Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Burning Quest - Part 4

When there's a problem, one looks for a cause, a root cause, not a symptom, and then searches for a cure.  In a nutshell, this is what propelled Gautama Buddha on his quest.  On his forays into the wide, wide world, sighting physical and mental pain; seeing the diseased and aged people outside the safety of his sheltered, sterile palace, struck him with life's reality.  What a shock to his system!  Such misery was a definite problem.

This brings us to the first of the Four Noble Truths that are said to have enlightened Gautama Buddha...

"...to recognize the prevalence of Dukkha" [suffering] (page 99 of What Buddhists Believe by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda).

Gautama Buddha had recognized it alright!  He further concluded...

"...That pleasure or happiness...in life is impermanent."

Reality's sad reflections indeed.  Knowing the problem then begs the questions:  "Why?  What's the cause of this problem of suffering?"  Knowing and "identifying the cause" (page 100) is the Second Nobel Truth.

"'Craving or desire (tanha or ragu) is the cause of suffering,' said Buddha" (page 100).

Sri Dhammananda explains in his book on page 100...

"Craving is a powerful mental force present in all forms of life, and is the chief cause of the ills of life.  It is this craving that leads to repeated births in the cycle of existence."

We do not have to look too far down the road since the beginning of time to know this.  The serpent in  the Garden of Eden used this against Eve (Genesis 3:1-6).   The fruit looked good, Eve was tempted and she disobeyed and ate.

Not much later on, look what the LORD saw in Genesis 6:5 NIV...

"The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time."

Again in 1 Timothy 6:10 NIV we read...

"For the love [emphasis mine] of money is a root of all kinds of evil..."

Today, we are not much different.  Yet the underlying cause of suffering, is disobedience, not craving.  Eve's disobedience was sin causing separation from God.  Eve well knew God's command of Genesis 2:17...

"...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil..."

Eve had a choice:  to eat, or not to eat; disobey or obey.

Despite the command she allowed her craving to override obedience.  Adam followed suit.

The result of craving and disobedience was sin.  Look at the remainder of Genesis 2:17 (NIV)....

"...for when you eat from it, you will certainly die..."

The New Testament reiterates that point in Romans 6:23...

"The wages of sin is death..."

It's no wonder there is such suffering in the world among the human race, which in ripple effect, affected all of creation.  Creation groans (Romans 8:22).

Recognizing Dukkha (suffering) and its cause makes one wonder, "Is there a cure?"  This is the Third Noble Truth of Gautama Buddha.

Sri Dhammananda tells us on page 101 of his book...

"...Eliminate it at its root by the removal of craving in the mind...The state where craving ceases is known as 'Nirvana' ('ni'  +  'vana'  =  departure from or end of craving)"

                                Problem  >  Cause  >  Cure  >  Nirvana

God does not leave the human race in the death throes of sin's wages.  God tells us in Roman 6:23 (NIV)...

"...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

And in 1 John 1:7 (NIV) we get the joyful news...

"...the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, purifies us from all sin."

This is the all surpassing 'cure'; the way to truly 'eliminate' craving and sin...that's a gift from God.  There will be more on this subject in subsequent blog entries.  It's best to add here that craving itself is not sin but the action one takes to fulfill the craving may well be, such as in Eve's case where she went against God's express command and disobeyed.  Yet, the craving was conceived in the mind and brought to fruition by the heart. 

Gautama Buddha's cure is to follow a whole outline of ways in which to lead...

"...a pure religious life without going to extremes" (page 102).

This 'outline' is called "The Noble Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment" or simply put, "The Middle Way".   The next blog entry in this series will explain these.  When a person follows this, they can..

"...purify themselves with diligence and patience...and it will be possible to see an end to suffering" (page 101).

Gautama Buddha realized that righteousness was needed and felt that following this Middle Path will spiritually develop and mature an adherent to achieve both righteousness and Nirvana.  A person does not need to rely on outside help but needs only to rely on his/herself to accomplish their own Nirvana.  Sri Dhammananda remarks that Gautama Buddha has led the way to this Middle Path; all do well to follow.  

This reminds one of John the Baptist whom we read about in the New Testament of the Bible.  He was the forerunner of Jesus Christ.  He told people to repent because One greater than he was coming and the people of the time needed to ...

"Make straight the way for the Lord"  (John 1:23 NIV).

John the Baptist went about preparing people for Jesus arrival, asking them to repent and to be baptized.  He did not claim to be the way to that righteousness God requires of us, rather he pointed Jesus out and declared...

"Look, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!"  (John 1:29 NIV).

Jesus told His listeners...

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life..."  (John 14:6 NIV)

What a wonderful 'cure'!  Jesus gives the permanent joy of sins purified, by Him, not from our own effort, and forgiveness and the promise of everlasting life with Him in Heaven.  In addition, He gives us His Holy Spirit Who helps us to overcome our cravings and desires that do not please God should we choose His help.

Salvation through Jesus Christ leads to the certain end of suffering.  In Heaven there are no more tears, no more darkness, sorrows, decay or misery and no more death.  Suffering ceases, and great joy in the Presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be realized.

Praise His Holy Name.

                                                          ~ERC  2018~

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