Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lord's Day Devotion - Consider God's Hands

Have you ever seen a picture of the famous 'praying hands' painting?  There's a story behind the painting of those hands.  The story of one brother 'sacrificing' his hands working in a mine to pay the way for the other brother to develop his art painting talent.  That artist completed his education and had become a very accomplished artist.  He came home to then switch places and work in the mine so that the first brother could then do likewise.

However, the first brother held out his rough and damaged work-worn hands and said he would not be able to do the fine painting.  Out of deep gratitude the artist brother depicted his brother's hands-of-sacrifice.

That is a very touching story.

There is another astonishing and true story about hands;  hands that belong to God.  This story is almost unfathomable.  It's certainly wondrous and breath-taking, but also life-giving.  Let me tell you about it.

The very

"foundations of the earth" 


"laid out by God's own hand" and His "right hand spread out the heavens!"  (Isaiah 48:13)

Consider that a while. 

Who else could do such a thing?

Just think, even God's fingers are powerful.  David, in Psalm 8:3, was amazed at

 "the work of God's fingers, the moon and the stars, which He had set in place..."

People love to gaze up at the heavens:  the moon and all the hosts of the stars by night; cloud formations by day light; use powerful telescopes to survey the farthest reaches of the universe as possible and still there is no end in sight of all that God's hands have fashioned!

All the books, medical or otherwise, that explore the nooks and crannies of the human body and workings of the mind, and even of the animal kingdom, along with all the hours worth of photographers' patiently laying in wait for the most amazing shots of the animals, birds, insects and underwater creatures of the earth, sky and sea; of flora as well as fauna, cannot contain the whole nor tell even half the story.

Growing up I used to love going to my maternal grandparent's home as there we were privileged to, ever so carefully, browse through Grandpa's multitudinous collection of National Geographic Magazines.  They spilled enthralling, vivid pictures, captured moments of time, of God's splendid creation into 'our world', sparking our attention and spawning awe in our being.

Truly the apostle John well-spoke when he said that even all the works of Jesus, and, in the case of the magazines mentioned above that attempt to portray even a small specimen of His works, were written down (or captured in pictures), he

"supposed that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written" (John 21:25).

That's what God's hands have done!

God's hands can hold the depths of the earth (Psalm 95:4) and in the

 "hollow of His hand He can hold the waters of the earth" (Isaiah 40:12).

In God's hand

"is the life of every living thing"!  

You want to know what else God has in His hand?  He's got

"the breath of all mankind" (Job 12:10).

Ponder that!

That's what God's hands hold!

Preacher Mark Allan of Canada brought all this to my cognizance in one of his gospel messages.  Indeed there are so very many verses mentioning the things God's hands have done, are doing and will do.

God's hands sustain, hold and keep us (Psalm 18:35; Isaiah 42:6 NIV).  I picture a father holding his young son or daughter's hand--the little one's hand securely in the father's.  The father's hand protective, holding, guiding in loving relationship and fellowship with his child as they go along together.

God and His Son Jesus hold my hand in theirs.

 "...No one can snatch them out of my hand" said Jesus.  "My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand." (John 10:28-29).

God's hand does this for His children.

In Exodus 15:6 NIV, we read of Moses and the children of Israel singing praises to God their Father for how He had helped them escape from the Egyptians...

"Your right hand, O LORD, was majestic in power...shattered the enemy."

That's just what Jesus, God's Son did for the human race.  Jesus said that He and His Father

"are one" (John 10:30).

That makes Jesus, God.

And what was prophesied about Jesus' hands?  People will look upon the

 "one they have pierced" (Zechariah 12:10).  

Scoot on to the New Testament, to John 19:17-42; here Jesus is crucified--nailed to the cross.  His hands (and feet) are pierced with the nails, holding Him to the cross.  Verse 37 says...

"...They will look on the one they have pierced."

God's hands bore my punishment for my sins!  For your sins!  For the sins of the "whosoever" that Jesus came into the world to die for.  Why?   So that none would perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Do you believe it?

Thomas, one the twelve disciples of Jesus, had trouble believing that Jesus had risen again from the dead.  He said he'd only believe if he could see the nail marks in Jesus' hands and put his finger where the nails had been and his hand into Jesus's side where the soldiers had pierced with the spear (John 20:24-25).

"Seeing is believing" is an old adage.  Jesus graciously allowed Thomas the opportunity to do just that (John 20:26-27)!

Scripture doesn't record Thomas actually doing so, instead we read he exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" 

He was struck humble and worshipful at the sight.

Those wonderfully, marvelous divine hands of God that created, sustained, protected and shattered enemies, that are powerful and majestic, were pierced!!  Pierced for me!  Pierced for you! 

 That is so profound!

Hands pierced on the cross shattered God's enemy Satan.  Jesus got the victory over death, hell and Satan.  We learn from the psalmist in Psalm 60:5; 138:7 and 98:1 that God's hands save and gain victory.  What a mighty God we serve!

Jesus has gone back to His Father in heaven.  What is He doing there?  He is sitting at

 "the right hand of God interceding for us" (Romans 8:34).  

Sitting in the position of favor at that majestic, powerful hand of God.

Zip over to Revelation 1:17 NIV.  We are not finished seeing God's hand and what He can do with it.  This time I picture God's hand resting gently on my head as I read the verse,

"Then he placed His right hand on me and said:  "Do not be afraid..."  

A comforting hand dispels fear and gives peace.  Many seek peace.  Seek Christ and He will give you that rest and peace despite whatever situation you may be undergoing; God's hand will be upon you.

In King Hezekiah's time he invited many

 "to come to the temple of the LORD to celebrate the Passover to the LORD, the God of Israel" (2 Chronicles 30:1).  

Couriers were sent out with these invitations which many scorned (2 Chronicles 30:10).  However,

 "in Judah the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind" (2 Chronicles 30:12)

 to prepare for this Passover celebration.  This Passover was a very important and central celebration for them in remembrance of God's rescue out of Egypt.

Coming together like this seemed to also signify their

"setting their hearts on seeking God." (2 Chronicles 30:19).

Consider again, God's hands.

When we seek God, God is in evidence in wonderful ways.  In this instance, giving "unity of mind" for a sacred reason and focus.  What blessed peace and harmony!

I too reiterate what Joshua, the leader who led the Israelites into the Promised Land, said after they'd all gone safely over the Jordan River on "dry ground" (another one of God's mighty feats on His people's behalf).  He said God did this

"so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God." (Joshua 4:24 NIV).

Let us always remember!  On Lord's Day when the bread and wine of remembrance are passed from one redeemed child of God to the next, that we will continue to recall this mightiest act of all time on all mankind's behalf.  Through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, God's hand was NOT too short to save (Isaiah 50:2).  His hand was upon us in love, mercy and grace so that we may fear, honor and obey Him, following Him and thanking and praising Him until Jesus comes for all His people or until the individual is called Home to be forever with Him.

Let us always honor God in whose hand is our breath, life and all our ways (Daniel 5:23).

Consider God's hands.

                                                  ~ERC  March 2018~

Click on link to see Bible verses about God's hands.

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