Saturday, February 23, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Kept Promises

"Make no promises, break no promises," I've heard folks rhyme off.  Yet promises still get made, and broken.

Case in point...delve back into history.  World leaders negotiated tons of  promises in treaties.  Precious few continued to honor them.  Like the adage, "rules were made to be broken".  Shame on them all!

The finger can't be totally pointed at others though, because if you recall, three fingers will be pointing right back at yourself.  Chagrin, chagrin.

I, for one, know I've made promises in the past to my children, but didn't always keep them.  If you promise, for instance, "tomorrow we'll go to the beach, but neglect to add on, "if it doesn't rain," then you are in trouble with your children.   They look up to you, trust you, and expect you'll keep your word, rain or shine.

Perhaps in other instances, you've inadvertently forgotten about the promises you've made; happens to the best of us.  We get busy; have responsibilities; minds full of thoughts juggling for space up there.  Yet the people you've made promises with/to will remember.  They will be hurt when you forget; unwittingly or otherwise.

This brings me to talk about our loving heavenly Father, God.  What He promises, He fulfills.

2 Peter 3:9 NIV states,

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises, as some understand slowness..."

Once again, go back in time, let's see God's track record through some of ancient Israel's past.  Look what the leader Joshua recounts in his book Joshua 21:43-45, especially vs 42, 45 (NIV)...

"So the LORD gave Israel all the land He had sworn to give their forefathers, and they took possession of it and settled there...not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled."

Did you catch that?  "Not one" of God's promises failed.

In Joshua's farewell speech he reminds the leaders of God's faithfulness in promise-keeping.  Read Joshua 23:14 (NIV).

" know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed.  Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed."

How do you feel about that?  Can you start to trust God, your Heavenly Father; even just a glimmer?

Jeremiah 1:12 (NIV) makes me smile as he relates what the LORD said to him.

"The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled".

How about that!?  God is proactive in making sure what He promises, happens.

Because of those words, Jeremiah confidently shares in Lamentations 2:17 (NIV)...

"The LORD has done what He planned; He has fulfilled His word, which He decreed long ago."

Even though promised "long ago", God was still watching, ensuring the fulfillment of His words.

I want to interject here that some of what God had promised to the Israelites was not always a good result for them.  That is, God promised that if they'd obey His way of life, they'd have good consequences.  However, if they disobeyed, then punishing consequences would result to their detriment.

It's serious and solemn to enter into a covenant with God!  Not to be taken lightly.

The prophet Ezekiel  had words to pass on to the Israelites too.  He told them,

"This is what the Sovereign LORD says:  None of my words will be delayed any longer; Whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign LORD.'" (Ezekiel 12:28 NIV).

Having established that God keeps His word, are you curious as to some of those promises He's promised?

This one must have been a heart-stopper...definitely not for the faint-hearted!  The Israelites were trapped.  In front of them was the Red Sea, behind them was the mighty Egyptian army:  Pharoah, from whom they thought they had just escaped and  of whom they were petrified; all the fighting men, chariots and horses pursuing and nipping at their heels.  God tells Moses to tell the congregation of Israelites, "Be still."!?

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Exodus 14:13-14 NIV).

If you read the whole 14th chapter of Exodus, you'll discover...God kept His word.  A mighty promise promised and kept.  

Flip your Bibles over to Philippians 1:6 (NIV).

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

God's promise to the Philippians, a way back when, is still valid for us today if you are a follower of Jesus Christ.

Flip back to Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) for a beautiful promise,

"...but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

How many "will's" do you count?  That's pretty reassuring.  For some more "I will's" by God, peruse Isaiah 41:10, 13; 43:2; 54:10.  He will give: strength, help; He'll be with us during our deep, dark times of stress, distress and trouble; and He'll build our lives up with "jewels".  Wow!

In Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV), the LORD promises to, 

"...go before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you..."

What a wonderful promise!  A Father who will "never leave;" "never forsake"!

Just so you don't think the Old Testament has all the promises, here are two more from the New Testament.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."  (James 1:5 NIV).

Ask away.  He promises to give generously.

All of us followers of Jesus Christ know that just because we've accepted Him as Savior and maybe are even actively, humbly, building that relationship through sanctification, making Him truly LORD of our lives, we do fail.  We do, do wrong in His eyes.  Thank God for the 1 John 1:9 (NIV)'s promise.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

The 'if' depends on us.  God won't force us to confess.  He won't sell you short either.  If we confess, He'll keep His part of the promise..."He'll forgive".  He doesn't just stop at that either.  "He'll purify" us from all that unrighteousness that clung from that sin.  He is ready and willing and waiting for our "if" to get into action.

What's more, there were many prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the New Testament, most in regards to the birth of Jesus and Jesus' purpose for coming to Earth as a man.  Jesus fulfilled His purpose to be the propitiation for the "whosoever" (John 3:16); for you, for me.  God offers this salvation now; the forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.

Due to God's unfailing record of promise-keeping, one and all can fully trust Him for their salvation.  John 3:36 (NIV) emphatically declares:

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."

And further into that gospel, John 8:36 (NIV), the joy bells continue to ring out...

"If the son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Free from sin and condemnation!  

Believers in Jesus Christ, we have enormous praise and gratitude to declare back to God for all He has done, for all He is doing, and for all He says He will do in our lives.

As we gather together on Lord's Day to remember what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us through His death and resurrection, rejoice!  Rejoice as you pass the bread and wine, one to another.  Give thanks for His steadfast love, for His faithfulness down through the ages that has come even, to us.  He has proven He is trustworthy and does what He says He will do.

He is the Promise-keeper who keeps His promises for all time and eternity.  He dares to make them and keep them.

"He does not fail"  Zephaniah 3:5 (NIV)

                                                    ~ERC  February 2019~

A praise song to share with you sung by the Maranatha Singers about the Lord's steadfast love and faithfulness.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Burning Quest - Part 56

The Chinese culture, as I know it, is infused with many legends that include non-human beings which get called "demons".  Ironically there are good and bad demons.  You can see this by just watching some of their movies.  There are some ugly demons, some beautiful ones, weird looking ones, and ones that fly through the air with the greatest of ease, etc.  There seems to also be human beings controlled by such demons and much of their action plays out as malicious, revengeful but occasionally, I suppose galvanized by "good" demons, charitable deeds accomplished.

Does this jive with what many now believe about the spirit world?  The great "unknown" and shadowy mystery world?  The Buddhists also believe in the existence of spirits:  good and evil ones.  Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, author of What Buddhists Believe informs us,

"There are visible and invisible beings or spirits in the same way as there is visible and invisible light" (Page 392).

What I find incongruent however, is their belief that they,

" not deny the existence of various gods or deities" (Page 390)...

...yet on the other hand they do not acknowledge the existence of God.  They disallow for God, the Supreme Being, and  of His having created all of creation, but they do accept the idea of 'gods' (note the 's') or deities.

Sri Dhammananda goes on to describe the deities.  He records that they have certain powers that human beings lack yet the powers are limited.  They live in happy abodes, he says, and live longer then human kind.  However they can "run out of" good karma and that causes them to die.  This is a dilemma for them because they are supposedly more sensuous than human beings making it more difficult for them to be reborn into a better condition.

In addition, they need to rely on human beings to help them.  When a person does a good deed and shares the merit from said deed, with the deity, it grants the deity improved karma, giving better chances for a better rebirth situation.

In turn, the deities having been given a directive from Gautama Buddha to protect human beings who live a religious life, can then support these people through life.  That's a win-win situation in which both parties are interdependent upon each other.  In fact, this appears very much like the individual person and deity needing aid from an "external source" which Sri Dhammananda notes, several times throughout his book, such assistance is totally unnecessary.

I'm not trying to hit at what that author has said, I just call it to light for everyone to consider as you read further.

Humans benefit by being able to tell their troubles to the deities, and gain some consolation.  Some people even believe the deities can be influenced to grant favors.  So humans and deities, who apparently share a common destiny, depend upon each other.

It needs to be noted that these deities cannot render the actual salvation of Nirvana in any way.  Each individual is on their own; no external forces can help (Pages 390-392).  Yet in my reading I've discovered that these deities do help to remove certain obstacles out of the way of the person's path to Nirvana.  More of that later....

There are so many nuances and variations of Buddhist beliefs, as there are within many other religions.  The variations regarding deities depend on which sect or even sub-sect of Buddhism you look at making it a challenge to pinpoint any one of them to be labelled, "It's Like This!" teaching.  The "Ah-ha!" moment.

If you surf the internet you'll uncover the Tibetan-type of Buddhism which tends towards Mahayana Buddhism which is the more mystical of beliefs and is even influenced by Hinduism's gods.  The Japanese, or those from Taiwan also have input often from varying cultural perspectives.  Assumably, if you roam your way to Bhutan, Thailand or even Sri Lanka, for instance, there will be different tweaks of belief as well.

From what I can deduce from the 'surfing', there are at least ten main deities of import which you too can search for yourself on line but I'll mention a couple here which may sound familiar:  The Tibetan Dalai Lama is said to be connected to a deity of compassion (must be one of the 'good' demon deities); there is Amitabha (one often sees this one's image on car stickers), who is said to be the Buddha of Infinite Light; Guan Yin-Goddess of mercy which can presumably take on thirty-six forms, one of which includes manifesting as a mustached man; and then some called "Fierce Deities", that according to wikipedia, are wrathful or forceful, able to destroy obstacles to enlightenment for human beings.  Some of these deities also have the ability to cause diseases and know five forms of violent death.  While "surfing" I learned that these "deities" were also termed "demons".  These are quite the admixture of beings.

In the end, these deities having run their course, are not any better off than human kind.  They too are perishable and subject to rebirth; rebirth to, most likely, a lesser form or same status.  These are 'gods' which cannot help themselves but are supposed to give support to living human beings.  No wonder mankind cannot rely on them for salvation of Nirvana.

Besides deities, the Buddhists believe in the existence of spirits.  These spirits can be good or evil; visible or invisible beings.  One article, "Guide to Buddhism", claims there are:  angry or jealous spirits; hungry spirits (hungry because of excessive greed when he/she was a human being); or purgatorial beings (those that have been sent to "purgatory".  From what I can surmise, this is a type of "hell' such as described in previous blog entries referring to a 'model' of a ten-level hell as depicted in Singapore).

These spirits are unable to help themselves and need living human beings to aid them.  This ties in with the transference of merits from meritorious acts which will be discussed later on.  The thought of "loving-kindness" bestowed upon the spirit, usually of a departed loved one (family or friend), allows the spirit a better chance of a better rebirth.  You see, they too, are subject to both rebirth and death and won't necessarily remain a spirit the next time round.  One relates to spirits by the transfer of merits (Page 392, 393) as already remarked upon.

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda remarks on Page 393 of his book,

"...if a person is religious, virtuous and pure in mind, and is also intelligent and possesses strong will-power and understanding capacity, then such a person could be deemed to be much stronger than spirits.  The evil spirits will keep away and the good spirits will protect him or her."

He also says that goodness acts as a protective shield or wall against evil. This is great motivation to continue to think and do what is right, good and wholesome.

In previous blog entries for Burning Quest, it has been mentioned a number of times that a human being, due to his/her state of mind at point of death, whether he/she had had a good or bad last thought or action, could morph into the rebirth of another human being or that of some creature of the "animal kingdom" (my meaning includes birds, sea creatures, insects as well as other land animals).  Further investigation has taught me that there are other states into which the mental continuum could find itself.

Those alternate state forms could be a deity of one type or another, or of a spirit.  The best form, of course, is the human being state.

Why so?  It is because it is only from the human state that enlightenment can be attained; Nirvana reached.  It is from this advantageous platform one can actually help oneself; so it is presumed.

You may have registered in your mind that both the deities and the spirits need help from human beings effecting meritorious acts and sharing the merits with them.  This, in turn, helps the spirit or deva to hopefully better itself.  The human being accrues merit from giving merits; all are happy.  This happiness helps gain better position the next round keeping things spiraling in an upward circumstance that increases such chances of success for each being.  The followers of Buddha have a lot to do to keep themselves busily bettering themselves on towards ceasing to be reborn.

The followers of Jesus Christ have a whole different ball game.  We believe in one and only one true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.  This is God who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them.  We believe in the existence of God, the One Supreme Being and that He is the Creator.

There are created beings, aside from human beings, called angels.  One of those angels, Lucifer (name rendered from Hebrew, Isaiah 14:12, KJV), was once, I believe, the top angel in God's presence.   Granted, the Ezekiel 28:11-19 description of Lucifer's magnificence and  his downfall appear to also be describing the King of Tyre.  However, Biblical scholars believe this is mostly reference to the evil one we mostly call Satan.

There are also references to a third of the angels being swept out of heaven by the dragon's tail when Satan was flung out of heaven.  These "angels" we now call "demons" or what I like to call, "Satan's minions".  You can read about these in Hebrews 12:22 and Revelation 12:3-9.  Either way, they are still evil.  John describes Satan as one who only comes to "steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10).

By contrast, John writes that Jesus said He had come that others "may have life, and have it to the full" (NIV); or "abundantly" (KJV).   Jesus, the Son of God, the Holy, Perfect One, came to bring, full and abundant life.  John further tells us in John 3:16, that that life is also "everlasting" and when an individual, human being, believes in Jesus and the suffering He took in our place which He suffered on the cross, making atonement for our souls through His death and then resurrection, that everlasting life is ours.  

No need to strive and strive for eons in the slim hope of ever achieving no more suffering and no more rebirth.  NOT that I believe in rebirth of the Buddhist type.  Being born again, through faith in Jesus Christ, we are then born into God's family.  None of us needed to die or to pay for our own sins.  That is because Jesus did so for us.  We could not ever, ever earn enough merits to ever overcome our greedy, lustful, unwholesome mind's thoughts, and end our suffering and rebirth.  This is what is so good about being a follower of Jesus Christ.

The only obstacles to accepting Jesus Christ are those that Satan and his demon minions PUT in our road or those that our own fallen nature constructs.  When a person humbly submits to God, telling Him, that "Yes, I am a sinner.  Yes, I need You.  Yes, I need Jesus to wash those sins (bad deeds and unwholesome thoughts) away.  Yes, I accept Your offer of salvation", that then those obstacles fall away with our choice.  The choice of Jesus.    

This brings us to the meritorious act that benefits others.  It was through Jesus and His death and resurrection, that enables all human beings to receive the gift of God:  sins forgiven, sins washed away, everlasting life given.  Jesus came only for human being's benefit.  Not for the demons, not for the spirits, not for any of the animal kingdom:  only for the salvation of  those among His created beings:  mankind.

Followers of Jesus Christ are often enamored with angels almost to the point of worshiping them.  Yes, they must be truly awesome and terrifying creatures.  Yes, creatures.  We should not make "gods" out of them.  They can not give us salvation for our souls.   However, they do serve human beings in the sense, I suppose of giving protection to those who will eventually receive Jesus Christ as Savior.  Look at Hebrew 1:14 (NIV)...

"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"

So angels have been commanded to guard in "all our ways" (Psalm 91:1).

The angel we are most familiar with is the angel Gabriel sent to give Mary the mother of Jesus the message of her service to God through bearing and giving birth to, the Son of God, Jesus. (Luke 1:26-38).  Gabriel seems to be a messenger angel.

Then there is the angel Michael that helped another angel to get an answer to Daniel's prayer through to him (Daniel 10:10-21).  Michael being seen, perhaps as a "warrior" angel.  

Human beings are asked to show hospitality to strangers because one never knows when one will be actually entertaining an angel (Hebrews 13:2).  Way back in the Old Testament we learn that Abraham entertained angels and even spoke at some length with them.  They had come to deliver a message (Genesis 18:1-15).   Even Abraham's nephew Lot invited angels in to his home for their protection but in the end the angels help protect Lot and his family.  These angels dragged Lot out of the city of Sodom.  That would have been terrifying I feel. (Genesis 19:3, 6, 11, 16).

So angels have their responsibilities towards human beings, and human beings have their responsibilities towards angels.

Angels are sent out to serve.  Jesus during His arrest in the Garden admonished Peter,

 "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels" (Matthew 26:53)?  

Jesus was to bear the full punishment of our sin guilt; thus He did not call upon His Father for help.  He would not have any mitigation. 

I believe that there have been many instances since those Bible times that angels can and do help.  There is the story of the angels of Mons during World War 1, helping the soldiers.  Many say that was fiction but others believed it to be fact.  For more on the topic of angels click on this link:  On the Doorstep, but Don't Get to Enter - Part 31.

I have heard stories of people I know who have had what they believed must have been angelic help.  I personally have been helped to do something that I don't believe I could ever have managed myself.  One (at least) helped me steer my car one very slippery, wintry evening on my way to a friend's house.  The on-coming vehicle had lost control and was heading in a clear head-on collision course with my vehicle.  I did not know how I would escape but suddenly a great calmness of heart came upon me and the steering was guided to avoidance of impact.  In fact, the three cars behind me also escaped and the wayward car managed to stop at the guardrail without plowing through it.  It almost felt orchestrated it was so well done.

I continued safely to my destination but was shaking despite the earlier calmness cuz by then the mind kicked in wondering what had just happened.  Time sorted it out to believe that one of God's "ministering angels" had taken the wheel.

Do I now worship and venerate angels?  No.  I praise God for all He has done to preserve and protect and help me.  If He uses angels or human beings or even my own ingenuity to help me/myself, that is His prerogative to choose.  One must praise, thank and be grateful to Him.  

These are helps through life, yet they do not save us nor prepare us for the interim after earth life nor for eternity.  We must all prepare to meet our God through acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior.

So far, in the articles I've read, and from the What Buddhists Believe book, I don't recall any mention of there being a devil or of Satan, who is the devil.  It's likely safe to say that Buddhists do no believe in the existence of Satan.  So there is no God and no Satan.   No Creator and no Destroyer...except, of course, only a person's self can make or break theirself.

There are demons but Buddhists believe they are either good or bad demons.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that from the Bible's teaching that there are demons and they are only evil.  Furthermore they are under Satan's control.  

There is also the Buddhist belief of good and bad spirits.  I think this possibly is reference to departed loved ones' spirits, inclusive also of  anyone's spirit who has departed earth.   I do not want to speculate further than that as this is an aspect of which I'm not fully sure.

Followers of Jesus Christ know that a person has a spirit, soul and a body.  When the body has died, the spirit and soul go to be "with Christ" (Philippians 1:23).  However, those who do not follow Christ go to Hades (Luke 16:22-23).

I quote next from another On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter blog entry, - Part 13,

 A person is made up of a spirit, soul and body.  Upon death, the spirit/soul leave the body and go to be "with Christ" if the person happens to have been a follower of Jesus Christ, or to Hades, if the person had not.  At the time prior to Christ's death and resurrection, you will recall from earlier on in this series that there were two 'departments' in Hades:  one for those of faith and one for those without.    We have seen the interaction between the Rich Man & Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31), the one being "in torment" & Lazarus being at ease in "Abraham's bosom".  The Rich Man recognized Lazarus and also Abraham's form.

From yet another On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter - Part 7 we learn a bit more about click on the link for further insight.

Spirits of our departed loved ones are not flying about.  They are in either of two places; their eternities already fixed.  There is nothing that can be done from this side of living; that is earth side to give betterment to any of them.  This is why it is so crucial to get your eternal destiny secured in the here and now.

Despite what other religions may believe good/evil spirits are, I would venture to dogmatically say, that good spirits are angels who have NOT fallen or gotten swiped out of heaven by departing Lucifer.  The evil or bad spirits would be those swiped angels better known as demons.  By "fallen" I mean they were in cahoots with Satan and are now his minions seeking to deceive,  "kill, steal and destroy".

Satan is always the deceiver and walks about as a "roaring lion" seeking whom he may destroy, or masquerades as an angel of light.  We are warned to be alert of this by the apostle Peter in 1 Peter 5:8 and the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:14, respectively.

The deceitfulness of Satan makes him quite capable of using his minions to deceive the living into believing they see their own or other's departed loved ones.  

We know from studying the Gospel books of Jesus Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) that Jesus cast out evil spirits in His Name.  Some folks accused Jesus of being the devil himself or Beelzebub one of seven princes among demons.  Jesus countered that by asking why, if He was the devil why He would want to break down his own house (Matthew 12:22-37).  

There is the realization that there is hierarchy among angels so likely there is among demons as well.  Lucifer Satan was once a top angel, actually likely a seraphim.  There were seraphims, cherubim, archangels and angels.  If you'd like to know more, wikipedia has a rundown on them and the trustworthy, late Billy Graham wrote a book about angels called Angels:  God's Secret Agents.    

Even though these are wondrous beings who give us help, much of which we likely don't even realize,  let me reiterate, they are not to be worshiped.   There is only one true God and it is Him we worship and adore and offer praise and thanks.  This the angels also do.  

Demons aren't to be appeased in any way shape or form.  We are told to,  

"Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7 NIV).

When anyone accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, He sends that person His Holy Spirit to indwell them.  Each believer then, besides angel help, has the help, comfort, and guidance to live ones' life in accordance with God's Word, the Bible.  We are aided to become ever more Christ-like:  meekness, compassion, patience among many other fruit of the Spirit will characterize the individual in ever increasing degrees.  He also assists us to make right choices; to think and act in a manner pleasing to God.  If it is pleasing to God, one would assume it would be pleasing to human kind too.   His power working in and through us will help us to submit ever more to Him.

Submit to and worship God alone.  When we are submitted to Him, we have the power to resist the devil and any of his demons he throws at us.  Jesus cast out demons.  In the Name of Jesus, the followers of Jesus can follow His example.  Demons believe in the one God and even tremble at His Name (James 2:19).   Fellow followers of Christ, let us engage in submission to God, prayer and even fasting (Matthew 17:21).  Our strength and help comes from our Heavenly Father, God and His Son Jesus Christ and the empowerment of His indwelling Holy Spirit.  Seek Him.

Father, God, may your living hope powerfully and dynamically be upon those who read this blog.  May they no longer be slaves to Satan, demons, or any other thing or religion.   May they have salvation through Your Son Jesus Christ alone and be imputed Your righteousness, righteousness that they seek; the freedom from beliefs in never ending cycles of rebirth.  Your Son, Father, has already done all the suffering for them.  Has already taken the consequences for their wrong thoughts and actions.  It is Jesus blood that will give them life; new life, that being born into Your family.  May their "story" be one of a relationship with You which goes on and on, forever.   In Jesus' precious Name, I ask.

                                                         ~ERC  February 2019~


Demons and the Demonic in Buddhism


Buddhist Deities-Wikipedia
Other sources can't seem to be gotten at again?!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Accept Your Purpose

"But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God's purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John" (Luke 7:31 NIV). [emphasis mine]

That clause, "rejected God's purpose for themselves" is a real shame, especially so since it was the religious leaders, those who you'd expect to be first in line for knowing and accepting God's purposes for themselves.

By contrast, it was the "congregation" that got it.  Note verse 30 of Luke 7 (NIV)...

"All the people, even the tax collectors when they heard Jesus' words, acknowledged that God's way was right, because they had been baptized by John"

How about us?  When we know, do we accept?  God has a purpose or plan for each of us;  "a hope and a future..."

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11).

If you aren't sure what your purpose is, seek God with a humble and willing heart to find out and to engage in that purpose.  The launching pad for that discovery would be prayer and searching the Scriptures.  What are some of those initial purposes?

In John the Baptizer's day, it was repentance; a preparing themselves for Jesus' arrival and ministry.  The people of John the B's day knew and did something about it; except of course, the religious leaders!

I believe that is a first course of action for each and every one of us today and that, that includes individuals from all walks of life.  Repent and accept Jesus as Savior; that is first and foremost.

Look at John 3:16 and I always prefer the KJV rendering...

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."

God's purpose is that all will come to Him in faith as He does NOT want any to perish.  His purpose for "whosoever" is to have relationships with Him.  He does not want us to be puffed up solely with knowledge about Him and His laws and words of Scripture.  His purpose for us is to accept them personally and put them humbly into action.  In so doing, we will have closer relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

Those of us who've grown up in Christian families, hearing God's Word day and night, seven days a week and extra on Sundays, we KNOW a lot.  It's a lot of "theory" if it is not practiced.  Part of the relationship with God is to become more Christ-like in our character and behavior and we 'get' that by putting God's Word into action in our life.

To recap, there are two purposes we can know of straight away, for our life:  salvation through Jesus Christ and secondly, to become more like Him.  Then what?

This may be more difficult to ascertain.  In a recent sermon I heard, the preacher was talking about using our gifts (i.e. talents, skills, and gifts) that we have.  He said if you don't know your gift, then just start serving in church, etc and you'll soon discover what you are good or better at.

Willingness and availability are key in the equation.  Faithfulness a necessary ingredient as well.  The one who is faithful in what seems to be a small thing will be faithful in a whole lot more.  As such habits are nurtured, God's purpose for your life will become more clear to you.  When it does, do you accept?  Do you accept if and when He calls you to even bigger purposes; more challenging ones?

Those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ don't always have it easy.  This reminds one of a ditty I heard ages ago in regards to missionaries but I believe can be applied to each of us who belong to Jesus; since we are supposed to be in His service wherever we are.  It goes like this:

"Where He leads me,  I will follow;  What He feeds me,  I will swallow." ~author unknown~

By God's marvelous and matchless grace we can engage in His purposes for our lives.

Our perfect example, of course, is Jesus Christ Himself.  He was sent to earth, not so we could celebrate Christmas in rejoicing at His birth, although that was a momentous occasion.  He was born so that He could be the Sacrifice for one and all; for all sin; for all time.

Jesus, the Perfect One, did not have to repent of anything.  He did have a wonderful relationship with His Father.  Moreover, He knew His purpose and determinedly aimed at it. 

He went about preaching, teaching, healing, serving the crowds, confronting the religious leaders; each step of the way showing His disciples (and subsequently, us) how to fulfill our purposes with love, care and compassion.   Then the ultimate purpose...His death and resurrection to buy our pardon; making atonement for our souls.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we receive the symbols of these actions on our behalf:  the bread and cup of wine, each Lord's Day, (or "as often as you eat" [1 Corinthians 11:26]).  Reflect, as you do, on Jesus who...

"...resolutely set out for Jerusalem..."  (Luke 9:51).

...where it all happened.  There was purpose in each footfall all along the dusty roads; purpose to fulfill His purpose.

Ask yourself, "Do I?   Do I have equivalent amount of resolve for my respective purpose?"

Be people who purposely and purposefully purpose to perform and perfect God's purpose for their lives, with impetus.

                                                          ~ERC February 2019~

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Burning Quest - Part 55

Have you ever heard of the expression, "It's Hell on Earth"? 

Perhaps it stems from Buddhist thought.  In a nutshell, they believe that when someone is in a bad predicament of suffering on Earth, that is ones own personally engineered "Hell".  However, when one is experiencing something really good, then that is their respective "Heaven".  These the consequences of unwholesome/wholesome thinking geared into good/bad deeds.

So these are "temporary" places.  If your "last thought or action-moment" before your body died was a bad one, you'd "wake" up into the hell of having had your mental continuum transfer to a cockroach, snake or some beast of the field or forest, etc or perhaps to a life of drudgery in some dire situation as a human being.  That would be Hell (Page 389 of What Buddhists Believe by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda).

If you had lived right then and disciplined your mind in the right way and your actions were good and wholesome, you might next be "promoted" to a better being the next round, to a sort of "Heaven"; to a happier state.

This process would go on endlessly until a person would arrive at "Right View" (Page 389)...with the "ultimate happiness of Nirvana".  This the state of no more suffering, achieved entirely by your own merit of humane living.  That is the human life duty.

All this can be practiced...

"...without aiming at Heaven or without developing fear of hell" (Page 390).

If a person wants to talk about hell fire, the real "fire" is that of...

 "...anger, lust, greed, ignorance" which will bring one "physical pain and mental agony" (Page 388).

These are "hell" makers.

To clinch that thought, we have Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda briefing us that,

"The idea of one particular ready-made place or a place created by god as heaven and hell is not acceptable to the Buddhist concept." (Page 388).

In one of my blog series entitled, "On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter -Part 19", about near death experiences (NDE), some of the people who have had such experiences relate that there is a "City of Lights" (Heaven) and "a place devoid of love" (Hell).  Not that we take their words as gospel truth, per se; those are only experiences but as what we read in God's Word, that is the absolute gospel truth.

Do click on the link and have a read as it really does tie in with the topic of this "Hell on Earth" submission.  It is imperative that everyone be aware of and know that there are these eternal destinations and that one has to avoid the loveless place of fire (Hell) by preparing for Heaven, the place where God is, and Who is Light.  Accept God's gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

If you have read the On the Doorstep link, you will have noted the mention of a Hell replica "park" in Singapore.  Reading what Sri Dhammananda writes about a person making their own hell by their own behavior choices and its consequences, then confuses me some.  Is there a 'real' Hell, or isn't there?  Is it really just the consequences of our own making that we are suffering, or  not?   However, there are different sects of Buddhism which may explain the slight variations of thought on the subject.

Nevertheless, even that Hell depiction is of a temporary nature as once you've "served your time" and hopefully learned your lesson, its said a person would go to the tenth level of hell where there is a kind of tribunal to detect whether or not the person is repentant enough to be released out of Hell and back into the world.  At least that is my perception of explanations given; I trust I have represented it correctly.

As we know from Burning Quest - Part 54, though, Hell in God's Book, the Bible, is inescapable and never-ending.

Everyone, be ready for your personal end.  End up in Heaven!  It's real.

                                               ~ERC  February 2019~

Father in Heaven I ask that everyone who reads this blog entry will indeed sincerely investigate these matters and come to You.  That they will seek You with their whole heart and mind and find You.  May they have a wonderful, fulfilling relationship with You!  In Jesus' Name, I ask.


Saturday, February 2, 2019

Lord's Day Devotion - Out With the Old, In With the New?

"M - o - m, not like that; we don't do it like that nowadays," one of the sons chuckles, tacking on a muted yet audible sigh of exasperation....

Sounds like the 'generation gap' talking.

There are 'new' ways of doing things, from their perspective; the 'old' (the parent's way) has gotten archaic; it's just not up to scratch or "in" with the younger generation and times.  What to do?  What can be done? 

It's an age old quandary--stemming back even in Jesus' time:  the way things were "always" done, "should be done still" in like manner; according to the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law (Luke 5:30).  They needed to be done in the "old" traditional way.

Jesus was introducing a new way, a new covenant that they just couldn't (or wouldn't) wrap their minds around.

"Why do You allow Your disciples to do this or that?  Not even John the Baptizer did it like that!"  (Luke 5:33-35), they demanded to know.

So Jesus, the Master Storyteller, treats them to a parable, the one about the old/new garments and old/new wineskins and what would happen to them when exacting the old things on the new or visa versa.

A rather obvious hint to those religious leaders that Jesus had brought a new, better way of doing things.  Judaism, as seen in the Old Testament, although it was a good way to live, had it's limitations; it helped adherents to "live right" but it didn't recreate.  Jesus was ushering the crucial, pivotal "new" way that brought new creation. 

We followers of Jesus Christ know that as salvation through Jesus Christ and then living a Holy Spirit-filled life thereafter.

The former way of Judaism was "by works" but this "new" Christian way is "by faith".

Life in Christ makes the believer a "new creation"  (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!"

Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior can be termed "justification".  In God's sight we've been made new and 'holy' as the blood of Jesus Christ has washed our sins away (1 John 1:7).  God has imputed His righteousness to us (Romans 3:22; 4:4, 5; 5:17-19; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

However, there is that "putting off your old self" (Ephesians 4:22-24) that needs to be worked at.  Theologians call  this, "progressive sanctification".  This is making Jesus, Lord of our life.  This is "putting on the new self" (Ephesians 4 22-23).

Reading Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV) explains to us, 

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

The rest of the fourth chapter of Ephesians gives excellent examples of just that (vs. 25-32).  Examples such as if a person used to steal, then now he/she must stop it.  A person must get rid of all "bitterness, rage, anger, etc ( v. 31).  Instead, "be kind, compassionate; forgiving".

Why?  Because...

 " in Christ, God forgave you..." (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).

This is the new garment and wineskin.  New attitudes.  New character, Christ-likeness.  The new way of "doing things".

Let us remember this wonderful thing that Jesus did for us through His death and resurrection.  As we pass the emblems of the bread and cup of wine one to another on Lord's Day, meditate on this new way of life we need to emulate.  It's through the dynamic power of God and His Holy Spirit that we are empowered to be like Christ.

Put on the new garment and wineskin, walk by faith,  keep in step with the Holy Spirit of God and live according to His Word, the Holy Bible.  This will span across, and close the spiritual gap, from one generation to the next; good for all generations to come til Jesus' return.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2019~