Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 1

When you read the Bible, you'll see that Jesus has many names.  The names reflect the various aspects of who He is and of His character, His attributes.  Jesus is the sweetest name I know.

Yet, searching for the truth can certainly be a challenging pursuit.  There are times when two or more things may look or sound like the real things.  How does one discern that truth that does set a person free?

Speaking of the names of the Lord Jesus and comparing with some of the terms used for Gautama Buddha one would discover some very similar connotations.

Jesus is the Light of the world who gives us life (John 8:12)...

``When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, `I am the Light of the world, whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.`` (NIV)

Jesus can help us shed His light for us on such a quest.

From the book What Buddhists Believe written by Dr. K. Sri. Dhammananda we read,

"The Buddha was born to dispel the darkness of ignorance..."(page 20).

Sri. Dhammananda also claims that Buddha was...

"the most compassionate one who illuminated this world with loving-kindness." (page 20).

Again he refers to Gautama Buddha as...

``Lokavidu`-the knower of the world"(page 14).

We know that Jesus is God and it was God`s love and compassion that sent Him to the world on behalf of the human race.  We learn from God`s Word that Jesus is omniscient.  There are verses that read...

"For He knew who was betraying Him..." (John 13`11); "You know all things..." (spoken by others about Jesus-John 16:30); "Jesus perceived their malice..." (Matthew 22:18); "And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them..." (Matthew 12:25); and another, "But He knew what they were thinking..." (Luke 6:8).  

Yes, even at times even we human beings can guess what others are thinking but those are more guesses and assumptions.  Jesus KNEW all things.  His compassions fail not.

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed; for His compassions never fail." (Lamentations 3:22 NIV)

So we have the Lord Jesus Christ and there is Gautama Buddha listed with similar virtues.  How can a person discern to whom to turn?

1 John 4:1 NIV, gives investigative advice...

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God..."

At this juncture with this idea of testing, please check out this link with the title Morning Musings-The Real Thing.

Other advice comes from Deuteronomy 18:22 (NIV)...

"If what a prophet claims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken..."

Throughout this Burning Quest series, I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you and draw you to God through Jesus Christ as you follow your own investigation on who is the light showing you the right path to life.

Dr. K. Sri. Dhammananda says that Buddha told of...

"the way by which one could conquer one's own world-...that the whole world was within us and it is led by the mind and that mind must be trained and cleansed properly..." (page 14)

Gautama Buddha's way is to live by the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path to Enlightenment.  Living according to these help one "conquer one's own world" and this is something to do for yourself; self-reliance.  Much of those "truths" are good; but are living them out, enough?

He gave out those teachings and it's up to the individual to take hold of for themselves.  Since then many people have chosen this way.

Jesus tells us that He is "The Way" (John 14:6).  He left His Father's (God), Home in Heaven to come to Earth to be The Way.  He came to be the Conqueror.  To get the victory over sin, death and Hell and to earn salvation for all who have faith to accept this gift.  He came because He desires us to rely on Him.  To rely on Him for salvation.  To rely on Him to conquer the thoughts in our minds; to train them to do what's right and good; to give us the new heart and the Holy Spirit to empower us to get the victory over ourselves in day to day living.  With life in Christ this is possible.

The burden of the challenge is not solely upon the individual.  Jesus walks with us in our struggles.  We walk in tandem with Him.  He will...

"Never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5 NIV).

"The Lord our God" (who can be your God) "will walk with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).

Gautama Buddha became a well-known figure in his day and down throughout the ages.  Jesus, too, created pivotal marks upon the world, then and now.  In our hearts and minds let's allow Jesus to be preeminent (Colossians 1:18).  In Jesus Christ the Savior of the world we can have salvation that brings everlasting life.  We aim for perfection because of Jesus who was born perfect; lived a perfect life; died and rose again to make the perfect way, to be The Perfect Way to relationship with God our Heavenly Father.

While reading various articles from the internet it would seem that many have made a god out of Gautama Buddha.  However, according to Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, Buddha...

"never agreed to be regarded as a god or a reincarnation of a god..." (page 16).

Sri Dhammananda quotes Anguttara Nikaya, and I quote him where it is said that Gautama Buddha said...

"I am not a deva nor any other divine being; neither am I an ordinary human being...He belonged to...a special class of enlightened beings, all of who are Buddhas" (pages 16-17).

It can be deduced then, that one need not worship such, nor treat him as a god;  perhaps someone to venerate but not to worship.

Jesus Himself tells us He and God His Father are one.  John 10:30, 34-38 (NIV)...

"I and the Father are one..."

Jesus is fully man and fully God.  

"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity (God) lives in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9 NIV/NLT).

Consider that.

Now consider this:

Either Jesus was who He said He was or He was a big liar.

If an individual believes that Jesus is who He said He is, then come to Him now and accept His salvation.  There will come a time when that choice is no longer viable.  I plead and pray with you so that you will do so before it is too late.  

See this from Romans 14:11...

"'As surely as I live', says the Lord, "every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will acknowledge God."

Jesus the Way is Truth and His Way is Truth.

Here is a hymn that comes to mind,

"Decide for Christ today,                                          
And God's salvation see;                                        
Yield soul and body, heart and will,                      
To Him who died for thee!  

Christ alone can save-Break the power of sin;Christ doth fully satisfy The heart that cleaves to Him." 

 We can then give praise and adoration and worship to Jesus Christ Who is God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the sea and all that are in them.  He is our Savior and Redeemer.  He is..

"The Way and the Truth and the Life, No one comes to the Father except through Me." Jesus said  (John 14:6). 

His name is the name to know.  Jesus, blessed Redeemer.

                                                         ~ERC  2018~

Please note the reason for this Burning Quest series by reading the Burning Quest Preface & Introductary.  TQ.

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