Saturday, May 11, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Golden Reward Treasure Unveiled

Psalm 19 is one of my favorite Psalms.  All the imagery and maybe because in younger days we used to sing parts of it and it caught my heartstrings with melodious accord.  

Look at the imagery (NIV),

 "God has pitched a tent for the sun" (v. 4).  

That declares His glory.

Pitching a tent, depending on its size, is not that easy.  Growing up we basically lived in a big tent that could seat 100 -150 people, all summer long.  Putting that tent up required some effort, I tell you.  It had to be set up and taken down every two weeks for two months of summer.  (No, NOT a circus tent but a Gospel Tent my parents helped to run.)

For God to set up His tent, it seems like no effort -- it's all within His easy capability.  After all, He is The Creator God.  Think of the size that that tent had to be to encompass the sun!  Mega-scale!

The psalmist focused on the sun of God's creation.  It's apparent circuit across the heavens and the warmth it provides.  Then he changes the topic, speaking about the "Law of the Lord" and its perfections.  Not sure if he is attempting to connect the two or just that his meditations took a turn as he  was writing.

Nevertheless, we can snap a wondrous picture of God's creation followed by God's perfect law, statutes, precepts and commands that refresh the soul, make wise the simple, give joy to the heart and light to the eyes and are righteous.  He delights in them and marvels at them.  They too are gargantuan and breathtaking and a "tent" in which we also can take refuge.

Then he's on to asking God to forgive his hidden faults and to keep him from willful sins.  In the presence of Almighty God, the Holy One, the saints of old immediately perceived their sinfulness.  Like Peter, too, of New Testament times, did upon his astonishing catch of that huge mess of fish after a fish-less all-nighter of fishing.  He was instantly humbled, fell upon his knees, and cried, 

"Go away from me, Lord, I am a sinful man" (Luke 5:9 NIV)!

God's Word, said David the Psalmist of Psalm 19, is 

"perfect...sure...right...pure...true and righteous warning" 

and shows the sincere heart their 

"errors and hidden faults".

Do we desire God's words?  Do we covet them more than fine gold...?  Keeping God's word

 "brings great reward", 

so said David.  Reward and prosperity NOT of impermanent earthly material wealth, rather of spiritual growth and holiness with eternal benefit.  

This God desires and seeks for in us, with His best wishes.  He can be your Rock and Redeemer, the steadfast One on Whom we can rely.   He keeps His word. 

Cherish and meditate upon God's Word as you pass the bread and wine one to another on Lord's Day.  He sent Jesus, the Living Word, to bring you Your salvation and holiness.  Remember what He has done for you and continues to do.  He is the "Author and Finisher" (KJV), the,

"...Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2 ESV).

  Look to Him for your eternal great reward.  It's bigger than any tent.

                                                            ~ERC  May 2019~

The law of the Lord is perfect sung by Shiloh Worship Music

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