Sunday, August 5, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Religion or Relationship of Good

Did you know there is such a thing as the "religion of good"?  The other day a gentlemen told us that he has a multi-religious heritage, and named four different types that his parents and grandparents respectively follow.  His conclusion is, however, that there is actually only one true religion; that is, the "religion of good".  

Where did he get that idea?  That is because, he said, most religions teach the same thing; doing good.

There is much that is good but those religions also teach their followers to do, do, do to gain a desired result we will label "salvation".  Whatever it is they must do it themselves to attain their goal.

Christianity also teaches doing what is right and good but not to earn salvation.  Being a Christian, to me means,  someone who belongs to Christ.  Belonging to Christ comes through Jesus's death and resurrection; He gained salvation for all of us who believe in Him.  

This begins a relationship with Jesus Christ, not a religion.  We have a personal relationship with Jesus Who is God.  The Lord of all the universe; heaven and earth; the sky and sea and all that in them are!  Think of the magnitude of all that!!  This is good.  This is really good.

As we partake of the emblems:  the bread and the wine, which symbolize Jesus's body being broken and His blood being shed for us, let us remember this relationship we have with Christ is through His death and resurrection alone.  Then what we do, can be good, and we can do good unto others in the name of Jesus Christ.  This is a relationship of good.

                                                             ~ERC  2018~

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