Saturday, April 30, 2016

Morning Musings-The Real Thing

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

The following is based on 1 Timothy 1:1-11.

My father often told me that for every good plant there is a corresponding false plant; commonly known as a weed.  Satan always has his counterfeits which he torques and tweaks in various angles for the benefit of any and all, per person's, or group of persons' bent of thinking.  Thus many varieties of false teachings are concocted:  Gnostics; Essences; Arianism; Zorastrianism; Mormans; Jehovah Witnesses; True Jesus Church and many more.  You can google them to check them out; also look for comparison of cults.  

Some of those actually look really good and respectable and indeed have elements of goodness, thus the deceitfulness that unfortunately blinds the minds of many.  Deceitfully cunning Satan....that's not a compliment either.

However we who believe in Jesus Christ's deity as well as His humanity and in His perfect work of redemption and who have accepted God's gift of salvation through His Son Jesus,  have His Holy Spirit within us to guide us into all God's truth and to help us discern the falsehoods.

In one of Jesus' parables He tells the servants to "Let both grow together until harvest" as this is the time the wheat and the weeds can be distinguished.  The end of the weeds is to be burned.  (Matthew 13:24-30 and 36-43).  So too will God's truth overcome Satan's lies and be exposed for what they truly are.

There is a saying that says, "Many of the major religions are superficially the same but fundamentally different to the message of Jesus."   Most are works religions whereas Jesus has done the work for us and God offers salvation through Jesus Christ as a free gift to whoever wants it.  

So, my sons, be alert and aware of the wiles of the devil and remember we can have victory in Christ.  The more we read God's Word and have a knowledge of God the more we will be able to detect the false.  This can be illustrated with the story of the bank cashier who first trains with real notes and then eventually counterfeits are slipped into the stack to see if she can detect them.  So too we need to saturate ourselves in God's Word so we will know the 'feel' of the right from the wrong.

                                                          ~ERC  2016~

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