Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Burning Quest - Part 55

Have you ever heard of the expression, "It's Hell on Earth"? 

Perhaps it stems from Buddhist thought.  In a nutshell, they believe that when someone is in a bad predicament of suffering on Earth, that is ones own personally engineered "Hell".  However, when one is experiencing something really good, then that is their respective "Heaven".  These the consequences of unwholesome/wholesome thinking geared into good/bad deeds.

So these are "temporary" places.  If your "last thought or action-moment" before your body died was a bad one, you'd "wake" up into the hell of having had your mental continuum transfer to a cockroach, snake or some beast of the field or forest, etc or perhaps to a life of drudgery in some dire situation as a human being.  That would be Hell (Page 389 of What Buddhists Believe by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda).

If you had lived right then and disciplined your mind in the right way and your actions were good and wholesome, you might next be "promoted" to a better being the next round, to a sort of "Heaven"; to a happier state.

This process would go on endlessly until a person would arrive at "Right View" (Page 389)...with the "ultimate happiness of Nirvana".  This the state of no more suffering, achieved entirely by your own merit of humane living.  That is the human life duty.

All this can be practiced...

"...without aiming at Heaven or without developing fear of hell" (Page 390).

If a person wants to talk about hell fire, the real "fire" is that of...

 "...anger, lust, greed, ignorance" which will bring one "physical pain and mental agony" (Page 388).

These are "hell" makers.

To clinch that thought, we have Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda briefing us that,

"The idea of one particular ready-made place or a place created by god as heaven and hell is not acceptable to the Buddhist concept." (Page 388).

In one of my blog series entitled, "On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter -Part 19", about near death experiences (NDE), some of the people who have had such experiences relate that there is a "City of Lights" (Heaven) and "a place devoid of love" (Hell).  Not that we take their words as gospel truth, per se; those are only experiences but as what we read in God's Word, that is the absolute gospel truth.

Do click on the link and have a read as it really does tie in with the topic of this "Hell on Earth" submission.  It is imperative that everyone be aware of and know that there are these eternal destinations and that one has to avoid the loveless place of fire (Hell) by preparing for Heaven, the place where God is, and Who is Light.  Accept God's gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

If you have read the On the Doorstep link, you will have noted the mention of a Hell replica "park" in Singapore.  Reading what Sri Dhammananda writes about a person making their own hell by their own behavior choices and its consequences, then confuses me some.  Is there a 'real' Hell, or isn't there?  Is it really just the consequences of our own making that we are suffering, or  not?   However, there are different sects of Buddhism which may explain the slight variations of thought on the subject.

Nevertheless, even that Hell depiction is of a temporary nature as once you've "served your time" and hopefully learned your lesson, its said a person would go to the tenth level of hell where there is a kind of tribunal to detect whether or not the person is repentant enough to be released out of Hell and back into the world.  At least that is my perception of explanations given; I trust I have represented it correctly.

As we know from Burning Quest - Part 54, though, Hell in God's Book, the Bible, is inescapable and never-ending.

Everyone, be ready for your personal end.  End up in Heaven!  It's real.

                                               ~ERC  February 2019~

Father in Heaven I ask that everyone who reads this blog entry will indeed sincerely investigate these matters and come to You.  That they will seek You with their whole heart and mind and find You.  May they have a wonderful, fulfilling relationship with You!  In Jesus' Name, I ask.


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