 5:8).

Jay Peroni wrote that 'Balancing Wise Planning and Faith in God," regarding buying insurance, shows proper planning.  The goal of every protection plan should be enough to protect your family but not so much as to limit your dependance on God.  I think that is well said.  

Have you realized that the Bible doesn't say, "Thou shalt not gamble"?  Some people conclude that then, how could it be wrong to gamble?  They have licence to go all out, or do they?  There are some principles of good stewardship we can glean from God's Word to help us see God's point of view in better light.

In 1 Corinthians 4:2 we're told it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.  First Peter 4:10 echoes the thought.  

"You should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful servants of God's grace in its various forms."  

I very much doubt that those 'various forms' would include "charitable gambling" because one could still lose at a 50% chance or more, unless it's rigged, of course.

I believe these two verses would  concur that gambling  violates the principles of good stewardship.  A secular defintion plucked from the online Dictionary - Oxford Languages, is that the job of stewardship is that of supervising or taking care of something such as an organization or property.  Or, in context here, ones own family.  From a biblical perspective, a theological definition is, 

"utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation...managing everything God brings into the believer's life in a manner that honors God..." 

 How does this align with thinking that using your finances for any form of gambling is a non-issue?  Are not the stakes rather high?

We are accountable for how we use our money and possessions since everything we have comes from the Lord (1 Chroncles 29:13-14).  In my books, gambling would indeed violate principles of stewardship as well as the 'golden rule' as we see it in Matthew 7:12 and 22:39.

We are to do unto others as we would wish to have done to ourselves, loving our neighbor (in context - our own family members), as ourselves.  We are reminded in Romans 13:10 that 

"love does no harm to a neighbor".  

Gambling stirs up greed and hoarding reflex and often empties ones coffers, leaving next to nothing to provide for ones family.

Or, if there was a win, the potential provision from another man or woman's family.  We are not to covet another's possessions (that is a  direct command in the Bible - Exodus 20:17).  You can see that this does not seek another person's well-being.  If one is gambling, the scenario is that the gambler is taking funds away from either ones own family or that of another's.  This is not good stewardship, nor loving others.  We cannot do things out of selfish ambition as it is not looking out for the welfare and well-being of others. This violates the golden rule big time (see Philippians 2:3-4; 2 Corinthians 12:14-15).

In light of this, we could say that gambling is equivalent to stealing (Mark 7:20-23).  One of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not steal".  Gambling sets up a person to take the opponent's goods.  The outgrowth of this is covetousness, of which, in a follower of Jesus Christ, there should not even be a hint.  These tendancies need to be "put to death" as greed is said to be idolatry in God's Word (Ephesians 5:3-7; Colossians 3:5-6).

There's that verse that is sort of well-known but is often misquoted.  People say money is the root of all evil.  This is incorrect.  It is the 

"love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil," [emphasis mine]

some of which is mentioned above.

Those who have a passion to get rich, quick, fall into "temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires" - vulnerable to scams, big time.  These desires will "plunge people into ruin and destruction, leading them away from the Lord and truth".  We do need to earn our provisions in wholesome ways but beware of loving money to the point of idolatry and addiction.

We need to work hard, earning little by little to provide for our family and to help the weak and needy, remembering that 

"it is more blessed to give than receive" (Atcts 20:33-35).  

A person who gambles, squandering their money and possessions will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Paul told the Corinthian believers that they used to be like this but because of their faith in Jesus Christ they were now, 

"...washed,  sanctified and justified in  the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Praise the Lord for His redeeming and transforming work in their lives.  The same salvation is open and  available to one and all even today.  Come to Jesus.  Even if You are already a believer in Jesus Christ, seek the help you need to get yourself out of any destructive trap of gambling or any other type of addictions.  Be only 'addicted'  to Christ and living for His glory and honor.  Amen.  Be controlled only by the Holy Spirit, walking in step with Him and according to God's work (see 2 Peter 2:19; 1 Corinthians 9:2).

Paul did say he inflicted  or  beat his body to wipe out impurities.  I do not believe this is literal  as some religious affliates take to extremes. NO!  I believe it is figurative - something like the idea of fasting, for instance - learning to subdue our appetites and passions; that is,  the wrongful ones.

A Bible Hub website stated that 'our appetites should be our servants not our masters.  They should follow and be led by us."  One of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control.  We are NOT to serve our lusts rather we are to bring them into subjection and have ascendance over them (  In this way we can  avoid gambling leading us to addiction and problem gambling.  It may be a severe war we wage against such desires but with God, all things are possible.

If not, our influence as a Christian will be critically and negatively affected.  Let us be the salt and light to our family, neighbors, and beyond.  According to Matthew 5:13-16, salt that loses its flavor is thrown away.  That does NOT mean a Christian would lose their salvation.  NO!  However, that influential testimony of being "Jesus" to the world, will be surely injuriously hurt.  Take pains to do what is right in God's eyes, #1, and also in the eyes of our fellow-mankind, #2.

Remove oneself from the bad company that would corrupt us and our testimony of God  Gambling will associate us with "buddies-in-crime".  Such company only  encourages and applauds continued bets and "fun", towards "greater gain" that more than likely leads to pocket drain, rather than gain (1 Corinthians 15:33; Ephesians 5:11).

Focus on building up treasure in heaven where neither moth nor rust diminishes our earnings.  Walk the walk of the 'poor man' in blameless, God-fearing living.  Don't be gluttons nor bring disgrace upon our family, rather be that good steward who provides for family and become a friend to the poor and needy. Earn just gain, not unjust gain (Matthew 619-21 and Proverbs 28:6-8).

The Bible indicates at least three legitimate and honorable measures of transferring money or commoditites.  They are:  law of labor (Ephesians 4:28), that is doing something useful in order to share with those in  need.  Secondly, the law of exchange (Proverbs 31:16) - that noble woman who could consider a field and buy it.  The proceeds from her having planted and tended the vineyard were used to constructively finance her other wholesome pursuits, one of which she opened her hands to providing for her family and then to the poor.  There was no squandering of funds, rather, responsible stewardship.

The third means is the law of love (Proverbs 17:8, Luke 14:12-14).  That nobleman who invited his friends who refused his invitation to a banquet, turned then to the poor, lame, crippled and blind and so on.  They came and were amply blessed.  These were those who could NOT repay him!  Good stewardship uses funds wisely and responsibly for the good of themselves and others.  

I dare anyone to contradict me to say gambling falls under one or all of these categories of 'law'.  I say it does not!  Gambling is an ungodly pursuit of the law of wrongful worldly passions, desires and lust.  We must live self-controlled, upright, godly, lives as we wait to be called home to Jesus.

Do we still believe that there is a teeny-tiny crack of loophole in which gambling could be 'ok'?  I'd say along with Rob Harbison, who prepared a Bible study on  the topic of gambling and on which this article has its backbone, that,

"gambling is either right or wrong in principle."

That is the black or white of it.  No loopholes to justify any of the various forms that gambling takes.  Whether you're talking professional, social or problem gambling, even for the sake  of proceeds going to charity - all forms are all wrong.  They are still based on wrong principles.  They do not show that godly life and should not be encouraged in any way, shape or form.

I do not write to bash anyone over the head in self-righteous indignation.  Hopefully, it is out of compassion and concern for others and their personal welfare and that of their families and neighbors.  There are some Bible verses which can help us overcome the temptations to gamble, if we follow the wisdom and teaching thereof.

This 1 John 2:15-17 is a gem.  What a great day it will be when, 

"all our cravings will pass away"!  

Until then, let us love our Heavenly Father and do His will, which lasts forever.  We can get a head start in this today.

The writer of Romans gives the injunction to have no debts.  If a gambler loses and doesn't have the funds to pay, he'll plunge deeper and deeper into debt.  Or, if he wins, cause his neighbor to be indebted.  As a Christian we are to fulfil the law of love and not harm our neighbor nor are we to covet another's possessions (Romans 13:8-10).  Let God's Word guide you.  Be led by the Holy Spirit and put to death the misdeeds of the body as sons of God should practice (Romans 8:13-14).

"Trust in the Lord and lean not on  our own understanding."

Our own understanding can blindside us and deceive us into believing we have no problem - "Oh, I only gamble socially."  DO NOT be fooled!  Instead, 

"in all your ways acknowledge the Lord and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

If we followers of Jesus Christ choose this right and godly path, or wish to change to His way, it may take some work to disentangle ourself from debt and wrongful desire but let's fix our goal, our eyes and lives, to acknowledging the Lord in our lives and do so with Him, doing all we do or say in the name of Jesus and giving thanks to Him ( Colossians 3:17).

Every good tree bears good fruit, which reminds me of the picture my sister sent me.  It was a picture of a billboard ad for a certain kind of fruit drink.  One caption said, 

"Share fruitful moments."  

I'll add,  - make it good fruit.

In closing, I'll say that I have never believed gambling to be even in any respect a good pasttime but how could one back up this belief and dislike?  This study of biblical principles as found in Scriptures, and as offering in  this study has steered me in a good direction and enlightened me to better understanding, and defence.  Whether we are young or old, God's Word is always sure and right and lasts forever.  

Even when there  is no direct reference to gambling per se, with a "thou shalt not," we can be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance as we read, ponder and meditate upon and obey God's Word day by day.  This is a good desire to have.  It must come from the heart of one devoted to the Lord and living to please and honor Him.  In this way we can avoid ungodly addiction to gambling, we  can extricate ourselves from such dependancy and become that influential salt and light in our world for Jesus.  Let  our only 'addiction' be to Him.  Amen.

Father God, You know that any addiction of any kind can be a life long struggle against that fruit of Your Holy Spirit, self-control.  We all need empowerment fromYour dynamic power through Him.  I ask, that anyone reading this article who is battling such, will be galvanized to seek Your help and even the help of spiritually godly men and women (Your children) to help overcome and conquer that which does not please You.  May we all actually be alert against ungodly passion and even unashamedly seek professional help if need be.  Our hope is in You, Lord and Your mercy and forgiveness.  I beseech You in Jesus' name.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2022~

Based on Moral Issues Facing the Church, Lessons by Rob Harbison.

See also:  Morning Musings - Money Talks

Other references:; Bible Hub; Bible Study

Sing, I Surrender All to Jesus, along with Israel Houghton and Jesus, Your Mercy - The Glorious Christ Live, SovereignGraceMusic.


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Book Review - The Book of Susan: A Novel - By Melanie K. Hutsell - Publication Date: 19 July 2022

 The story starts out "foggy" and I was near to putting it aside but then realized the serious intent of the narrative - an awareness of individuals living with mental illness, and in this case, with bipolar disorder.  I'm glad I stuck with the story that, although fiction and reads like a diary of Susan's distress and bewilderment and then coping mechanism, gives a virtual scope of the reality of living life with something that is not going to go away.  Her distress and vulnerablility were palpable.  Those who have this and/or other mood disorders will find some comfort, I dare say, in knowing there is some hope to cope out there.  Those who are family members or friends of those who struggle with such disorders will be able to gain greater understanding and empathy along with compassion if they take Susan's story to heart.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                 July 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by Net Galley and the Paraclete Press.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Chengli and the Silk Road Caravan - By Hildi Kang - Publication Date: 14 October 2011

What a beautiful story!  I just love it!  Following Chengli - the Camel Boy - along the Silk Road from Chang'an (today's Xian) in Master Fong's caravan was quite a journey!  It was quite a feat to arrive safely and  soundly, because dangers and perils lurked behind every grain of sand.  The integrity and fortitude that the lowly "Skinny One" exerted in caring for beast and princess alike was heart warming.  Seeing the mountains, oasis, bustling towns and more, through Chengli's eyes  in BCE times one could feel the excitement, see and hear the sights and sounds vividly, and smell the smells of ancient China, titillatingly.  If anyone loves ancient history and the lore of China, this book is for you.  Children and adults alike will find great affinity towards Chengli and friends (but watch out for the enemies), I feel quite sure of it!

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                             July 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by Net Galley and the Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Read on Goodreads.

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Baseball Window


It was summertime, but Gracie was still encased in her office.  She was distracted though by euphoric cheers and  shouts, and even of dismayed groans emanating from the baseball field she could spy on from her second-storey office window.  She could and she did spy - often - even when she should have been working.

Today was no exception.  She sighed, got up, and gazed out of what she termed, "The Baseball Window".  Even though she herself couldn't play well, she did, from time to time.  More often than not, her bites of baseball came from the entertainment viewed from her window here.  The game in present progress must be a friendly match of some sort as there was a mix of men, women and children playing.  "Maybe it is a church group or family reunion," Gracie mused.  "They were usually the most fun and relaxed.  Most players didn't care too much about score.  Of course; there was always the one or two who were annoyingly competitive and sometimes put a damper on the fun."

"Oh wow," she monologued, "that's a great hit!  Ha, ha, looks like a home-runner hit.  Go, go!" she shouted even though they couldn't her her.

The boss did though.  He appeared around the door, "Gracie, away from the window, back to the desk!"

"Yes, Mr. Bailey." she said meekly, turning reluctantly away from her gallery viewpoint and plunking herself back into her chair.

She glanced at her watch.  Sigh.  Still an hour to go.  "Summer was torture at times; too nice out to be chained in," she muttered to herself.  "Vacation time can't come too soon."

Another uproarious outburst of screams, shouts and applauds...Gracie couldn't contain herself, she popped  up out of her chair like toasted toast, even leaping into the air, and pasted herself to the window once more.

Oh, bases must have been loaded.  Three runners making a beeline for home and a fourth diving to first base.  "Hah, made it.  Just.  Safe!" Gracie whispered, mindful now of the Boss's good hearing.

Ha, ha, the pitcher was distractd and missed the first base runner who stole to second.  Second baseman shouted for the ball.  Pitcher man was too late.  The girl, yes, girl, on second grinned  like a banshee.

Gloating laughter erupted from her being, very much pleased with her success.

The pitcher wiped his forehead sweat on the back of his hand and onto his pants then poised and wound up for the next pitch.  Hah, a guy with an ego-look was up at bat.  Gracie looked to see who the outfielders were and why that batter was visibly puffing himself up.  "Ah, a bunch of Asian Orientals by the looks of it.  Probably international university students.  They don't stand much chance I figure but I'll root for them," she told herself.

Sure enough, Mr. Ego swung like he played for the Toronto Blue Jays, who do have  something to be proud of in all their homerun after homerun style.  "SMACK!" the bat connected magnificiently with the ball and soared above the players' heads in a wondrous arc.

Up and up and then the descent of the ball was monitored by all with baited breath.

The tense outfielders, mouths agape in awe or panic, Gracie couldn't tell which, had finally begun "a bit late," she thought, to move hopefully into a projected-catch position.  Huh, they must be mathematicians or civil engineers or something.  Mr. Ego was already on second, rushing to third when, oh, ha, ha, ha, Mr. Oriental, caught the ball!  "Well done, Mister!" she wanted to shout but muted it, mindful again of her boss's perfect hearing.

If looks could kill, Mr. Ego would certainly have done so to Mr. Oriental.  She could actually see that dirty look from her stance above the thrall.  As usual, so much for a "friendly match".

She chuckled  to herself and sat back at her desk, attempting to once again engross herself in her work.  Just in time too, cuz Mr. Bailey Boss peeked in at her.  "Just checking," he said.

That made her grin even more.  So the day was ending on a happy note and there were only twenty minutes left, then she'd run for home.

                                                     ~ERC  February 2022~