Friday, October 30, 2015

Morning Musings-Singleness

Morning Musings at Breakfast With the Boys... 

Was the Apostle Paul a woman hater?  Not really.  Look at Scripture in context, even 1 Corinthians 7:25-28.  The epistle to the Corinthians was partly written due to incest and other possible sexual immorality and bad morals such as greed that was among them.   He was trying to admonish and exhort and tell them to stop it as that is NOT God's way.

He's telling them ways to be pure and holy in God's sight.  Helping them distinguish what is right in God's eyes and what is not.  To get all this sorted out he tells them it's good to remain single (if they are).  Better to remain single and moral than married and immoral.

Another advantage of singleness was so the follower of Jesus Christ could concentrate on serving the Lord.

So saying, as to the full interpretation and application of 1 Cor 7:29-30 one knows it wouldn't be license for immorality and excesses.   Rather for a concentrated effort on proclaiming the gospel and perfecting of God's people.

Compare this singleness to what the married person's time management needs to be.  Read 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35 for starters.  Look specifically at the married Christian man's work.  It is as equally important as is his service to the Lord and the church he is in.  This in turn is as equally important as his 'home work'; this is, to his wife and children-family life.  His interests will be divided:  1/3   +   1/3   +   1/3   =   3/3

His time will be divided yet not separated; they will often overlap as he develops himself as a spiritual man and a spiritual leader.  In essence he is a spiritual man who is "in Christ".  This can be seen as follows:

HOME (FAMILY)                                            
Spiritual leader at home  n before God first then in the church.  Pray for unsaved family members: straying ones or for those in the path to stay on the path (in God's will). 

Spiritual life before God, then can function in this leader capacity:  at home first then among the people of God.  
Pray for church members for their physical as well as spiritual welfare.

Transform your workplace; have integrity on the job.  Pray for co-workers and your boss.  Pray for teachers and fellow students.  Our spiritual condition will help/hinder our own witness for our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.    Singles, start now.                                                               

 IN many ways this is like having 3 careers yet each area overlaps and feeds into each other.  Deuteronomy 6:4-9  mandates that the spiritual leader of the home be ever vigilant to speak of God and His ways at every opportunity such as "when walking along the way; sitting down or rising up; and even "writing them on the door frames of the houses" and so on.   

Malachi 4:6 wants the "heart of the father to turn towards the son and the heart of the son to turn towards the father".   A relationship that takes time and effort and energy.  God our Heavenly Father wants the same with each and every one of us.  This is first and foremost so that we can then be of service to our family, to our fellow believers in Christ and among our work mates.  The single man (or woman) has fewer responsibilities.

However, we see Paul mentored so many other brothers in Christ.  He was a single man yet "father" to many.  He was "father" to Timothy, Titus, Ephroditis, Silas, Sosthenes, to name a few.  They in turn each became spiritual leaders under his mentoring and became leaders in various churches.  (Just read the New Testament and you will see.)

It is not known (by me, at least)  if any of those became husbands/fathers or even what their vocations were yet they took their spiritual leadership seriously and did not shirk those responsibilities.  We know from Scripture that Paul did keep at his tent-making career to support himself in order not to be a burden on others to support him financially.

It is good to note though that for married Christian men that order in the home is of first priority and of utmost importance over the other two spheres.  Look at the requirements for elders and deacons that Paul gave to Timothy and Titus when helping to establish the assemblies under their respective care.  Such instructions as:  "husbands of one wife; children in order at home" otherwise how would they know how to manage leadership within the church?   

I suppose that is somewhat ironic seeing as Paul was single and likely so were Timothy and Titus.  However they were to set up overseers in those assemblies for local leadership and thus the various criteria. 

So singles, while you are young and free of family responsibility use the extra time you have to build up not only your career but of  that which is of eternal value.  Build up your knowledge of God and of God's Word; your understanding of God and God's Word; of God's will and ways.  As you gain more of this knowledge and understanding, then obey.  In so doing you will come alive spiritually and in turn become a spiritual leader which is the brothers' great responsibility.  People will know, recognize and respect the power of God in you.

BUT, married brothers, make sure you are a spiritual leader in your own home first and foremost.  This cannot be said enough.  You are the "priest" of the family, to your wife and children.  Be not proud but humbly serve the Lord at home, at work and when He calls, at church.  When you are faithful in 'little' our Heavenly Father will then help you to be faithful in much.

Single Christian men, you have a slight advantage over the married ones  as you can concentrate more fully on building up and establishing your spiritual life without the distraction of family responsibilities.  Take advantage of your time to treasure God's Word and to make treasure in Heaven.  Be ready for that day, should it come, to be husband, father and "priest"--that all important spiritual leader in the home and beyond.

Even if a person has no spiritual leadership role model as Timothy and Titus did in Paul, they are still responsible before God to be spiritually alive in Christ and able to lead others.

Timothy had his mother and grandmother and then the Apostle Paul took over.  The twelve disciples had Jesus.  BUT there will be times when those who could, and SHOULD be the role model do not take up the baton.  Sad.  Sad.  Sad.  However, each person will come before God in the end and are responsible to answer to Him.  People of Christ, let's make a good report!

Don't be a disappointment to your parents, wife, children, church, workplace, nor to God Himself!  Wake up!  Rise up to the challenge oh men of God!!  

Listen to this:   

Rise Up Oh Men of God  

                                                                ~ERC  2015~ 

P.S.  Do feel free to comment constructively.  TQ.



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