Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - That Kind of Sorrow

You know the lovely old piece of traditional hymnery, the I Stand Amazed in the Presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and the part of the lyrics that says, "He took my sins and my sorrows"; well, that is the part that "spoke" to me this morning as we sang the words.  Those of us who have lost loved ones recently will be able to relate.  We sorrow, not as others sorrow, when our departed loved ones have known the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior (1 Thessalonians 4:13).  We know they have gone to be "with Christ".  However, those whom we fear have never accepted Him, our sorrow is deeper with the added element of hopelessness, as we know they will suffer, excruciatingly, for all eternity to come.

How can one bear that kind of sorrow?!

It is beyond words and thoughts to figure it out.

There is some comfort in knowing that Jesus has taken those sorrows.  He is at my side, holding them with me as I work through the thoughts.  We will never likely be free of such thoughts though, until Jesus calls us up to be with Him; they will always be a part of us.

Yes, yes, some well meaning folks will tell us that you never know, that perhaps your loved one did accept but just never expressed it.  Of course, I know that!!  But there is the BIG QUESTION MARK always hovering!  Yes, we have to let our Heavenly Father be the Judge that He is.  Nevertheless, our humanness, will go through the mental torment.  I don't cotton on to false senses of security.  

I will grieve and I will mourn the double loss.

It is because I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I have accepted Him as Lord and Savior of my life, I also accept, in theory, what is, is.  I am thankful, that He not only died for my sins, but He also took my sorrows.

That is what I focused on this Lord's Day morning as the bread and wine were passed from one sister and brother, to the next.  

May these words also be some sort of comfort in the inner being for someone else.  

In the end, like Job, we have to be speechless in Almighty God's presence.  He knows what He is doing and He is much BIGGER than us. (Read the book of Job in the Bible.)

How marvelous!  How wonderful!

                                                   ~ERC  November 2019~

In tears of sorrow and gratitude sing along with the group, The Savior's Love performed by hymncharts

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