Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Offering Offerings (Numbers 28 & 29)


If an offerer could offer offerings, how often would an offerer offer offerings?  The Israelites were commanded to offer offerings to the LORD on a daily, weekly (on the Sabbath day), monthly, and special festival days' basis.

Different animals, grains, bread and drink offerings were to be offered to the LORD; animals without blemish, grains of certain amounts, and so on - you can read it.  To the LORD, these offerings became ...

"... a pleasing aroma" (see Numbers 28:27 ESV).

These offerings were commanded but the LORD appreaciated what the offerer offered up to Him.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we can make offerings too.  The New Testament doesn't specify animals or grains and so forth but whatever you have in hand, from a cheerful, willing heart will give the Lord honor.

This past Lord's day, there were the tithes, of course, but then there was also an opportunity for an offering of money for a certain group of refugees the church was helping.  That did not have to stop there.  A person could use their time, talents, skills, and effort to meet the needs of others.

Portions of what the Israelites offered to the LORD eventually supplied the needs of the priests and Levites who served and ministered in the Tent of Meeting.  We too can care for the pastors and teachers of the Word, and mission workers doing full time work for the Lord.  Don't forget them and their families, that is, those who are truly in need.  

Be partners with them in bringing Christ to the nations (see Matthew 28:19).

Let's continue offering our offerings on a very regular basis.  They will be a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

                                                   ~ ERC  July 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 28 & 29 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.

Sing, Give of Your Best to the Master, along with Reflection.

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