Saturday, October 10, 2015

Morning Musings-Who's Better?

 Mornings' musings for my sons' breakfast times...

 READ 1 Corinthians 4:14, 18-21 (esp 20, 21) and connect with 2 Corinthians 1:12-24 (esp 23, 24) and connect again with James 4:1-3
Re:  quarrels and fights among the recipients of the letters "Who's better?" they ask.   Whom?  All are servants of the Lord, are they not equal in God's eyes?  Each must do his/her God-given responsibility.  Don't criticize those in places of authority.  We can appeal to the wrongs in their life that don't line up with God's Word.  My own parents upon occasion told us that if we ever saw something in their life that did not add up according to Scripture that we could bring it up to their attention.

In Exodus 16:4-8 The Israelites were not grumbling against Moses and Aaron but against the Lord God Almighty Himself.

Leaders of the church will be judged two times as much as those under their authority but we must always remember that God puts those people in authority over us so if we criticize them we are criticizing the Lord.  Again, appeal to authority directly through proper channels.  Don't grumble, grumble to everyone and anyone who will listen and twitter it on to others.

Let us not take sides with one leader over another for whatever reason.  Each is God's servant and put in place for God's purposes to be achieved. 

                                                                ~ERC~Oct 2015~

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