Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Morning Musings-Hello Beautiful!

Morning musings with the boys at breakfast...

Hello Beautiful! 

Aren't you something!!  Yes, really!  But not due to what you might think.   Now what could that be!?  Hmmm.  Well, guess what!?  True beauty is not necessarily from the outward appearance as we are reminded in Proverbs 31:30..."Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.

Match and compare that to 1 Peter 3:4, 5.  There is unfading beauty to be had; isn't that splendid!!?  I'll take it!  How about you?  That "gentle and quiet spirit" from the inner self bespoken through the power of the Holy Spirit's being allowed to work in our lives.  Those of us who are married can also work on our beauty by being, ahem...there's that word that gets folks in a dither...submissiveness, to our own husband.  Again, these verses remind us that the fear of the Lord also brings about this desirable beauty.  When we fear the Lord we are able to submit and let the Holy Spirit do His work in the character and conduct of our lives.  Instead of a vicious cycle we will have a cycle of beauty:  fear the Lord > submit to Him and our husband (if we have one) > gentle and quiet spirit > beauty radiating from our countenance > fear the Lord some more.... Beauty from God guaranteed!   Awesome!

                                                          ~ERC  2015~  

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