Saturday, August 25, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - He Didn't Pass By

They happened to be going along the same road; that priest and that Levite, as the certain man who had gotten robbed, beaten up, and left half dead.  The two men of Israel, came and saw but then

"...passed by on the other side of the road" (John 10:31, 32 NIV).

Maybe there had been pity but there was definitely NO compassion.  Compassion goads to actions of mercy, kindness and help.

Maybe the priest felt he could not "defile" himself.  He was supposed to keep "clean" so he could administer his duties at the temple.

The Levite may have reasoned, I'm of the priestly tribe, I look after the temple and articles therein, I can't lower myself to administer first aid and more.  I'd make myself unclean and unfit for duty if I so much as touch the chap.

In addition to that, they desired to get away from there with great haste.  You just never knew when those treacherous bandit villains would strike again, they likely plausibly thought.  Besides that, I'm traveling alone, what can I do?

With one excuse or another from the religious sector, the victim of crime didn't get the desperate aid he needed.

We poor human sinners were in similar plight.  Sinful and full of sin, helpless to help ourselves out of the pit of sin and degradation.

God looked down from heaven and took pity.  What's more, He had compassion.  Those poor wretches know not what they do.  Satan has robbed them of any innocence, beaten them and left them for death and destruction.

God's compassion and love for His human creation, whom He had "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), galvanized Him into sending His Son Jesus to rescue us, the human race.

Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead to buy and seal the pardon for our sins; saving us from death and the end destruction in Hell.  

God offers that salvation, to bring one and all who wishes, out of the miry chasm from whence we have fallen.  

He did not pass us by.  He came to us.

"Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted.  But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him and by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:4-5 NIV).

As we, God's children, remember what Jesus has done for us on Lord's Day by breaking the bread and sharing the wine together, let us give thanks and praise to Him.

Like the "good Samaritan", who saw the victim, went to him, bandaged his wounds, put him on his own donkey and took him to where he could get further help, paying the price for it all, so did God for us, through the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior and great High Priest and King.

Jesus paid the price, in full, for humankind.  With heartfelt gratitude, give thanks to Him for His compassion, love, mercy and grace that motivated Him to demonstrate it with redemption.

Thank-You Father, God, You did NOT pass us by!!

                                                     ~ERC  August 2018~

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