Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bible ABCs - Yokes

"Read your Bible, pray every day; and you'll grow, grow, grow..."  So goes a familiar Sunday School song.  I'd like to add, read and obey and pray.  All that reading would give theory and a head full but putting what one reads into action will show the true "knowledge".

According to John 17:8, 11, 17 (ESV), the words of God can help make us "one with Jesus".  They assist us to be "yoked" with Him.

The word "yoke" always conjures up for me the image of two perfectly yoked oxen, working together in harmonious tandem allowing the farmer's work to be done as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

There's a lady, whom my siblings and I knew from our younger days, who's husband is very much into oxen pull's competitions.  She is also very enthusiastic about them.  These matches of strength ascertain whose yoke of oxen can pull the heaviest load and for what distance?  Amazing what those beasts of burden can accomplish whether for work or for 'sport'.

The oxen don't emerge with such teamwork overnight though.  They had to be patiently trained into their "oneness".  Oneness with each other and their yoke of oxen trainer who was more than likely their owner.

All sorts of hiccups could crop up in the process.  One of the oxen may be temperamental with a mind of its own; not feeling well; injured; or perhaps one is stronger or bigger or a quicker learner than the other.

The master trainer would need to figure out how to overcome these challenges and discover how best to take advantage of the individual ox's, ahem, strengths.  All this to the best possible outcome of teamwork working as one, in sync.

You can probably catch the analogy here.  With God's Words working within us, and His indwelling Holy Spirit enabling us to obey, we become more in tune with Christ; with His will and ways.

I like what Jesus asked His Father, in His prayer as recorded in John 17:11 (ESV)...

"...that they may be one, even as we are one..."

God's Word yokes us to Christ.  Verse 8 of John 17 (ESV) shows what else Jesus talked about with His Father,

"...I have given them the Words that You gave Me, and they have received them and have come to know the truth..."


As we read God's Word, receive and know His Word for yourself.  In verse 17, again from John 17 (ESV), we discover what else Jesus asked from His Father,

"Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth."

Read.  Obey.  Pray.  Be sanctified.

These actions will train and mold us to our Heavenly Father's will and yoke us to Jesus Christ to our best possible outcome.  Just think, Jesus lets us be yoked together with Him! 

He is the stronger and bigger Person on this "team" yet He compensates for our humanness and picks up the slack empowering us to move forward with the tasks and burdens of life.  A true Yokefellow!

Jesus invites us to the alliance,

"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 ESV).

Accept this invitation to be yoked in oneness with Christ.

Pull in unison...

                                                ~ERC  November 2019~

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