Friday, May 10, 2019

Mother's Day 2019 - Missing Mothers

Mother's Day is just around the corner; tomorrow, in fact.  It's a day to especially honor your Mom and tell her you love her.  However, it can also be a painful day for some--those with missing mothers.

Mothers can be "missing-in-action" for various reasons but what I have in mind is more related to those whose mothers, who loved them and who were loved in return, have gone "to sleep".

Sometimes, even many months or years on, tears can come unbidden at unheralded moments with such thoughts of, "Oh, I want to tell her this..." or "Oh, I'll share this picture with her; she likes this sort of thing".  Then, it hits you, uh-oh, well, I can't.  Bittersweet nanoseconds.

Not to be too depressing here, so praise the Lord we do have those precious connections to the memory of her.  Precious memories, how they linger.  We can fix our hearts and minds on them; a treasure chest of reminiscence.

We do not do this to "worship" our Mom's but it speaks volumes of laudable virtue--the relationship with your Mom had had some health to it.  That is a huge blessing.

Followers of Jesus Christ often turn to God's Word, to the book of Proverbs and chapter 31, on Mother's Day.  There we see the wonderful attributes of a noble wife, a woman who's worth is "far above rubies".   Yes, our mothers were/are not infallible but there is "ruby-worth".  Hold on to that and imitate her example; pay it forward, so to speak.

My missing Mother whom I miss was a woman of exceptional grace.  She set a mighty lofty standard, imitating her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I'm hard put to follow that grace-faith.

For followers of Jesus Christ, we have the sure hope of knowing we will be reunited with our departed loved ones if they too had been a follower of Jesus.  I said many Mom's are "asleep" because one day believers will meet them again in Heaven, with Christ.  We weep now but our tears will be all wiped away someday, and that for ever.

Those of you who still have your Mom's --cherish them while you have them.  Mend fences when and where needed.  Don't live to regret the relationship if at all possible.  At very least, forgive her in your heart and mind.

In the end, when the inevitable time comes, I hope you too will truly miss your missing mother.

                                                          ~ERC  May 2019~

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