Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bible ABCs - Unites

Children loved to be with Jesus and mothers liked to bring them to Him.  The disciples tried to stop them and Jesus rebuked the men,

"Suffer the little children to come unto me:  and forbid them not..." (Mark 10:14 KJV)

Imagine the children snuggled up in the crook of Jesus' arms.  Does it produce a warm, contented, endearing picturesque feeling?

Does it make you want to be close to Him too?

What we learn from God's Word can help us to be united to our Lord and Savior in an even more closely bonded relationship with Him.

I'm reminded of that saying about Christianity,

"Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with God our Creator"!

That's awesome!

How to make that a progressively, endearing, dependent relationship, though?   It's a relationship that from the moment of salvation (birth into His family), onward throughout a believer's life,  needs constant interaction.  But, how?

The Psalmist David prayed,

 "Teach me Your way, LORD, that I may rely on Your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your Name" (Psalm 86:11 NIV).

Note the "undivided heart".  Look at how David believed that could be achieved.  A chain reaction:  learn God's way, then rely on His faithfulness to generated the undivided heart which, in turn, produces that fear, that awe and respect and reverence of our Lord and Savior, bringing an individual into closer intimacy with Him.

What's true for the physical, is true for the spiritual.  A mundane example would be, the more two people know each other, the greater the understanding of each other's character, attitudes, moods, likes and dislikes.  Those in such an ideal relationship will then govern themselves with respect that such closeness affords and demands, and in turn draws them into an even closer, more trusting and inter-dependent alliance.

When either one does something out of line and disappoints the other, that bond is negatively tested and affected but hopefully holds tight.  Or, if one or the other follows some pursuit that involves greater blocks of time elsewhere, the relationship can cool.  There is a divided heart.

Think of that illustration of the burning coals that glow, contentedly together, offering up their combined warmth.  However, when one ember is removed and set upon the hearth, the glow slowly peters out; dies.

Human beings are often fickle, distracted, easily wearied with the effort of maintaining a relationship.  The rewards though, are beneficial to one and all when it is treasured, cherished and worked at; they can 'burn together" brightly, lending each other warmth of relationship.

No less our relationship with our Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, His Son.  If things go south, it is not His fault.  

"...I, the LORD, do not change..." (Malachi 3:6 NIV).

He is there 24/7 for us.

"The same yesterday, and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus prayed that His disciples would have such a relationship as He did with His Father, God.  You see, He left them (us) with the gift of His Father's words.

"For I gave them the words You gave Me and they accepted them.  They knew with certainty that I came from You and they believed that You sent Me" (John 17:8 NIV).

Most couples want to have good conversation with their spouse, the relationship being a two-way street.  Give and take and acceptance.  This builds up over time and constant seeking out the other and with kind, considerate, forbearing and exclusive interaction within the relationship. 

As we study the life of Jesus, you'll observe how many times Jesus went out to lonely, isolated places to converse and confer in quiet with His Father.  He is our Perfect Example in all things.  We do well to follow suit.

Find your "lonely" place and visit with Him often.  Be taught by the truth and guidance of the Scriptures.  This is where we followers of Jesus can learn about Him and His Father; where we can learn of His likes and dislikes; of His character; where we can be taught to trust and rely upon Him; to please Him and to just soak and bathe quietly in His presence.  A place to let all other "loves" drift away, uniting your heart with your Heavenly Father's heart with undivided devotion.

Allow God's Word to unite you with the Lord and curry an ever increasing intimate relationship with Him in reverence and fear.  You will not be disappointed.

                                                        ~ERC  October 2019~

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