Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Something They Valued (Numbers 27:1-11 ESV)


Zelophehad's daughters have been in my mind for many days.  I really like how they approached Moses about something they valued.  What's more, they courageously asked for something that hadn't ever been done before, and that likely appeared to be very bold for women to do, especially in that day and age.

The five daughters had no brothers but they valued their inheritance so much, that they wanted a part that otherwise would have gone to a brother, which was the usual line down.  Their appeal mentioned that their father had been honorable and hadn't taken part in the Korah rebellian.  He had died only because of his own sins.

Moses graciously inquired of the Lord and the Lord gave the answer that these noble women could have their share of their father's inheritance when certain stipulations were adhered to.

Fair enough.

This teaches me not to under-estimate myself as a woman nor as a person in general.  I can inquire of the Lord and perhaps seek a trusted person's advice.  Reading other portions of Scripture to balance and keep living according to God's will and way is also a noble direction and practice for a follower of Jesus Christ.

It feels good that God cares about the women every bit as much as He does men.  He created us and we are His children.  Let's all look to Him everyday of our lives.  Getting His input and learning His ways are our inheritance from Him.  It is also something to value.

                                                         ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 27:1-11 ESV.

Sing, Inheritance, along with Matt Mayer and  Mia Fieldes.

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