Friday, August 17, 2018




Flight #1 to Terminal 1...Terminal 1 to Bus...Bus to Terminal 2...

"So where are you from?" asked the man on the bus.

Other peoples' ears perked up politely pretending to try hard not to listen.

"Well, I don't rightly know," answered the addressed passenger. "I come from a conglomeration of places so I can't rightly pinpoint the exact "from" place."

"Oh," the man continued to query, "Do you know where you are going?"

"That I do know, and I'm sure as sure, sir," replied the other passenger with a grin. "On this journey through life, my final destination is Heaven. I'm going up to be with my Father, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior."

Everybody froze. End of conversation.

The wheels on the bus, however, continued to go round and round...

...Terminal 2 to Flight # 2...

"Let's get outta here!" said the people on the bus.

                                                        ~ERC August 2018~

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