Saturday, May 18, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - The Better Portion

Cooking and cleaning and nurturing your children; cooking and cleaning and nurturing and infinitum and not necessarily in that order but the cycle does seem endless at times.  What's that adage?

"Man works from sun to sun but a women's work is never done."                                  ~author unknown~

That through no fault of her own.  Not to disparage fathers and other men either.  They too have a merry-go-round of daily responsibilities to sustain.

Our days often feel bogged down with daily duties with little to no time to catch a breath.  We "gotta get it done" especially if company's coming.

I can empathize 100% with Martha.  That would be the Lazarus, Mary & Martha, Martha, of Luke 10:38-42 fame.  When ya got company, ya like to have things "just so" and serve your best; more so if your guest is Jesus.  Oh, and you'd be ever so grateful if someone would lend you a hand; especially an able-bodied sister.

That sister Mary who was just sitting around not doing a lick of work.  She was just sitting there listening to Jesus, of all things!  "Get your rear in gear, Mary!" Mutter, mutter.  I can picture Martha's agitation perfectly.

To rub some salt in the wound, Jesus calmly rebukes, 

"Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:42 ESV).

If I were Martha, I think I'd grit my teeth in a grimace, mumble and grumble through those clenched teeth as I about-faced to the kitchen.

Attitude is wrong, yes!  Yet how many have ever had similar thoughts and feelings?

Did Jesus care?  Of course, He did!  

Notice Jesus doesn't say that what Martha is doing is no good.  He says what Mary is doing is "better".


Mary's was to "be still" and to listen to Jesus the Messiah, the One Who cares.  She took her "timeout" with what, or rather, with Who, was precious to her.  He was her choice.  Spending time with Jesus, soaking up His Presence.

It's hard for us in this era to visualize doing that with Someone Who is an "invisible quality of eternal power and divine nature" (Romans 1:20 ESV).  In the treadmill of life, however, it is essential.  Bathe yourself in His presence.  Quiet your hearts; open His Word and read what He tells you; tell Him your heart; or just sit there and revel in His presence and know He is there with you.  You will have precious moments.

We have this choice and privilege; anywhere, anytime.  All these because God demonstrated His love for us through Jesus' death and resurrection (Romans 5:8).  Jesus our Savior and mediator between His  (& our) Father, God, and us (1 Timothy 2:5).  When we belong to Him through Jesus we are His child (John 1:12).  We have the right to "be still" in His presence (Psalm 46:10).  Go to Him and find rest in the midst of the busyness and chaos of what life dishes out to you.

Remember this peaceful privilege as you pass and partake of the broken bread and cup of wine to one another on Lord's Day in remembrance of the One who made "being still" possible.  It is that "better portion".

                                                         ~ERC  May 2019~

Be Still for the Presence of the Lord

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