Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bible ABCs - Warns

"Did you hear about the semi-colon that broke the law?"

He was given two consecutive sentences.

The Law's the law and if you break it you have to bear the consequences.  Therefore, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime"!  That is fair warning.

Even in sports like badminton, basketball or floorball, there are rules and regulations governing play.  There must be order in the 'court'.  You go outside those boundaries, there are penalties.

The rules and regulations are in place to keep the game from chaos and injustice in the heat of the game.  They warn and instruct the team players of what they can and can't do.

The Psalmist makes similar mention of God's laws, statutes, decrees, precepts and commands.  If you read Psalm 19 you'll see all about those.  In particular is the key verse of the day, verse 11 (ESV);

"Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them is great reward."

God's Word is there for us, NOT as a stern authoritarian taskmaster, but more like a Referee to guide us and to keep us from making a mess of our life and from dishonoring our "Captain," Jesus.  He loves us and wants the best outcome for us; He wishes for us to "win".

To be warned is to be forewarned.  Read and heed God's Word.  Let the Holy Spirit help teach you.  Be observant of His "legislation" for you and bring glory to God by your obedience; keeping within the boundaries of His will and ways.  

All this by God's gift of grace coursing through our "new life in Christ" veins.  

                                                  ~ERC  November 2019~

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