Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 13

And we're walking, walking, through a maze full of mirrors, turning here, turning there; oops, no.  Ooops, no, not that way either.  Can you catch yourself?  No, I mean, catch your 'self'.  Is your self here, or there?  Can your self break through?  Is self only an illusion?  Is there a true you?  If so, can the true you navigate out through the self maze and realize, oops, pinch yourself, "Ouch!"  "Yes, I do have a self; that self is me!"

Catch the 'me-self' if you can.  That 'me-self' that is a living, breathing soul.

Huh?  What?  Did you say "soul"?  Self?!  Soul?!  What's that?

Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda author of the book What Buddhists Believe, believes that Buddhism is neither a theory nor a philosophy; it is

 "not the product of mere intellect" (Page 161).

Rather, one must 

"seek to understand one's own mind" (Page 161).

In Burning Quest - Part 12 we learned that according to Biblical perspective, 'mind' is an aspect of the soul.  The mind, will and emotions spring from the soul.  The soul being the "true self".

So we begin to understand the mind not through "mere intellect" and reasoning and experiments as would a scientist, but via 

"concentration which gives one a profound inner wisdom or realization..." (Page 161).

Through this a mortal could silently ascertain the realization of "the illusion of self" (Page 161).

However, what is to be concentrated on?  What is the inner wisdom based upon?

Buddha suggested the knowledge of the Four Noble Truths, which lead one to live the Eight-Fold Path of Enlightenment.  This is the salvation of one's self, attained by one's self; this self that is an illusion.

Buddha taught his way of life is "neither theory nor philosophy" (Page 162).  'Theory' meaning, according to Google Dictionary,

 "a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained".  

And 'philosophy', also from Google, meaning, 

"the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline."

On the other hand, looking at the life of a follower of Jesus Christ, it is definitely NOT either of these.  It is true that human intellect does become bogged down in constant debate and disbelief that precludes faith.  Yet God does not want mindless, blind acceptance or robotic children.  He engages the heart and the mind of the soul.  Faith, however, must, at some point, enter the equation.  To trust God.  To trust Jesus.  To say, "Yes" to him and accept His free-to-human beings-gift of salvation.

Salvation from all consequences and penalties of sin, bad deeds and unwholesome acts incurred in our  lifetime.  In Christ we have the victory over self and soul.  Jesus is the Master who has mastered our sin, suffering, death, and yes, eternal judgement; that eternal sentence of damnation in the torments of Hell.  In Christ we have the victory when self, that is, submits willingly to Him, and learns the mind of Christ.

Sri Dhammananda continues on Page 163...

"Buddhism lays special emphasis on practice and realization.  The philosopher sees the miseries and disappointments of life but, unlike the Buddha, offers no practical solution to overcome our frustrations which are part of the unsatisfactory nature of life.  The philosopher merely pushes his thought to dead ends.  Philosophy is useful because it has enriched our intellectual imagination and diminished dogmatic assurance which closes the mind to further progress.  To that extent, Buddhism values philosophy, but philosophy fails to quench one's spiritual thirst.  Philosophy is to know but Buddhism is to practice."

Life with Jesus offers both.  Jesus said in John 4:14 that He is the source of living water that can quench one's spiritual thirst.  We can know Him and then we practice living like Him.  This is for anyone who believes.  There we have "faith" again.

"...but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14 ESV).

Once there is the knowledge of this, then faith in Jesus Christ is the 'connector' that brings us into that relationship with Him.  That is putting our faith into practice as we then live to please Him with a progressively ever more sanctified life.

God's Word says "knowledge puffs up" or makes one proud (1 Corinthians 8:1 ESV).  It also tells us 

"It is not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us..." (Titus 3:5 KJV).  

James 2:26 NIV informs us 

"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."  

Not just faith.  Not just works.  When faith is not accompanied with action the faith is dead (James 2:14-26, esp vs 17).  

That portion refers to Abraham, the ancient father of all who have faith, his faith and his actions were working together; his faith being made complete by what he did.  The deeds were evidence of his faith (vs 24; see also Genesis 22).

Life in Christ is not a philosophy, theory or ritual.  It is a relationship between God and his creature the human being.  This we do not gain from concentration or meditation but through faith in Jesus Christ.

The good deeds, works, actions of faith in Jesus Christ are put into practice after salvation.  How is one to know what those deeds are?  By reading the New Testament which is chock full of how to live life to please Christ; relying on Him; drawing closer to Him in a satisfying relationship.  This is all encompassing for all people for all time for whoever wishes.

"God gave His One and Only Son for the 'whosoever' that believes in Him" (John 3:16).

Buddhism, as reported by Sri Dhammananda, is also for all people for all time.  He says its a way towards 

"peace, get rid of miseries, find liberation...selfless service, good will; salvation and deliverance from suffering" (Page 162).

But one must earn this salvation by "saving yourself".  This is the practice and is achieved through following the Eight-Fold Path to Enlightenment. 

As stated in God's Word, Jesus has earned salvation for all mankind.  He, Jesus, was that True Servant serving all mankind by taking upon Himself all the suffering and miseries which are the consequences of fallen mankind in general and of the individual in particular; the "whosoever" of John 3:16.  He took all His 'merits' as it were and gave them to all of us.  Jesus accomplished this through His death and resurrection. It is only through Him that we can have the deliverance, liberation and salvation desired.

In this life in Christ we will still have suffering and trials of many kinds.  We are asked to embrace them, not eradicate them.  It is through the embracing that good and improvement in character will come.  This is not unreasoned brainwashing, but a conforming to Christ's likeness (Romans 8:29).

James 1:2-7 startles us by telling us to consider "trials of many kinds" with "pure joy".  There is a progression of good things that develop:  testing of your faith, perseverance, maturity and completeness.   How about that!

First Peter 1:6-9 states similar benefits of "suffering grief of all kinds of trials".  Faith becomes refined and is proved genuine, causing "Jesus Christ to be revealed".

We do not go looking for trouble but when it comes to us the progression of our inner beings are made "more perfect" when we persevere.  It is the Holy Spirit indwelling, who empowers the believer to continue on.  We do not have to 'go it' alone.  God is gracious.  He gives us salvation through Jesus Christ.  He gives us His Holy Spirit.  He has given us His Word, the Bible and He gives us other brothers and sisters-in-Christ with whom to connect through fellowship in His word, prayer, and breaking of bread (Acts 2: 42-47).

Connecting with God and His family can help us in our life with Christ and in our daily routines of life as we strive in all sincerity to live to please God from whom all blessings and salvation flow.  Praise God we do not have to make life's journey solo.

The solo or individual "help yourself" is only in the initial choice to enter into the relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  No one, not parents, siblings, nor friends can accept Jesus on another individual's behalf.  The choice is for you, yourself, to make.  In this, you will find your self and put your self into God's care.  That is a-mazing!  Choose then to live for Him. This is living life in a Christ-centered manner, not a self-centered, solo affectation.

This is being made righteous in God's sight and then the progressive sanctification through obedience to Christ and His will and ways as seen in Scripture; and, through the trials and tribulations of life that test and refine one's faith and develops perseverance. 

Buddhists seek such purity and defeat of ones' own desires.  Life with Christ is not so much suppressing our own desires but coming to desire what God does as our will melds to His.  

"The chief aim of Buddhism is to attain purity and enlightenment.  Enlightenment vanquishes ignorance which is the root of birth and death..." (Pages 164-165).

To effectuate this enlightenment one must have confidence in one's self to realize the Four Noble Truths and follow the Eight -Fold Path to Enlightenment.  If self is an illusion then an element of faith would be needed to follow through to Nirvana.  I ask, "How does one eradicate an illusion?"

No disrespect of persons is meant here. 

Here's a small diagram to "simplify" what could be termed "Buddha's Formula" as shown from Page 165...

All this is teaching there is no self, and once realized with all the good deeds which overcome any bad ones committed during any of one's rebirths even from eons and eons ago, all one's suffering will be eradicated and the person will have reached Nirvana.  The person will have ceased to be once and for all; no more rebirths, no more suffering.  The heart monitor will show that very straight, blip-less line.  Silence and nothingness become permanent.  This is Buddhist salvation.

On page 167 Sri Dhammananda points out that...

"According to Buddha, even the worst sinner, after praying for what he has done, can attain salvation.  Buddhism offers every human being the hope of attaining his or her salvation one day.  Other religions, however, take it for granted that some people will be bad forever and have an eternal hell waiting for them.  in that respect, such religions are more pessimistic.  Buddhists deny such a belief."

The apostle Paul of the Bible, who claimed to be "the worst of sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15), who had a great and highly educated mind, who followed religiously the mandates of Jewish and Pharisaical laws to the letter, came smashing into the realization that he too, needed Jesus.  He needed the salvation God offered, and still offers to one and all, including Buddhists, for the recompense of the sins of mankind, especially their own personal respective ones. 

In the roughly 2000 year-span of Old Testament writings, God proved repeatedly that mankind really CANNOT earn their own salvation no matter how much one improves one's mind and behavior, character and conduct.  

There is God, the One and Only, Creator of the universe.  There is creation.  There is eternity; eternity past where God was and is, and eternity, future, which those who belong to Christ will share with God and His doings.  There is a soul.  There is a self.  There is a spirit and both soul and spirit need redeeming which is a true enough fact.  That's why there is a Savior. 

The 'Savior' is not the individual's own merit and effort nor his/herself, but Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection.

There is Heaven.  There is Hell.  The redeemed of the Lord look forward to that peace, that cessation of suffering and conflict of good vs bad in his/herself; to praising the One true God and Jesus Christ for all eternity to come for the atonement gained by Jesus on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

By horrible contrast, those who reject God's offer of salvation , which is the only way to come to bliss and ceasing of suffering and battlings in the mind, will indeed end up in Hell, and that for all eternity future.

This is the crux of the matter.  The mind must accept this matter.  Salvation gained from our own efforts will not be salvation.  Salvation through accepting Jesus' efforts on our behalf will be the realization of salvation in the here and now, and in time to come, eternity.

Please do not deny and refuse God's way.

Coming to Christ is not a matter of our feelings or controlling the mind.  It is a matter of accepting facts as God tells us.  Do not deny Him; the eternal destination of your self depends upon acceptance of Jesus as Lord.  There will be joy.

For Buddhists there will be much with which to come to grips.  Accepting the actual existence of God, self, a soul, a spirit, eternity and salvation through Jesus's efforts only on their respective behalf.  By God's grace, pray for salvation through Jesus Christ on behalf of any and all Buddhists you know.  Pray for salvation in the here and now of their present (and only) existence.   May their 'rebirth' be only to find their self born again into God's family.  This is a wonderful reality extended to whosoever will accept.

And then he/she will find his/her self gazing, not into a maze of mirrors, but into the very face of Jesus, Him Self.   No theory or philosophy can compete with this relationship in which one may engage with one's whole self.  

What a reality!

                                                    ~ERC  March 2018~

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