Saturday, April 16, 2016

Morning Musings-Rapturous Hope

     Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

In the previous couple of blogs we have been talking about being blameless and holy in God's sight.  When we live in such a way, even our fellow human beings we live with and come into contact with, will see it.   We've learned that this is the spiritual process called 'sanctification' which is ongoing from the moment of salvation when we were born into God's family and goes on until the day we die; if we persist and persevere therein.  There have been some things mentioned 'to do' and some 'not to do' which you can read about in my previous blog viewing
Morning Musings-Blameless and Useful.

Now we come to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.  This makes mention of that happening we look eagerly forward to; the rapture.  That day when Jesus comes on the clouds and gives us a shout and the archangel blasts on his trumpet to call us up to be with Him forever.  OH!  What a joyful day that will be!

This is the focus, the goal to live our lives by; that motivation to be blameless and pure for Him until that coming day.  This is our incentive...He's coming soon.  He's said so in Revelation 22:12, 13.  Go have a read of it.  This is encouragement!  This is HOPE!  A rapturous hope.


By God's grace, let us live for Him--it's His will and what we've been called to do and God has taught us and is teaching us to live that sanctified life.  This pleases our Heavenly Father to no end. 

             ~ERC  2016~



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